A God We Know Nothing About

You are assigned the purpose to be happy. The means you take to fulfill that propensity are more the issue of investigation however

Getting down to the brass tacks of spiritual merit, it basically boils down to dealing with the consequences of our choices in the pursuit of happiness.

Wait a minute, the means I take work for me. Hitler invaded, Ted Bundy killed, and they were thrilled about it. Any purpose assigned me by God is no different than yours, be happy. Yet for some reason I can't be happy if I do it a certain way? Then happiness is not mine or anyone's purpose. You just gave a purpose for God, which is to give us a purpose, not a happy situation at all. If God wants us to be happy then is it safe to say He is not? Or should we strive to be as happy as He is?

If I have two nations full of happy people fighting each other for the right to maintain their happiness then I, the unhappy one, may have to pick up a gun one day and use it just to keep you and your fellow revelers happy. Would your band of merry men be so inclined to return the favor to someone so unhappy as I? Happy is so subjective, so different for everyone. What kind of god gives a shit about a little bag of water's happiness?
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You are assigned the purpose to be happy. The means you take to fulfill that propensity are more the issue of investigation however

Getting down to the brass tacks of spiritual merit, it basically boils down to dealing with the consequences of our choices in the pursuit of happiness.

No 1 assigns any purpose to me. No gods, devils, spirits, aliens or babbling buffoons.
No 1 assigns any purpose to me. No gods, devils, spirits, aliens or babbling buffoons.

I see where purpose is being argued about on another thread as I type. If LG and his ilk believe God assigns purposes to our lives then why question the atheist? Unless atheism has no divine purpose. If theists do question the atheist then they are questioning the will of God, are they not? By the way atheists are exempt from not questioning theists in the same way since we have no god to assign us this task. Thus believing in God means you cannot argue against an atheist unless your purpose is to question atheists or God's will.
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They want it both ways. And in their desperation, they either can't see or can't admit the contradiction or both. And they are compelled to condemn those who are not caught in the wake of their absurd cruel fantasy.
Wait a minute, the means I take work for me. Hitler invaded, Ted Bundy killed, and they were thrilled about it. Any purpose assigned me by God is no different than yours, be happy.
not really

as I mentioned before, the pursuit of happiness is a given.
the means you take to fulfill that propensity is your responsibility

Yet for some reason I can't be happy if I do it a certain way?
An obvious hierarchy exists.
Not even your most dogmatic liberal would suggest that Ted Bundy's means for happiness are just as valid as anyone else's.
Then happiness is not mine or anyone's purpose. You just gave a purpose for God, which is to give us a purpose, not a happy situation at all.
perhaps if you also assign that the purpose of the conditioned world is the best god has on offer for the pursuit of happiness
If God wants us to be happy then is it safe to say He is not?
not at all

Of the many distinguishing aspects between god and the living entity, god can lay claim to being fully independent. Regardless of whether we are conditioned or liberated, our scope for life/happiness is always involved in issues of contingency
Or should we strive to be as happy as He is?
We should strive to be as happy as he is. Meaning that we both share the same nature (eternal, blissful and cognizant). If we take it that happiness requires that we impersonate god (ie possess opulence with a mood of being the independent enjoyer) we lose scope of our constitutional position (aka temporary, distressed and full of ignorance)
If I have two nations full of happy people fighting each other for the right to maintain their happiness then I, the unhappy one, may have to pick up a gun one day and use it just to keep you and your fellow revelers happy.
conflict is inherent to the material world since.
You might have noticed that the BG is set on a battle field
BG 1.32 O Govinda, of what avail to us are a kingdom, happiness or even life itself when all those for whom we may desire them are now arrayed on this battlefield? O Madhusüdana, when teachers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, brothers-in-law and other relatives are ready to give up their lives and properties and are standing before me, why should I wish to kill them, even though they might otherwise kill me? O maintainer of all living entities, I am not prepared to fight with them even in exchange for the three worlds, let alone this earth. What pleasure will we derive from killing the sons of Dhrtarastra?
Would your band of merry men be so inclined to return the favor to someone so unhappy as I?
If fighting is your nature, you will act according to that nature.

BG 18.59 If you do not act according to My direction and do not fight, then you will be falsely directed. By your nature, you will have to be engaged in warfare.

Happy is so subjective, so different for everyone
Sure that's the material world for you - no scope for co-operative living. You can't even eat a cake without some ant trying to rain on your parade by eating it before you.

What kind of god gives a shit about a little bag of water's happiness?
Depends on what scope one has for happiness. If you're looking for happiness in the pursuit of propriety, distinction etc then sure, god doesn't give a shit about that (or more specifically, he assigns the laws of the conditioned world to facilitate such futile pursuits).
If one is looking for happiness in the pursuit of re-instating one's spiritual nature then he will walk 10 000 steps for every one of yours.
I see where purpose is being argued about on another thread as I type. If LG and his ilk believe God assigns purposes to our lives then why question the atheist?
I did a thread about that a while ago
Unless atheism has no divine purpose. If theists do question the atheist then they are questioning the will of God, are they not? By the way atheists are exempt from not questioning theists in the same way since we have no god to assign us this task.
as the OP from the thread indicates however, atheism remains somewhat shy of fulfilling Dostoyevsky's maxim.

Thus believing in God means you cannot argue against an atheist unless your purpose is to question atheists or God's will.
The real picture however is that you see theists situated on a variety of levels of realization
I did a thread about that a while ago

You wouldn't answer it then & you won't answer it now.

as the OP from the thread indicates however, atheism remains somewhat shy of fulfilling Dostoyevsky's maxim.

Atheism doesn't fulfill anything.

The real picture however is that you see theists situated on a variety of levels of realization

The real picture is you can't support your assertions.

You can't tell an indication of something from a refutation.
That certainly wasn't my 1st question about god. Even if it were, it was simply a question. Which you won't answer.
That wasn't, by far, my 1st question to you about god. That wasn't even my 1st question in that post.
Creepy how you focus on that question rather than the 1st in that post, which is obviously the main thing I was asking.
98% of your posts indicate the guiding force of your life is bullshitting people.

You can't tell an indication of something from a refutation.
That certainly wasn't my 1st question about god. Even if it were, it was simply a question. Which you won't answer.
That wasn't, by far, my 1st question to you about god. That wasn't even my 1st question in that post.
Creepy how you focus on that question rather than the 1st in that post, which is obviously the main thing I was asking.
98% of your posts indicate the guiding force of your life is bullshitting people.
The real picture however is that you see theists situated on a variety of levels of realization

No, they are all the same. If by that you mean some tend to dwell on God a bit more than others then yes. I really don't know if what they realize other than a god(s)is that important.

Do I care if a leprechaun has a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? No, once you get to believing in leprechauns without evidence then no need for me to take the extracurricular stuff seriously.
No, they are all the same. If by that you mean some tend to dwell on God a bit more than others then yes.
yes that's what I mean
I really don't know if what they realize other than a god(s)is that important.
given that even atheists are capable of launching into debate on the topic, I guess it simply requires a bit of reading on the subject

Do I care if a leprechaun has a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? No, once you get to believing in leprechauns without evidence then no need for me to take the extracurricular stuff seriously.
What I meant by the leprechaun comment was that if you were to tell me they exist, yet you are without any proof to back up your claim, then anything else to do with leprechauns is too pointless to mention. Bibles or whatever text you're reading or living by are no different.

I don't think there is any doubt that religious text is not the word of gods. I don't even have to get into it because right now no one can show me exactly what they know of god. No matter what you claim you know about God, written text means nothing unless the Almighty makes some open honest public attempt at communicating with us personally. Not in our minds but in real time, real space. Enough of this charade, it's time for God to put up or forever go away.

You know, through this whole debate no one has explained why or whether indoctrination is necessary. Is this the way to knowing God? Without it, would people know God just as easy? Is it necessary for religion to teach us about God this way because our natural instinct is to either not seek religion or discard it altogether? Left to our own devices would we care to know God?
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You can't tell an indication of something from a refutation.
That certainly wasn't my 1st question about god. Even if it were, it was simply a question. Which you won't answer.
That wasn't, by far, my 1st question to you about god. That wasn't even my 1st question in that post.
Creepy how you focus on that question rather than the 1st in that post, which is obviously the main thing I was asking.
98% of your posts indicate the guiding force of your life is bullshitting people.


Is that your proof of souls?