A Poem Thread

Lyrics in progress

Will you?

Will you let me hold your hand

when you are lonely

Will you let me smile

when you walk in the room?

Will you let me cry

when I see you feelin' blue

Will you let me be a friend that is true to you?
Lyrics in progress

Will you?

Will you let me hold your hand

when you are lonely

Will you let me smile

when you walk in the room?

Will you let me cry

when I see you feelin' blue

Will you let me be a friend that is true to you?

I like what you've put together so far. Do you play an instrument? :)
nice story Wegs..just love the beautiful irony and wisdom...

Yes, 'tis a classic...and sometimes, it still makes me cry when I read it. :eek:
I like what you've put together so far. Do you play an instrument? :)
Yes I used to be a professional Trumpet/flugal player, stage, vocals and limited keyboards. (about 10 years prior to health issues)
Now a days I just write/compose using a PC package instead. Sample
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I don't normally share this sort of detail as the musical side of me has a very sad story attached...
Do you play an instrument?
Sunday Park

Brightly filters sunlight
through the foliage
of the scarred old tree
bearing knife marks
Joe loves Mary, 1963
broken hearts, carved so bold
for anyone to see

Sunday morning park
basking in the sun
flowers blooming, beetles zooming
so inviting to have fun

Car pulls up the parking lot
slamming doors, engine hot
blankets, dishes, picnic baskets
on the grass that is still wet
balls and bats, strung out net
now we’re ready, we’re all set.

Watch it Johnny, don’t do that
Steven, see, you broke the bat
oh, where is that catsup now
we need more coals, this meat is raw
oh, my, I’m just to old for this
I should have stayed at home
mother, look, you see this bump
he hit me with a stone

Sunday, funday park
blazing in the sun
people bustling, children tussling
all pretending to have fun

Time is up, time to go
it’s getting onto six
let’s break it up, pack it in
no, no, no, no more tricks
we’ll be back next week for sure
you can count on that
hurry up now, let’s get going
has anyone seen my hat

Sunday evening park
slowly sets the sun
litter scattered, flowers battered
all is quiet from the fun

Dimly filters sunlight
through the foliage
of the scarred old tree
bearing knife marks
I love Mary, Joe is crazy, 1963
broken hearts, pierced with arrows
but no one to see.
Sunday Park

Brightly filters sunlight
through the foliage
of the scarred old tree
bearing knife marks
Joe loves Mary, 1963
broken hearts, carved so bold
for anyone to see

Sunday morning park
basking in the sun
flowers blooming, beetles zooming
so inviting to have fun

Car pulls up the parking lot
slamming doors, engine hot
blankets, dishes, picnic baskets
on the grass that is still wet
balls and bats, strung out net
now we’re ready, we’re all set.

Watch it Johnny, don’t do that
Steven, see, you broke the bat
oh, where is that catsup now
we need more coals, this meat is raw
oh, my, I’m just to old for this
I should have stayed at home
mother, look, you see this bump
he hit me with a stone

Sunday, funday park
blazing in the sun
people bustling, children tussling
all pretending to have fun

Time is up, time to go
it’s getting onto six
let’s break it up, pack it in
no, no, no, no more tricks
we’ll be back next week for sure
you can count on that
hurry up now, let’s get going
has anyone seen my hat

Sunday evening park
slowly sets the sun
litter scattered, flowers battered
all is quiet from the fun

Dimly filters sunlight
through the foliage
of the scarred old tree
bearing knife marks
I love Mary, Joe is crazy, 1963
broken hearts, pierced with arrows
but no one to see.
This is really nice.. is it yours?
I used to look up at the night-time sky
And ask myself the age-old question: “Why?
Why does the sky appear so dark at night?”
And then I found out: Because there’s no light!
I used to look up at the night-time sky
And ask myself the age-old question: “Why?
Why does the sky appear so dark at night?”
And then I found out: Because there’s no light!

Let there be light,
day and night!
Don’t judge the night sky
with a naked eye.
Due to endless space,
there’s still a trace.
It’s a common misunderstanding.
The universe is still expanding.
So, don’t be misled.
There’s light…in the infrared.
Of course the Universe is still expanding –
At least the Big Bang is my understanding –
Though if the Universe is dense enough
A Big Crunch may start pulling back all stuff.
Hey you!

I like this. :)

Let there be light,
day and night!
Don’t judge the night sky
with a naked eye.
Due to endless space,
there’s still a trace.
It’s a common misunderstanding.
The universe is still expanding.
So, don’t be misled.
There’s light…in the infrared.
Swallowing Butterflies

Hurriedly on my way to a meeting,
I met a pause in the hallway -
She wore my crooked smile
While I carried my anxiety
My arms full of notebooks
Scattered pages poking out
Dog-eared and dirty with use
Like an agenda of worries
I continue to write minutes -
Hours of concerned intentions
Drawn forth by my worn pen tip
From a dark inkwell of insecurity
Contracts I write with myself
I envied that pause -
Moving counterclockwise
She had so much time
To breathe
will be
in the
of this

This man once welcomed me with wide open arms

I fell into
his trap like
a lost and
wandering sheep
I tried to do
everything he
told me to do
afraid he might
turn me out

But now I am
strong enough
I now     need
not be       his
slave        for I
can             now
at last              stand on
my own                 two feet

No names have been mentioned for this portrait
but if that man reads this and knows who he is
I can only say I am sorry but it is not my fault
I have no power to save him from knowing who he is[/CENTER]

beer beer
too many years
gluten intolerance
does of fermented drinks



your 'hat 'sa

water cracker
water cracker

half a loaf of potato braed

Old man

Old man sitting, rocking , dreaming
summer evening, swamp air steaming
he's a'thinkin, puffin smoke
pipestem worn, burned out bowl
crops of corn, grandma's stole
he's a'thinkin, puffin smoke
Jody's dog, what a scare
Billy's hog, last year's fair
he's a'thinkin, puffin smoke

Old man, sitting all alone
thinking and a'dreamin, ain't no phone
he's had a good life by and by
now he's resting , time does fly
silver watch, cousin Joe
boxing match, what a blow
he's a'thinkin, puffin smoke
caught a trout in the rain
damn that gout causin pain
he's a'thinkin, puffin smoke

Old man sitting, rocking , dreaming
summer evening, swamp air steaming
he's a'thinkin, puffin smoke