A Nightmare Scenario for Homosexuals

Is it OK for parents to abort a fetus with the gay gene?

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I think the most sensible - and most likely - solution to this problem has already been given by Oniw17:

Oniw17 said:
if it was possible to test for homosexuality in the womb, it would be best to restrict those types of tests.

Who in their right mind would give parents such highly prejudicial information in the first place?
Woody said:
What if homosexuality is 100% genetic as the gay-rights community hopes to prove?

If it IS 100% genetic, and you believe that God created man, then God is directly responsible for the gay gene.
So, either God is evil and wants to send people to hell by giving them the gay gene, or God did not create man and creationism is wrong (which it is), OR God loves gay people so much he created the gene to ensure that there are always going to be gay people.
So what do you think Woody??
wsionynw said:
If it IS 100% genetic, and you believe that God created man, then God is directly responsible for the gay gene.
So, either God is evil and wants to send people to hell by giving them the gay gene, or God did not create man and creationism is wrong (which it is), OR God loves gay people so much he created the gene to ensure that there are always going to be gay people.
So what do you think Woody??

As I said, we're all born sinners. Homosexuals are no different.
Woody said:
As I said, we're all born sinners. Homosexuals are no different.
But if it IS genetic why would God wire people that way? To make life even harder? To encourage sin through sex or suicide? A cosmic joke? As an agnostic homo socialist janitor I'm curious how the Christians validate this.
Genji said:
But if it IS genetic why would God wire people that way? To make life even harder? To encourage sin through sex or suicide? A cosmic joke? As an agnostic homo socialist janitor I'm curious how the Christians validate this.
Interesting point. If it's genetic, then either there is no God, or he's a cruel joker unworthy of respect.
spidergoat said:
Interesting point. If it's genetic, then either there is no God, or he's a cruel joker unworthy of respect.
If there is a God and it's genetic he must love and cherish us too.
Yes, that could be so, and the bible (or the common interpretation of it) is wrong.
Woody said:
As I said, we're all born sinners. Homosexuals are no different.

I thought we were made in 'his' image? Does that mean God is a sinner? If so, then is he in league with the Devil?
What's the Devil's view on gay people, does he offer them a back door (as it were) into heaven, or does he burn them for all eternity?
Woody said:
As I said, we're all born sinners. Homosexuals are no different.

So....somebody born braindead and who dies shortly after birth goes straight to hell for being a sinner?
Genji said:
But if it IS genetic why would God wire people that way?
I think He probably did it to test us. That's why He wired people with the urge to plunder, rape and kill too - so that we'd go through life fighting these urges, and thus earn our place in Heaven. He's such a barrel of laughs.
wsionynw said:
Or a cruel God. Fuck, who would believe in a God that blesses and burns on a whim? :(
He's even more cruel when you consider that He's the one who's decided to take that life. I mean, why allow the woman to get pregnant in the first place if He knew that was going to happen? All another test for her, of course. :rolleyes:
Genji said:
But if it IS genetic why would God wire people that way? To make life even harder? To encourage sin through sex or suicide? A cosmic joke? As an agnostic homo socialist janitor I'm curious how the Christians validate this.

From the christian point of view, it's a disease we inherited from Adam.. We did not chose to be sinners, but many people choose to remain sinners. I chose not to remain a sinner.
wsionynw said:
So....somebody born braindead and who dies shortly after birth goes straight to hell for being a sinner?

Not so, they never knew right from wrong, hence they are not under the penalty of the law.
Woody said:
From the christian point of view, it's a disease we inherited from Adam.. We did not chose to be sinners, but many people choose to remain sinners. I chose not to remain a sinner.
Adam was gay!?? Shouldn't somebody tell Eve!??
Woody said:
Not so, they never knew right from wrong, hence they are not under the penalty of the law.

You said we are all born sinners? So what is it, we are all born potential sinners, but not quite sinners as such. We choose whether or not to become sinners. Does this work for people that grow up without any knowledge of religion, are they not under the penalty of law for reasons of ignorance?