A Guy Dies And Experiences Both Hell and Heaven -- Real Thought-Provoking Testimony

That's the whole point....the guy is claiming he was in hell for a bit. So was he or wasn't he?

Are you sure he said he was in hell? He said he heard voices saying he was in Hell, and that's what he based his deduction on. Did you watch the video completely? I don't know where he was. You aren't going ask for proof, are you?

It's one man's opinion, yet the whole world has to know. A perfect example of how religious lore is allowed to propagate.

What you are suggesting, IMO, is censorship of the internet? It may be a good idea.

Yes, his account is slightly off conventional but close enough to be swallowed hook, line and sinker by the faithful. His story and countless others, although deviating somewhat from what is held to be true is nonetheless accepted as the gospel truth, proof of god and an afterlife. It also reaffirms to the flock the authenticity of the Bible which for its part only has to be close to accurate enough to satisfy the believers.

He interpreted it as Christian. You may be jumping to conclusions in your statement. "proof" isn't going to help anyone believe anything about the afterlife. Seriously, what verfiable, reproducible, testable proof would you require?
You are right. The faithful will take this as an affirmation of their beliefs, and it is a testimony that is moving, IMO.
Alot of the courses I listed were also science courses. Astronomy has some good components about it and I am not sure I would recommend it at this point. What I would like to encourage is taking some courses that really focus on better understanding reality.

I can see that you do have an interest in celestial bodies. What do you like about them and what other interests do you have?

My cultural heritage is american with a touch of jewish theism.

You have a message.
rjr6...I did not listen to the whole thing in its entirety. I skipped over some the personal opinion stuff and tried to narrow in on the claim. I believe he mentioned that when he was fumbling around in the darkness of hell a voice told him that he was indeed in hell.

I'm not advocating censorship and in no way did I suggest it. My point was that this story and its ilk should be taken with a grain of salt and compared to, if anything, a fairy tale. The question is whether one should accept it as proof.

It doesn't have to be Christian as most religions on this Earth have some type of built in heaven-hell scenario. A bible isn't necessarily a Christian domain(the quran is a bible also)
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rjr6...I did not listen to the whole thing in its entirety. I skipped over some the personal opinion stuff and tried to narrow in on the claim. I believe he mentioned that when he was fumbling around in the darkness of hell a voice told him that he was indeed in hell.

I'm not advocating censorship and in no way did I suggest it. My point was that this story and its ilk should be taken with a grain of salt and compared to, if anything, a fairy tale. The question is whether one should accept it as proof.

It doesn't have to be Christian as most religions on this Earth have some type of built in heaven-hell scenario. A bible isn't necessarily a Christian domain(the quran is a bible also)

He was quoting from the new testament and wasn't presenting it as proof, more as a corroboration. I think the personal experience part is important as all his claims were based on it.
You know, imagine if your right. We ought to bottle 'jellyfish juice' and inject criminals with it. Instant rehab.