A God We Know Nothing About

The claim of god IS the greater "assumption" of course. Without a shred of evidence, the assumption becomes a worthless assertion.

On any level, God is, is greater than, God isn't.

Which assumes a person knows what constitutes evidence of God' existences, meaning, they conclude God does not exist as they have seen none of that particular evidence. Sounds like an ass-umption to me.
Back to front: a believer sees something that he assumes to be evidence.
A non-believer sees something and doesn't assume supernatural causes.

Well it shouldn't be, as such repitition is non-productive.
Perhaps non-productivety suits your position, but I find it boring and....non-productive.
Non-productivity doesn't suit me: but there are no answers forthcoming other than "god did it".

I say let's take it to the next stage, and see what makes you tick. :cool:
Start the thread :D

You're obviously assuming something about my state of mind.
I have no idea what is that assuming though.

Then go right ahead.
You're first task, is to become humble.
And I should become "humble" (you're assuming I'm not) because...?

You'll find out.
I'm all ears.

You're not entering into the spirit of the question are you?
You see right here is the problem, you won't let go of your
Please try and answer again, but this time, answer the actual question.
Thanks in advance.
That was my answer.
How do I know anything exists?
Because there's something there.
Or maybe it's your presets that won't won't let you see my answer for what it is. :shrug:

Back to front: a believer sees something that he assumes to be evidence.
A non-believer sees something and doesn't assume supernatural causes.

It's not as simple as that.

Non-productivity doesn't suit me: but there are no answers forthcoming other than "god did it".

The beauty is in how and why God did it.

Albert Einstein: "When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous."

Start the thread :D

Who knows?

You're obviously assuming something about my state of mind.
I have no idea what is that assuming though.

Based on the few discussions we had, it seems you are not open
even to the idea of God.
Maybe it's just me.
However, if I am wrong, you will begin your journey without further

And I should become "humble" (you're assuming I'm not) because...?

Are you humble?

I'm all ears.

:confused: erm...good for you.

It's not as simple as that.
How not?

The beauty is in how and why God did it.
Albert Einstein: "When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous."
Nice: except that Einstein didn't mean god in the religious sense - he used it mean "just" the whole of existence.

Based on the few discussions we had, it seems you are not open
even to the idea of God.
Maybe it's just me.
However, if I am wrong, you will begin your journey without further
I'm open to the idea.
I'm open to a lot of ideas.

Are you humble?
It depends on what you mean humble.

:confused: erm...good for you.
Translation: I'm prepared to listen.
Your statement was so bizzare, it's blatent that you used perhaps as a
get-out clause.
If you have no faith in your brand of science to find what you regard as my God, as defined in all scriptures, why mention it?
Jan, I was only thinking of you. 'Perhaps' was a way of giving you some hope but If you dont like it then ok, science won't find God either.

I'm not trying to convince you to give up your faith. Your God cannot be found but you have every right to believe He's out there somewhere. I cannot accept that anyone can say they know God. Impossible, can't be done, no way , no how.
One is concretely manifest.
The other is a figment of your imagination.

..... sooooo .....

what general principles do you apply to determine the concretely manifest as opposed to the imaginative?

Bonus points if you can tie this in with your assertions of the non-reality behind the claim of god