A future without gender

Originally posted by spookz
oh cmon! that stuff sound positively religious. if you wanna maintain your stance, gimme examples for all your points


I don’t have time to find proof right now but what I think is that our interference in human evolution while being good thing for individuals, is bad for the species as a whole. Just look at SARS. The increasingly tougher vaccines we’re injecting into our kids forces viruses to mutate and adapt faster becoming resilient to anything we can throw at them.
Nature and evolution works on the basis that all living species have equal “value” and every single one plays a critical role in the living environment. Every little thing is dependent on everything else. Species mutate and adapt or die off for the good of the Earth. Humans (like any other species) are selfish and are only concerned for the survival of its own species. Nature is working and will select those species which will continue and those which will become extinct.
If what you are saying would be true in Near Future then our Evolution will come a screeching halt.As there will be no differentiation in cells and No improvements in genome Of Humans...

Btw, if your wondering why I didn't move the topic to another forum I think I let Fen explorer the world of the Nerds reaction to such insolant questions. mwhah.

Anyhow, just one small point about the nature of certain reptiles and amphibians and how if the male population becomes too great they change sex. (They are Asexual)

That should tie in with man and his duality complex about his Dna.
Originally posted by spookz
what about genetic diversity? asexual reproduction doesnt do much for that. how do we get around that? of course i could be mistakenly giving too much importance to this. perhaps it is overated. perhaps nurture is the major factor

That's true, but there is already an easy solution. A eunuch is pretty much sexless (although yes still male), but the sperm can be saved. So an X sperm and a Y sperm can then produce another male. Or you can just get a cheek cell and induce chromosome splitting to get a sperm-like dna set. But this would just be a temporary thing, until we get total control over our code.
hmmm...Just a thought

I can remember a while ago this thread topic was pioneered by someone else in free thoughts awhile ago and Fen was a great supporter of the idea and i was not.
actually i do believe evolution would tend for more solitary animals to develop as A sexual ( although this does not apply to certain spieces such as the giant squid which carries sperm sacs until it meets a mate and then releases them) where as creatures that there are an abundant mass of ( IE HUMANS) then there would be no need
... this is totally wron people , I just want to have sex .... life really has no purpose without sex - there is really no reason for us to live unless we mate , if anyone can give me a better reason to live I'll buy him a beer
for orgasms i am sure we can figure something out. y'know, blink thrice rapidly, knock our heels........blah
question. are u talking about hermaphraditism(excus the spelling) or asexuallity

big difference. since most asexual organisms reproduce when fully grown and conditions are right and in developed countries most adults are well feed all the time. to many babies would come of this birth control would be a possiblity depending on the type of asexual reproduction be it would be far more expensive than a condom
I know that true asexuality would result in genetic stagnation and would be a roadblock to further evolution. Hermaphroditism would have no such problem.

Bacteria are asexual (though some can trade genes with others or assimilate genes from those they eat), earthworms are hermaphrodites.
So what is it that this thread has become? Are we trying to discuss the uses of having an asexual culutre? Are we talking about how heterosexualism holds us back or how we can manipulate our genes? I am of the opinion that having two separate genders is the correct way of life, the only way for our life. Unchallenged genetic tampering would result in cataclysmic results, perhaps setting us far into the past. Basic organisms are teh ones with asexual settings. Though what about a third, different gender? Something entirely new? Something nothing and no one has ever seen before? The two genders that we have in place presently, at least for me are working great. Why would we change humans into something not human for that sounds what your proposing here. I don't know I suppose God has something planned for us and it is not, in my opinion, up to mortals to be tampering with divine art (besides I rather enjoy female reproductive systems as they are right now and it would be shame to wast them).
Originally posted by Abdiel
So what is it that this thread has become? Are we trying to discuss the uses of having an asexual culutre? Are we talking about how heterosexualism holds us back or how we can manipulate our genes? I am of the opinion that having two separate genders is the correct way of life, the only way for our life. Unchallenged genetic tampering would result in cataclysmic results, perhaps setting us far into the past. Basic organisms are teh ones with asexual settings. Though what about a third, different gender? Something entirely new? Something nothing and no one has ever seen before? The two genders that we have in place presently, at least for me are working great. Why would we change humans into something not human for that sounds what your proposing here. I don't know I suppose God has something planned for us and it is not, in my opinion, up to mortals to be tampering with divine art (besides I rather enjoy female reproductive systems as they are right now and it would be shame to wast them).

Hmm, ever think that a vagina was designed to fit a baby through? Is your penis as big as a baby? I mean I had intercourse with a really small Asian woman, it's still the same. I mean, it's just a matter of "multiple uses", which is fine, but it could sure be better.
annyone who would support asexual reproduction and hermaphroditism is a ...

Edited, due to civil relations with other board members, the moderator chose to edit the post.
Last edited by a moderator:

ask a mod to move this thread to biology. it could go someplace over there. report edgar. a more useless poster would be hard to find

keep your crap up and you will be banned!
The only reason I didn't ask for this to be moved previously was purely because some "nerds" were having a discussion previously.

As for Edgar's response, your entitled to some form of opinion, but keeping your response pleasant would help maintain some civil decorum.

civility is what defines "human" from "animal", so Edgar unless your a well(badly) trained hamster, be more polite.

As for the post, I'll see what I can have done.