That's the whole point....the guy is claiming he was in hell for a bit. So was he or wasn't he?
Are you sure he said he was in hell? He said he heard voices saying he was in Hell, and that's what he based his deduction on. Did you watch the video completely? I don't know where he was. You aren't going ask for proof, are you?
It's one man's opinion, yet the whole world has to know. A perfect example of how religious lore is allowed to propagate.
What you are suggesting, IMO, is censorship of the internet? It may be a good idea.
Yes, his account is slightly off conventional but close enough to be swallowed hook, line and sinker by the faithful. His story and countless others, although deviating somewhat from what is held to be true is nonetheless accepted as the gospel truth, proof of god and an afterlife. It also reaffirms to the flock the authenticity of the Bible which for its part only has to be close to accurate enough to satisfy the believers.
He interpreted it as Christian. You may be jumping to conclusions in your statement. "proof" isn't going to help anyone believe anything about the afterlife. Seriously, what verfiable, reproducible, testable proof would you require?
You are right. The faithful will take this as an affirmation of their beliefs, and it is a testimony that is moving, IMO.