A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection?

Mind Over Matter

Registered Senior Member

"The entire Resurrection process is akin to the Big Bang creation of the universe when something was created from nothing,” explains Piczek. “You can read the science of the Shroud, such as total lack of gravity, lack of entropy (without gravitational collapse), no time, no space—it conforms to no known law of physics."
Dame Piczek created a one-fourth size sculpture of the man in the Shroud. When viewed from the side, it appears as if the man is suspended in mid air (see graphic, below), indicating that the image defies previously accepted science. The phenomenon of the image brings us to a true event horizon, a moment when all of the laws of physics change drastically.
Dame Piczek contends that the image was created in an infinitesimally small fraction of a second and its formation was absent of the effects of gravity.
The Physics Behind the Holographic Image
Dame Piczek explains the complicated physics behind the image on the Shroud: “As quantum time collapses to absolute zero (time stopped moving) in the tomb of Christ, the two event horizons (one stopping events from above and the other stop-ping the events from below at the moment of the zero time col-lapse) going through the body get infinitely close to each other and eliminate each other (causing the image to print itself on the two sides of the Shroud).
In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in space-time, most often an area surrounding a black hole, beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. Light emitted from beyond the horizon can never reach the observer, and anything that passes through the horizon from the ob-server’s side appears to freeze in place.
Attempting to make an object approaching the horizon re-main stationary with respect to an observer requires applying a force whose magnitude becomes unbounded (becoming infinite) the closer it gets.
The description of black holes given by general relativity is known to be only an approximation, and it is expected that quantum gravity effects become significant near the vicinity of the event horizon.1 It is this apparent suspension of gravity that underlies Dame Piczek’s analysis
Does Piczek explain why Jesus wasn't wrapped in the shroud, according to Jewish burial custom?

That is: why does the "image" look as if the shroud was laid out, a body laid on it, then covered over with the other half? That's completely unkosher.

Does he do a good job of explaining the paint pigments that have been detected in samples from the shroud that appear to date from the 14th century? Does he discuss the common occurrence of medieval religious fakes, and present a convincing argument against the possibility of the Turin shroud being a medieval fake?

Or not?
"In 2004, Dame Piczek became fascinated by the total absence of distortion of the Shroud image, a physical impossibility if the body had been lying on solid rock. Piczek’s work strongly suggests that the image of Jesus was projected as a quantum hologram onto the cloth as His body underwent the process of Resurrection."

Taken From http://www.khouse.org/articles/2008/847
Some sites regarding the Shroud of Turin -






For anyone interested in the Shroud, Ian Wilson's first book on the subject is a good introduction, giving the history of the Shroud as well as evidence relating to the possibility that it is the burial cloth of Jesus. That book was entitle "The Shroud of Turin--The Burial Cloth of Christ?"

He wrote a later book entitled "The Blood and the Shroud" but I still think the first book is a prerequisite. There were also several scientists involved in the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) who wrote a detailed account of their studies, but I don't recall the name of that book.
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What is Dame Piczek an expert in? What sort of qualifications? IOWs, why should I care what Dame Piczek finds interesting?
For your questions,

Is Dame Piczek a Professor of Physics?

What is Dame Piczek an expert in? What sort of qualifications? IOWs, why should I care what Dame Piczek finds interesting?

I googled her name and found this article

LOVELAND, Colorado, January 27, 2009 - For two thousand years Christians have accepted the biblical account of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the basis of their faith. Recently, Dame Isabel Piczek—a Hungarian trained particle physicist and internationally renowned monumental artist—uncovered hard, scientific evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, rise from the dead. The object of her study is a simple piece of ancient fabric known as the Shroud of Turin.

Not a Physics Professor... but a Particle Physicist. Will this satisfy your query?
Not a Physics Professor... but a Particle Physicist.
That appears to be in error:

As does the claim that she's an "internationally renowned monumental artist" (since a quick Google brings up nothing about her "monumental art").

I also find it intriguing that that site claims she has
uncovered hard, scientific evidence that Jesus Christ did, in fact, rise from the dead.
A) there appears to be no peer-reviewed papers of this "hard scientific evidence", simply a straight-to-the-public-book, and
B) there is no hard scientific evidence that Jesus Christ actually existed.

Slightly hard to prove that a guy rose from the dead if you can't even prove he alive in the first place, neh?
For your questions,

I googled her name and found this article

Not a Physics Professor... but a Particle Physicist. Will this satisfy your query?
What University or Laboratory does she work at?
What are her qualifications? If she has a PhD it will be possible to read it as it's published.
Any papers she's published in peer review journals? (citations would be good)
Does the word "quantum" give supernatural powers to anything it's applied to? Does quantum poop make a room smell like roses rather than having the effect of normal poop?
What University or Laboratory does she work at?
What are her qualifications? If she has a PhD it will be possible to read it as it's published.
Any papers she's published in peer review journals? (citations would be good)
A good idea to find her scientific credentials might be to email her.
As does the claim that she's an "internationally renowned monumental artist" (since a quick Google brings up nothing about her "monumental art").

Hungarian artist Isabel Piczek commissioned to create nine stained glass windows for campus chapel.


The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great
Three OLL Parishioners were bestowed papal awards when they received the titles of Knight and Dames of The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. The 3 parishioners were bestowed the papal honours in recognition of their service to the Church, unusual labors, support of the Holy See, and the good example set in their communities and country. The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. was begun by Pope Gregory XVI in 1831 and all members are chosen personally by Pope John Paul II. The 3 parishioners are Knight Lanh Van Nguyen, Dame Isabel Piczek and her sister Dame Edith Piczek.

Our Lady of Loretto Elementary School

Hungarian artist Isabel Piczek commissioned to create nine stained glass windows for campus chapel.


The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great
Three OLL Parishioners were bestowed papal awards when they received the titles of Knight and Dames of The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. The 3 parishioners were bestowed the papal honours in recognition of their service to the Church, unusual labors, support of the Holy See, and the good example set in their communities and country. The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. was begun by Pope Gregory XVI in 1831 and all members are chosen personally by Pope John Paul II. The 3 parishioners are Knight Lanh Van Nguyen, Dame Isabel Piczek and her sister Dame Edith Piczek.

Our Lady of Loretto Elementary School

I can't see how any of that even vaugely qualifies her as anything but a Roman Catholic.
hehe..notice how since no-one here can argue against the facts posited, that the focus is now on devaluing the author?

what happened to attack the idea not the author??

and did you notice that on the reconstruction of jesus from the shroud that they made him white?
What facts? Haven't seen any yet. Other than radiocarbon dating placing the shroud at around 1400 CE.

Dame Piczek explains the complicated physics behind the image on the Shroud: “As quantum time collapses to absolute zero (time stopped moving) in the tomb of Christ, the two event horizons (one stopping events from above and the other stop-ping the events from below at the moment of the zero time col-lapse) going through the body get infinitely close to each other and eliminate each other (causing the image to print itself on the two sides of the Shroud).

Sounds more like word salad.
Yes, and as I said, other than dating the shroud to over 1400 years after it was supposed to be created, nothing much other than speculation and myth.