A flaw in God's creation?

First off who is so shallow that they would buy yellow butter but not white butter? Where's your almighty logic there?
Excuse me for not knowing everything when it comes to dairy farming; moreover excuse me for showing that indeed I am human and not pretending to be all knowing.
But I do know this: those greedy farmers do create jobs for many people. That doesn't seem greedy to me, but I'm sure you would.

Make Christianity appealing to the masses? Indeed there are verses that sound good and make people feel good when they read/hear them, John 3:16 being one of the better known(at least mentally known)ones. However if one does dig deeper into the Bible, then you also find that there are also verses that are not so pleasing; things such as ,"God is a consuming fire," and ,"the wage of sin is death,"and ,"straight and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life, but broad is the way to destruction."

Keep in mind that those who followed this CHRISTIANITY (you wouldn't call Buddhism Xism, so at least have the decency to call Christianity by the actual name, even if you don't agree with its teachings) when it was "invented" died for their faith. Not only that, but Nero himself could never figure out why those that still had faces were smiling posthumously.

Anyone who profits monetarily from the salvation of others will be dealt with by God himself. They are nothing more than what Luther saw in his day, the priests selling indulgences.

One last thing. You seem to question everything the Bible has to say(and that is your right), is it this the same of all religions or is the scepticism limited only to Christianity. And you refer to different books and different authors who give an idea(s) contrary to the Bible. But tell me, what makes you so sure that they are right?
Xianity Xianity Xianity Xianity Xianity Xianity Xianity

Originally posted by jcarl
First off who is so shallow that they would buy yellow butter but not white butter? Where's your almighty logic there?

It has nothing to do with being 'shallow.' Most American brands of butter, margarine and cheese have been dyed yellow to promote sales, and it seems to work. The unfortunate thing, though, is that the dairy industry also gives their cows estrogens to make them produce more milk and gives testosterone to the beef cattle to make it more muscular and bulky before taking it to the slaughterhouse (i.e. to make them weigh more to make more money, etc.). My logic of the American food supply has nothing to do with being almighty. It's a fact that American children have been poisoned for the last couple of generations. With all these hormones added to dairy products, is it any wonder more and more children are becoming gay? The abomination is what the USDA is getting away with poisoning our children.

Excuse me for not knowing everything when it comes to dairy farming; moreover excuse me for showing that indeed I am human and not pretending to be all knowing.

jcarl, you are forgiven, my child. I knew you were not pretending
to be all knowing.

But I do know this: those greedy farmers do create jobs for many people. That doesn't seem greedy to me, but I'm sure you would.

jcarl, you don't know me or where I come from or what experiences I've had in my life. I bet you've never milked a cow or churned milk to butter.

Make Christianity appealing to the masses?

Yes, the inventors of Xianity created a deity out of a simple man who was a great teacher, a Rabbi, and nothing more. I will give Jesus the credit of being a great prophet. Unlike some others, I do believe Jesus may have lived even though there is no proof whatsoever.

Indeed there are verses that sound good and make people feel good when they read/hear them, John 3:16 being one of the better known(at least mentally known)ones. However if one does dig deeper into the Bible, then you also find that there are also verses that are not so pleasing; things such as ,"God is a consuming fire," and ,"the wage of sin is death,"and ,"straight and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life, but broad is the way to destruction."

The Bible is a historical attempt to record what was written by men for men. It was written with a slant by the individual writers. The authors of the Bible cannot be proven as to what they actually wrote. For instance, I always thought that Paul wrote the Acts. I've been reading some research by a Hebrew Biblical scholar who says that Luke wrote Acts about Paul. This was news to me. I just don't believe the Bible to be a truthful account of anything from Eden to Patmos.

Keep in mind that those who followed this CHRISTIANITY (you wouldn't call Buddhism Xism, so at least have the decency to call Christianity by the actual name, even if you don't agree with its teachings) when it was "invented" died for their faith.

jcarl, you are completely right. I would never call Buddhism Xism because 'X' is the symbol for Christ. It is widely used in Roman Catholicism. It is a symbol of the crucifix. I believe it also stands for Xitheus (sp) meaning 'fish' of which Jesus was called "a fisher of men." Have you never heard of Xmas?

Not only that, but Nero himself could never figure out why those that still had faces were smiling posthumously.

And where do you get your information on this one? Agony on the part of the victim surely would not die with a smile on their face. Get real! Show me where this is cited.

Anyone who profits monetarily from the salvation of others will be dealt with by God himself.

This statement is confusing. How can anyone profit monetarily from the salvation of others when salvation itself cannot be proven! How can you say that "God himself" will deal with those who profit monetarily from others? You cannot prove the existence of God, either! Just look at all the religions in the world, more new ones are emerging everyday. Look at all the money, property, goods that are donated to these organizations. Most of all, look at the televangelists begging for donations to fund their "missions" around the world. These people are driving Lexus, Cadillacs and the like. They live in gated mansions in a life of luxury while their faithful have very little and give what they have! God hasn't dealt with any of them. Look at the Xian Children's Funds, they feed you guilt with pictures of little dirty orphans in foreign countries that have nothing. Out of guilt they are kept in business with billions in donations. Where is God when this continues?

They are nothing more than what Luther saw in his day, the priests selling indulgences.

Saul/Paul was known to have done the same thing long after Jesus was out of the picture. He minted and sold coins and amulets with Jesus' picture telling people that "Jesus would heal" them. They began to believe this and, therefore, Jesus granting salvation in the afterlife was manufactured. People still believe this nonsense today, and still donating money for this false hope!

One last thing. You seem to question everything the Bible has to say(and that is your right), is it this the same of all religions or is the scepticism limited only to Christianity.

I do question everything in the Bible, because I believe it to be inherently untruths. Again, it was a compilation of books written by men for men. Out of the three major religions, Judaism, Islam and Xianity, I refute Xianity in its entirety. It is a pseudosystem of manipulation and mind control on a grand basis. I look forward to the day it crumbles and falls. I hope I live to see it happen. Xianity is the greatest story ever sold. What I do believe is that God created us to carry the Spirit of God on Earth. I've said this in many posts, the human race is the face of God on Earth. We are the vessels for the Spirit of God, therefore, We are God. One does not need to look somewhere out there to find God, all one has to do is look within. After many years of being a Xian and looking for salvation from a deity who may have never existed, I wanted to prove to myself that there was a God. When I went searching for God, I found God, but she was right here inside of my soul all along. What a wonderful feeling to know that I didn't have to look any farther than myself!

And you refer to different books and different authors who give an idea(s) contrary to the Bible. But tell me, what makes you so sure that they are right?

That comes with a 'knowing.' When you find God, many things are revealed to you. Many things that you questioned before make total sense to you. Most of all, you are given a unique gift of the Spirit. You become able to see the Spirit of God in Everyone, and you understand 'total connectedness' with the universe. This is when you realize that heaven is within your grasp. It is within you. It has been there all along since the beginning of creation and it will be there forever. These are my truths.
Originally posted by jcarl
Can you explain how a brown cow eats green grass to create white milk and yellow butter?
Why milk is white

Why butter is yellow

Can you explain EXACTLY how and why electricity works as it works?
Click here
Originally posted by jcarl
Keep in mind that those who followed this CHRISTIANITY (you wouldn't call Buddhism Xism, so at least have the decency to call Christianity by the actual name, even if you don't agree with its teachings)
"What does the abbreviation 'xian' mean? Is it an insult?"

When writing the name "Christ", it is quite common to abbreviate it to X or x, representing the first letter (chi) of the Greek XPICTOC khristos. For example, "xmas" is a common abbreviation of "Christmas". "Xian" just means "Christian".

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the use of the abbreviation "xian" or "xtian" for "Christian" dates back at least as far as 1634. Before that, it was more usual to take the first two letters of XPICTOC, and write "xpian" for "Christian". Priests would record Christenings using the shorthand "xpen" or "xpn".

So no, it's not an insult.

Source: The Atheism Web
Milk and meat

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
It's a fact that American children have been poisoned for the last couple of generations. With all these hormones added to dairy products, is it any wonder more and more children are becoming gay? The abomination is what the USDA is getting away with poisoning our children.
Whoops, all sorts of unfounded conclusions in that paragraph.

Giving growth hormones to cattle has not been scientifically linked to any adverse side affects for humans consuming those products... much less anything indicating your supposed increase of homosexuality (yet another unsubstantiated assertion) or anything to warrant the label of ‘poison’.

Plants aren't actually living. They are not conscious and they don't feel pain, so it is their purpose to provide us with everything we need; food, shelter (with wood), warmth (wood again), and even water. There is no need to kill animals at all.

With regards to 'xian', etc: the cross Jesus dies on was apparently a x, and not a T (t), but it's not a nice way for people to remember their leader (with his legs open) so it got changed. Remember they were just left out in the open like that. :(
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Originally posted by Sefter
Plants aren't actually living. They are not conscious and they don't feel pain, so it is their purpose to provide us with everything we need; food, shelter (with wood), warmth (wood again), and even water. There is no need to kill animals at all.
Plants are not animals, but they are sure alive. Just because you havn't heard or seen plants cry, it doesn't mean plants don't have physical responses to harms.

On the other hand, do you consider insects animals? Or you think only mammals count as animals? Either way, flys, mosquitos, cockroches, rats, and mouses are genuine animals. And people kill them without hesitate. Why?