A Guy Dies And Experiences Both Hell and Heaven -- Real Thought-Provoking Testimony

It is impressive how sane he sounded. [...] Experiences like these are hard to dismiss out of hand.

I believe PsychoticEpisode did exactly this earlier in the thread: Typical reaction of a brain under stress, looking for a way out of a life threatening predicament, coupled with a huge dose of neuro toxins, carrying a lot of guilt and scared shitless.

This affects even the sanest of people.

You might be right, but youre speculating out of your arse and you know it.

So the guy's brain was suffering from a large dose of halucinogenic neurotoxins (as I understand from reading this thread), and you expect logic to say something other than he was halucinating?

heliocentric said:
We really dont know what causes 'near death' experiences to be triggered in some but not in others, why they happen atall, and why reoccuring themes crop up within these experiences.

I can venture to guess why recurring themes come up: It's because we're raised in a common culture.

Naysayers aside, I thought the man's story had 'the ring of truth to it'.

Such is expected from a person who really believes what he's saying.

rjr6 said:
This man seemed reasonable, could have explained it as toxins in his blood and stress, but the experience would not let him, apparently.

People who seem reasonable aren't always so. Humans are often illogical creatures.

Exactly, Athiests worship nothingness

I laughed out loud at the rediculous image that popped into my head:

"Oh merciful and loving Nothing, wise beyond all we can imagine, I have built this temple in honor of You, in the hopes that You will smile upon me in my humble attempt to live life. Amen."

Oh yes, atheists are building lots of these temples in worship of Almighty Nothing, eh?

Saying athiest and thiests are inherently the same is like saying those who cheat before examinations and those who study are the same; they both want a good test score.

A better analogy: Saying atheism is a religion is like saying baldness is a hair color.
Then there are those that have had a real supernatural experience apart from and outside of any man-made religious organization.

To me, this is akin to a child saying some kids sit on the laps of department store Santa's while others have sat on the lap of the real Santa.
Theists, can be those that believe in a god but are too easily convinced and without any real revelation are deceived into a false religious system.

It is insane how you could class any religious system as being true and that 'revelation' exists at all. Just utterly insane and delusional. How you come about a religious system being true, and godly revelation existing is simply delusional...

Did I mention that it is delusional?

Then there are those that have had a real supernatural experience apart from and outside of any man-made religious organization.

Unbelievable! You are so gullible... and delusional... did I mention that?
To me, this is akin to a child saying some kids sit on the laps of department store Santa's while others have sat on the lap of the real Santa.

Yeah, but when he pulls out that hot dog whistle you cried for thirty years ago that no one but you knew about......you'll know which one he is.

That's how He works.
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Help me out-teach me something- what do you know?

Quite a bit and I don't have the means to directly perform the role of a teacher to convey years of knowledge. If you are an adult however, I would gladly help enroll you in college, help you choose some courswork, and help you pay for it if you lacked the means.
I'm not sure why the guy in the video decided to become a devoted religious proponent post mortem. If anything he should be up there telling the flock NOT to believe everything they read, particularly the Bible. As far as I can tell the things that happened to him while he was dead are not mentioned in many Biblical texts. I see a guy who claims to have been sent to hell only to simply walk away from it. I mean where and when was he judged? Maybe hell is where we all get sent to first, like a drunk tank, to await trial. Then again why even judge if your Pure Love?

God is Pure Love, our speaker claims, the big guy just adores us all. Yet Pure Love will send you straight to hell. Why would Pure Love even construct hell in the first place?

The audience, despite what they've been taught, accept this guy's recant as gospel? I think this whole dream sequence is just one of those things people want to believe. Despite it being a bit contrary to what people think, people need some reassurance that they aren't wasting their life on religious nonsense.
I'm not sure why the guy in the video decided to become a devoted religious proponent post mortem. If anything he should be up there telling the flock NOT to believe everything they read, particularly the Bible. As far as I can tell the things that happened to him while he was dead are not mentioned in many Biblical texts. I see a guy who claims to have been sent to hell only to simply walk away from it. I mean where and when was he judged? Maybe hell is where we all get sent to first, like a drunk tank, to await trial. Then again why even judge if your Pure Love?

God is Pure Love, our speaker claims, the big guy just adores us all. Yet Pure Love will send you straight to hell. Why would Pure Love even construct hell in the first place?

Maybe he wasn't in Hell. he just said he heard voices in the dark saying that's where he was. What scared him, and I forget how he put it, was the feeling he got.
When people talk about being sent to Hell by God, I understand why they have trouble with a deity. I don't think that's how it works. I think it is a matter of choice. You know, who chooses to be pregnant, addicted to crack, HIV positive, homeless, criminal record and without a job. But you look at the choices they make, and that's where they end up. I know it is a poor analogy, and circumstances play a large (huge) role, but I see frequent posts about God doing this and God doing that and it is not about him. It's about you and your decisions. And this is serious buisness. It's not a joke, a game or a ride. He wants us to be in the light. But if you pervert what he gave you, and ignore the light, you can't be with him and it won't (and isn't) his choice. This existence is far more complex than we realize and i'm sorry if I sound like a nutter. And 'him' and 'hell' and 'heaven' and 90% of the words we use to describe this relationship/reality are insufficient in truly explaining it. And no I don't have proof, haven't visited heaven recently, or talked to God. Just look around you carefully. I know it sounds absurd and far to simple but pray that he makes it easier for you somehow. This whole post is trite but why do some insist on blaming God for creating hell? Wait a second, he did....dam. I guess I'll just go back to believing in my safety blanket/warm fuzzy of eternal damnation of my soul if I can't balance my existence in this world. whew! that's much better. and so easy.
Quite a bit and I don't have the means to directly perform the role of a teacher to convey years of knowledge. If you are an adult however, I would gladly help enroll you in college, help you choose some courswork, and help you pay for it if you lacked the means.

thank you for your generous offer. Instead of helping me, why don't you donate some of your money to a charity in my name? In turn, I will improve my level of knowledge. I'll let you pick something you think will help me better understand something relevant to this thread, or something else.
thank you for your generous offer. Instead of helping me, why don't you donate some of your money to a charity in my name? In turn, I will improve my level of knowledge. I'll let you pick something you think will help me better understand something relevant to this thread, or something else.

What charity do you have in mind?
Since the discussion between you two is in regards to education, might I recommend a donor? I've two blogger friends that are raising money for education projects through Donor's Choose.

Afarensis is raising money for two projects: to teach geology to California school children and to bring science to South Bronx schools.

Coturnix is raising money for about eight projects to introduce science topics to school kids.
rjr6 said:
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) seems like a good one to me, though it is entirely up to you.

It seems reasonable to me. Take a look at SkinWalker's links as well and let me know if they would also work for you.

In the meantime let's discuss our agreement. I will no doubt offer proof of donation once made. Now, how do you propose improving your level of knowledge? Where are you at education-wise at present?
Since the discussion between you two is in regards to education, might I recommend a donor? I've two blogger friends that are raising money for education projects through Donor's Choose.

Afarensis is raising money for two projects: to teach geology to California school children and to bring science to South Bronx schools.

Coturnix is raising money for about eight projects to introduce science topics to school kids.

Great find Skin.
It seems reasonable to me. Take a look at SkinWalker's links as well and let me know if they would also work for you.

Either one of those would be a great idea.

In the meantime let's discuss our agreement. I will no doubt offer proof of donation once made. Now, how do you propose improving your level of knowledge? Where are you at education-wise at present?

Most recently, Martial Arts have piqued my interests. I have been considering training in Tai-Kwan-Do. Would that do? It is not very intellectual, admittably, but It does force one to train the mind to be disciplined, from my understanding.

I have a high school education with some college
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rjr6 said:
Either one of those would be a great idea.

Fantastic! I'll likely choose one of Skinwalkers suggestions.

rjr6 said:
Most recently, Martial Arts have piqued my interests. I have been considering training in Tai-Kwan-Do. Would that do? It is not very intellectual, admittably, but It does force one to train the mind to be disciplined, from my understanding.

Martial arts is a cool thing. I was thinking something more along the lines of critical thinking, evolutionary biology, human psychology, biology, physiology, biochemistry, physics (mechanics / particle theory), calculus, fluid dynamics, etc. The type of knowledge gained from courses like these is great because it starts aligning your thinking to the way reality works. What do you think?
Martial arts is a cool thing. I was thinking something more along the lines of critical thinking, evolutionary biology, human psychology, biology, physiology, biochemistry, physics (mechanics / particle theory), calculus, fluid dynamics, etc. The type of knowledge gained from courses like these is great because it starts aligning your thinking to the way reality works. What do you think?

How about a science course? I have always been interested in astronomy. That does fall under a physical science, and would include astrophysics, I understand.
I have a personal question, if you don't mind. What's your cultural heritage?
How about a science course? I have always been interested in astronomy. That does fall under a physical science, and would include astrophysics, I understand.
I have a personal question, if you don't mind. What's your cultural heritage?

Alot of the courses I listed were also science courses. Astronomy has some good components about it and I am not sure I would recommend it at this point. What I would like to encourage is taking some courses that really focus on better understanding reality.

I can see that you do have an interest in celestial bodies. What do you like about them and what other interests do you have?

My cultural heritage is american with a touch of jewish theism.
Maybe he wasn't in Hell. he just said he heard voices in the dark saying that's where he was. What scared him, and I forget how he put it, was the feeling he got.

That's the whole point....the guy is claiming he was in hell for a bit. So was he or wasn't he? It's one man's opinion, yet the whole world has to know. A perfect example of how religious lore is allowed to propagate. Yes, his account is slightly off conventional but close enough to be swallowed hook, line and sinker by the faithful. His story and countless others, although deviating somewhat from what is held to be true is nonetheless accepted as the gospel truth, proof of god and an afterlife. It also reaffirms to the flock the authenticity of the Bible which for its part only has to be close to accurate enough to satisfy the believers.