A future without gender

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
sure it does.

Could you reference that thought?

All I could find was ‘Selection will favour hermaphroditism when an organism produces more than half the amount of ova that a female gonochore produces and when this same organism can fertilize more than half as many ova as a male gonochore (Fischer 1985). Whether or not hermaphroditism is stable in any population depends on the benefits and costs impinging on fitness, which are attributed to hermaphroditism. Where the costs outweigh the benefits in any population, hermaphroditism will be displaced as any normal mode of reproduction.’http://aci.mta.ca/Courses/Biology/3...ats/Stewart-Keats/why be an hermaphrodite.htm
This seems to indicate that the mode of reproduction depends on the conditions of the population and does not innately lead to the conclusion that hermaphroditism is unstable.
i think im gonna make a poll to see how many people like hermpaphroditeism dang thats hard to spell.....asexual reproduction or normal.
you say gender but you are talking about sex. leave sex alone please. it's nowhere near perfect but it's good enough. eliminating gender? i'm all for that. i'm biologically female and socially (gay)man. my biggest pet peeve is when people assume things based on sex and/or gender. pisses me the hell off so that i want to squeeze their heads until they pop. we should definitely get rid of the concept of two genders. we should stop counting them altogether. not two, not six. just don't mention gender. we don't need it.
spookz :rolleyes:
out of curiosity what does ‘i'm biologically female and socially (gay)man’ entail?
i did not mention anything about sexual activity spookz. gender is a socially defined concept that is irrelevant of biological sex. i identify myself as a man would but i threw in the gay part so as not to confuse anyone into thinking i'm a "mosaic".
joke. but if i have to justify the remark. "socially gay" encompasses a plethora of activities......... listening to celine, watching old judy garland movies, anal sex....blah (stereotyping but let it slide). i picked one. it entails uhh...... fag hag in reverse?

so what do you think? does it wash?

SwedishFish; I am taking it that you’re a female, and that you perform your gender as a man (if you hold the idea of gender being performance-Judith Butler).

But do you ever find that people negate your preferred gender role, and interacting with you as a female. I have read of people –female women who wish to be referred to themselves as ‘he’ in an effort to counteract the male dominated duel gender system, -I’m guessing this is what you’re hinting at?
Perhaps I'm not sexist (well I do have a dislike for blondes) but I find that idea pretty weird. My hispanic heritage has cause me problems but not much (heck I find it a advantage: I got a $500 scholarship just because I’m not white). I haven’t seen it but that’s probably because I’m a guy, so what are the sexist problems today? Can you name some specific instances? I don’t mean historically because I know of those pretty well, but some modern personal experience here.

Of course I could be wrong and that’s not what anyone here is talking about. :eek:
Since i am a man i am always harrased by women, women construction workers whistle and make lude comments about me when i walk down the street. All women think that i am just a piece of meat that doesn't think for it self.
It really hurts somwtimes:(

But having one sex is so boring....good lord that would mean we are asexual.

BTW WCF why not blondes...they have all the fun don't you know;)
Let me give you a example: "A government study has shown that blondes do have more fun... they just don't remember who with."

Other reason are...

- I like blonde jokes :D

- my last ex-girlfriend is blonde

Originally posted by weebee
Could you reference that thought?

Yes, Chapter 9 from the book "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins, published by Oxfored University Press, 1989 edition
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And what the @#$% is that suppose to mean?

*Fetus suddenly falls over dead from lack of sleep.*
the book (and its author) is not very well regarded in sociology of science (at least not at this department). . . .mostly because he makes some stupid use of statistics. But it’s the same old problem with popularising hard science for a mass market. I’m sure he make some good points in between his muddling.
The book was meant to be looked at from a biological perspective, Selfish Genetic theory its self is well proven.
Hermaphrodite is unstable in species that have a high rate of interbreeding and mate selection. This is because males are able to have far more offspring them a hermaphrodite or female, so a male state will become dominate as soon as it appears, this in turn will eventually force a female state when there is a massive over population of males.
I repeat: "Hermaphrodite is unstable in species that have a high rate of interbreeding and mate selection."
Hence hermaphrodite in worms is stable. Male and female states would be less stable because of the need to find a compatible mate.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
I repeat: "Hermaphrodite is unstable in species that have a high rate of interbreeding and mate selection."
Hence hermaphrodite in worms is stable. Male and female states would be less stable because of the need to find a compatible mate.
this statement reminds me of the classic 'who was first; the chicken or egg' problem?
oh i know it was a joke, spookz, but i thought i say something anyway. i do love celine!

weebee, i considere my gender more how i feel and only slightly how i act. i feel about myself as a man would. i don't feel inferior and it pisses me off to no end when people don't treat me like the guy i am. i've never considered being called "he" because of the uterus. didn't know people did that. i just don't want to be treated a certain way by strangers based on what they see. assumptions, assumptions. hell, i played with transformers, nintendo, and....and...well i can't really think of any girls toys. i did have She-ra action figures though.

sargentlard, you always have my favorite posts no matter what the forum!