A God We Know Nothing About

Hardly, and I think you know it.

Out of curiousity, what is the foundation of your opinion here?

Coming from a person who said anyone who doesn't believe 9/11 was an inside job is a brainwashed idiot...I'm going to have a little laugh right now.

There. That felt good.

And again, where does the indoctrination come into play? And can you please elaborate on this?

gee jdawg, i'm beginning to think we may live on different planets.

indoctrination - cause to believe something. to teach somebody a belief, doctrine, or ideology thoroughly and systematically, especially with the goal of discouraging independent thought or the acceptance of other opinions.

capitalism and government

the government has control of our air supply, food supply, and water supply, and has contaminated and polluted it to the point of beyond natural recognition, either by it's own means and efforts, or by allowing it to be done in the name of greed. it's not even air, food, and water anymore, it's a cesspool of chemicals, waste, synthetic hormones, and pharmaceuticals. cancer is an epidemic. heart disease is an epidemic. diabetes is an epidemic. obesity is an epidemic. depression and anxiety are epidemic. the pharmaceutical companies are most definitely in bed with the fda, while they and the doctors and insurance companies are getting rich off of treating the symptoms of these diseases, and not curing them. the schools can now mandate that our children are to be medicated because how many out of how many of them are now diagnosed with ADD or some such similar disorder because nowadays they get no natural sunlight, no fresh air, no exercise, and are fed a steady diet of artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial preservatives, fat and high fructose corn syrup. all so they can sit behind a desk all day long and learn how to make money and become good little citizens (pat, pat on the head). you think this is all some big coincedence? all in the name of our glorious capitalism! your master...greed. bow down before the one you serve. you're going to get what you deserve.
gee jdawg, i'm beginning to think we may live on different planets.

indoctrination - cause to believe something. to teach somebody a belief, doctrine, or ideology thoroughly and systematically, especially with the goal of discouraging independent thought or the acceptance of other opinions.

And you have yet to demonstrate how any of this equates to indoctrination. The lengthy paragraph that follows has nothing to do with indoctrination. Well, let me take that back; it actually does. It demonstrates that you have been indoctrinated by the cult of Conspiracy Theorists.

capitalism and government

the government has control of our air supply, food supply, and water supply, and has contaminated and polluted it to the point of beyond natural recognition, either by it's own means and efforts, or by allowing it to be done in the name of greed. it's not even air, food, and water anymore, it's a cesspool of chemicals, waste, synthetic hormones, and pharmaceuticals. cancer is an epidemic. heart disease is an epidemic. diabetes is an epidemic. obesity is an epidemic. depression and anxiety are epidemic. the pharmaceutical companies are most definitely in bed with the fda, while they and the doctors and insurance companies are getting rich off of treating the symptoms of these diseases, and not curing them. the schools can now mandate that our children are to be medicated because how many out of how many of them are now diagnosed with ADD or some such similar disorder because nowadays they get no natural sunlight, no fresh air, no exercise, and are fed a steady diet of artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial preservatives, fat and high fructose corn syrup. all so they can sit behind a desk all day long and learn how to make money and become good little citizens (pat, pat on the head). you think this is all some big coincedence? all in the name of our glorious capitalism! your master...greed. bow down before the one you serve. you're going to get what you deserve.

OK, Trent Reznor, none of which is indoctrination! You may find corruption in places, sure, but that's not indoctrination either!

And as for your whole paranoid crap about the government controlling everything, again you're wrong. The government cannot prevent us from getting water or air or food. They do not hold dominion over such a thing. In the case of water, what they DO do is charge for the convenience of having it filtered and pumped directly into our houses. You can accomplish this on your own, free of charge, if you like.

You're obviously very young and very full of...well, whatever it is that makes you tick. I'm stepping away from this conversation, largely because it's pointless to content with someone who isn't yet bright enough to realize that they might be wrong, but also because I'm really tired of dealing with crazies.
the indoctrination lies in the belief that the government and capitalism are good and are working in our best interest. people buy into these systems just as they buy into some religion. religion is used for power, and so is government and capitalism, driven by greed.
and as a side note...i may have quoted some nin lyrics, as his music used to be passionate and can be somewhat relevant, but please don't call me trent reznor. he is the biggest pig of all, with is million dollar mansion, his sports car, and his 23 year old playboy model/gold digger fiance. he may have been privy to some good information with which to draw from, but the only reason he used it was to get his own ass out of trouble and to satisfy his inflated ego. that man makes me sick.
and as a side note...i may have quoted some nin lyrics, as his music used to be passionate and can be somewhat relevant, but please don't call me trent reznor. he is the biggest pig of all, with is million dollar mansion, his sports car, and his 23 year old playboy model/gold digger fiance. he may have been privy to some good information with which to draw from, but the only reason he used it was to get his own ass out of trouble and to satisfy his inflated ego. that man makes me sick.

The man makes you sick, yet you playfully quote his lyrics?

Give it a rest already.
the key ingredient is for a valid outlook (at least as far as sanity is concerned) is that a person be able to extrapolate on it intelligibly. For instance if there's nothing forthcoming from a murderer aside from "I believe it is ok" they can expect a lengthy jail sentence

Then why won't you do that?
NYC's camel population has been in decline, I can forgive them for the neglect.
hence factors of time place and circumstance come into play

How so? A simple 'this is for you God" every morning before starting up should suffice.
Tends to indicate that at the heart of the function was a "this is for me, god"

Does sacrificing an animal to God mean someone has specific knowledge of what God wants?
given that the regulations that govern such rituals often means that one can not whimsically slit the throat of what ever takes one's fancy, it appears so ...
You say yes and no. I can't think of too many nice reasons for God to desire animal sacrifice.
If you have a community that is predisposed to animal slaughter, it certainly benefits both the community and the animals in question.

Kind of like on face value, there may not appear to be anything particularly beneficial about midnight basket ball games
Besides if God demands it then it isn't a custom or ritual. It would be like a truck driver needing a truck, necessary for operations to continue.
I can't follow your train of thought in the above
Therefore IMO, custom and ritual have more to do with not knowing what God wants.
if you have a world of persons who somewhat lesser or greatly predisposed to doing what god what wants you also have a similarly variegated scheme of rituals
I wonder how many customs have come and gone because something unfavorable occurred post ritual that was attributed to God's displeasure with it. If a custom had good fortune associated with it then that custom would continue. It is not knowledge of God, people have merely deduced what God wants.
Before you can answer that you would have to look at what is underlying the idea of "good fortune". Money? Fame? Adoration? Beautiful spouse? .... or something else?
It would be unfair to conclude God is a big mean guy who likes blood & death because of certain customs and rituals that tend to be barbaric.
On the contrary its more to the point that there are certain communities that are predisposed to eating meat at any cost. Its exactly like how the regulative sale of alcohol was re-introduced when it became apparent that prohibition was a dismal failure.

If it is unfair to say God is not nice then it is also unfair to say He is nice. There is no justification for either conclusion to become factual. So if God can't be good or bad then no amount of custom and ritual means a damn thing. Now I'm right back where I started, a god we know nothing about.
As soon as you begin to introduce the living entity with an agenda separate from god, your argument becomes less coherent.

IOW this world is not merely an image of what god wants but an image of what god wants for persons who exhibit a particular type of want. Religious ritual is the introduction of the means to get closer to the former.
“Originally Posted by lightgigantic
the key ingredient is for a valid outlook (at least as far as sanity is concerned) is that a person be able to extrapolate on it intelligibly. For instance if there's nothing forthcoming from a murderer aside from "I believe it is ok" they can expect a lengthy jail sentence ”

Then why won't you do that?

feel free to indicate the post where I used the equivalent of "I believe it is ok"


I can't follow your train of thought in the above

IOW this world is not merely an image of what god wants but an image of what god wants for persons who exhibit a particular type of want. Religious ritual is the introduction of the means to get closer to the former.

Why do I feel the hole where the treasure chest containing the knowledge of God is buried in, just got deeper?

This is the first inclination you have made with respect to knowing anything about God. You say He wants an exhibitor of a particular want....and that want is? How do you know this?
why can i not quote the lyrics but dislike the man? you give it a rest buddy.

No, you pulled a childish trick in our conversation. You used Trent Reznor lyrics in one of your posts, and when I called you on it, you got upset at me for saying so, and then promptly got all moral on me as to why I should know Trent is a d-bag, even though you were the one quoting his lyrics.

If you think the guy is so disgusting, don't use his words as your own.

In the treasure chest is a box with a mirror in it. In the mirror is a reflection of another mirror in which there is a reflection of another mirror in which there is a reflection of another mirror ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The box with the mirror is in another box which is in another box which is in another box ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Each box cannot be unlocked before the box inside it is unlocked.

The treasure chest is in a black hole in a black hole in a black hole in a black hole at the center of the universe.
No, you pulled a childish trick in our conversation. You used Trent Reznor lyrics in one of your posts, and when I called you on it, you got upset at me for saying so, and then promptly got all moral on me as to why I should know Trent is a d-bag, even though you were the one quoting his lyrics.

If you think the guy is so disgusting, don't use his words as your own.

it wasn't a childish trick. your reaction to what i said is childish though. the lyrics were relevant. the man is a prick. nuff said.
i didn't get pissed at you. maybe you assumed that i was angry. i was not angry. the simple fact is, that i am not trent reznor, and i don't have to be to quote his lyrics. many people quote lyrics. that does not mean they magically turn into the artist that wrote them. i have a particular disdain for the man, and i explained that. it's not based in anger.

In the treasure chest is a box with a mirror in it. In the mirror is a reflection of another mirror in which there is a reflection of another mirror in which there is a reflection of another mirror ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The box with the mirror is in another box which is in another box which is in another box ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

I really hope it isn't an excavation to infinite depths. Surely there's a limit to how deep we can dig for divine lore before we realize it isn't there. Like Michaelangelo's Adam....always reaching out for God but never connecting.
The idea is that a mentally capable person makes the endeavour to do so. Whether others agree or not is something else.

What does a person do whom nobody agrees with?

For instance if I was in a community where the mere affirmation of beliefs were simply dealt with equally without any further discourse I would be worried.

I would say this is the sort of community I grew up in ... Any discussion, request for clarification is tantamount to disagreement, tantamount to offense.

the key ingredient is for a valid outlook (at least as far as sanity is concerned) is that a person be able to extrapolate on it intelligibly. For instance if there's nothing forthcoming from a murderer aside from "I believe it is ok" they can expect a lengthy jail sentence

Again, where I come from, any explanation, any extrapolation of my beliefs, intentions and actions is seen simply as an excuse, and I had better not make excuses.