A flaw in God's creation?


God is irrelevant!
Registered Senior Member
The Bible makers must never thought of what does eating means. Even Adam was allowed to eat. And what does eating mean? It means killing. The moment man and animal started to eat, the killing started. And you thought God was love?
you do, however, have to kill the cells which make up the fruit.

The plant has consented to this sacrifice, though, which is why the fruit was created in the first place. just don't forget to spread those seeds...
I figure man killed but felt no remorse for it because they were still like animals. The act without the sin.
Well there must have been mass killing in the garden of eden....

I can only imagine how many many animals t-rex would have chomped down on a daily basis.

{Adam} *cough* Excuse me god but did you see my herd of sheep? I'm sure i left them round here somewhere....

{god} Well i don't believe in giving straight answers so i'll give you two possibilities and let you decide. A) They got eaten by that big badass green dinosaur you named t-rex, (no, you can't eat him- he doesn't chew the cud), or B) they all committed suicide and jumped off a cliff.

{Adam} Thanx man. Oh btw, there's so many damn trees in this place i forget which one you told me not to eat from. Do you mind pointing it out for me again please?

{god} It's the big one with green leaves.

{Adam} Doh!
The existance of food chain is enough to show that if a god exists, he is not benevolent. If God encourages man to multiply, then man needs to eat more to procreate. To eat more, man needs to kill more. It is a killing frenzy since the beginning.
To play the God's advocate

What is killing when there is eternal life or should I say that E=MC2

The energy that was created by God is always conserved though redistributed by assimulaiton to eventually manifest the various forms necessary to have created everything possible.

To benevolently give everything a chance to live to the fullest extent in the time alloted to that existance before redistribution.

Let's play fair and share existance with every configuration.

Death may only be the birth of someonething new.

Don't be afraid. You can't fall off this merry-go-round if you tried.
Remember, the ten-commandments were originally written in hebrew. It isn't "Thou shalt not Kill", it's "Thou Shalt not Murder". It was mistranslated. Plus the commandments were not delivered yet.
Murder means unlawful killing, but who is to say one killing is lawful and the other is not? Remember, if we were designed, we were designed with the ability to kill, and using this ability is not an option. It's a necesscity for survial.

To live we have to eat; to mulitply we have to eat more. In order to get food, we kill. If anything that threatens us, we kill it. If anything that threatens our resource, we kill it. If anything that compete with us and don't want to share, we kill it. That's all murders and wars are about.

And what's wrong with murder? It prevents the dead person from sinning any further. Isn't that a good deed? :D
Plus the commandments were not delivered yet.

"you shall have no other gods before me"

Without that commandment, (as per your own words they hadn't been delivered yet), adam and eve could quite happily go ahead and worship the serpent/put the serpent before god etc.

That would in fact then include everyone up until moses... and would mean the people worshipping the golden calf were freely able to do so- after all- the commandment hadn't been delivered.

Well it's a long bunch of text up until exodus and the handing over of the commandments, but if you have time read it- see what people did- and then see if the commandments for their actions had been given yet. If not you can hardly place fault upon them.

Frankly, "the commandments were not delivered yet", is a weak argument.
wasn't the first thing god said to adam "do not eat those apples"? and isn't it true that human's have trouble thinking in negative concept's- i.e. when someone say's don't look down, 99% of the time you're going to look down. also, when adam was coerced into eating the said apple, he can't have had any idea that what he was doing was wrong as he didn't have the capacity to understand that this was the case- only afterwards was he able to understand that what he'd done was wrong. so, did god set humans up to fall, it looks like it to me. that seems a flaw to me as well as what you are saying.
Adam knew in his heart he was wrong because God told him not to. But the serpent deceived him and made excuses so he could justify it to himself. (Much the same as is happening in most people's lives today. Satan hasn't changed his ways much) Adam later realized he was wrong because he hid from God when he came. God created man knowing we would fall, but it was ultamatly so we could be rewarded and live with God forever.

In Christ's love,

Actually I am quite thankfull that apple was eaten. A life spent as as an animal isn't worth much. Humanity is worth the misery.

Did the serpent actually lie or merely misdirect? Did it even know what would happen?

Honestly I think we would have been given the apple at a later date when we were ready. Slithers just jumped the gun.
Much the same as is happening in most people's lives today. Satan hasn't changed his ways much
some examples would be nice seeing i don't percieve that satan is doing anything as he is not real. people do things on their own accord, not because some etheral being told them so.

God created man knowing we would fall, but it was ultamatly so we could be rewarded and live with God forever
not quite true seeing it was in gods capacity to do this in the first place, and if we are to believe the bible then a whole mass of people are baking down in hell- not with god at all.

Adam knew in his heart he was wrong because God told him not to
as i understand the story it was only afterwards that adam or eve gained some sort of concious thought which they would then be able to discern that what they had done was wrong seeing they had no idea of the concept of good or bad before eating the apple.

Adam later realized he was wrong because he hid from God when he came
if god is all powerful then adams efforts would have been in vain as god would know where he was- an example of god being not all knowledgeable?

i dunno, the bible doesn't make sense to me. it even seems that it was written by contemporaries within their very limited knowledge- it took ages before the church accepted that the world was not flat, where was god with his infinite wisdom to set his minions straight?
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
The Bible makers must never thought of what does eating means. Even Adam was allowed to eat. And what does eating mean? It means killing. The moment man and animal started to eat, the killing started. And you thought God was love?

Which is exactly why God mandated that man eat the fruit of seed bearing trees:

Genesis 1:29-And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

A very Buddhistic approach, actually...
God's plan was for man to only eat that which it does not have to kill to do so.
Eat only the fruit of a tree and allow the tree to live and produce more fruit.

After that the rules were convenietly changed in Leviticus 11, of course. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Clockwood
Wouldn't adam get malnutrition?


Have you never met a vegetarian (or fruitarian) that is healthy?
A lot of people argue that our bodies were actually designed more similarly to herbivores than carnivores.
What I think may being forgotten is that God made man in his own image (can't remember exact scripture, but it's in Genesis somewhere). So if we are in his image why would he (or she whatever is PC right now) not want us to survive. For example if anyone has childeren would you want them to eat well and grow up big and strong or worry about killing something? This is all of course using the assumption that humans were created by an all powerful god. So God by allowing for a food chain to exist is just showing preference to the intelligent (at least the minority of us) life on this planet, just as we all have our own preferences since we are made in his image