A couple questions about God


Valued Senior Member
At the bequest of IceAgeCivilizations I have started a new thread:

I had a couple more yes or no questions.

1) Is a square circle logical?

2) Can God do anything?

3) Does God know everything?


These follow the assumption that God can make square circles.

1. No, a square circle is the essence of contradiction. It is impossible.

2. No, God can only do things which are logically coherent.

3. Yes, God knows everything if he exists and is conscious. Would have access to all information otherwise.
As a further addition to point two I would say that due to the vastness of god's knowledge, what constitues a logically coherent event for god could very well be illogical or incoherant for us - just like some presenations of contemporary science would be seen as illogical and incoherant from the same perspective of science 400 years ago - the reason is that we have access to a larger body of knowledge
As a further addition to point two I would say that due to the vastness of god's knowledge, what constitues a logically coherent event for god could very well be illogical or incoherant for us - just like some presenations of contemporary science would be seen as illogical and incoherant from the same perspective of science 400 years ago - the reason is that we have access to a larger body of knowledge

Just to make sure I'm following you, here were the 4 yes or no questions.

1) Can God make a square circle?

2) Is a square circle logical?

3) Can God do anything?

4) Does God know everything?

1. No, a square circle is the essence of contradiction. It is impossible.

2. No, God can only do things which are logically coherent.

3. Yes, God knows everything if he exists and is conscious. Would have access to all information otherwise.
1) Is God constrained by logic?

2) What do you mean "..have access to.."?

3) Does God know all future events that will take place?

1. Yes, God is restrained by logic. All things are. God's very existence depends upon the Law of Identity.

2. By "access too", I mean that a non-conscious God would be the container of all information but would not consciously use it, just as a computer contains all its information but cannot consciously use it.

3. Considering all events are determined by causality, yes. In terms of computationally irreducible systems, God could easily employ his infinite power to instantneously calculate the system, or have all ready done so beforehand.

Yes, God could presumably do "crazy magical things", as it were. So long as they did not imply a logical contradiction, such as making square-circles.
1) Is a square circle logical?
No, Its illogical.

Michael said:
2) Can God do anything?

Michael said:
3) Does God know everything?

Michael said:
These follow the assumption that God can make square circles.
But your argument is illogical. God is unchanging, the absolute truth, one without second, the eternal witness, he acts as the cause and effect, the unchanging laws, and logic itself.

God can make a square made of circles...and also there is no such thing as a square in real life...I mean on a subatomic-level, you know the actual reality of things...

Yes, God could presumably do "crazy magical things", as it were. So long as they did not imply a logical contradiction, such as making square-circles.

I think we have already discussed this before - because god has the facility to put everyone in illusion, he could create something that could cause everyone in the manifested world to think "gee isn't that a fine looking square circle"

He'd basically have to lobotomize their capacity to analyze things logically, but yes, God can do "mind tricks" to make people affirm nonsense. However, they could not give a logically consistant report, no matter how hard God tried to make that possible. They could not give a definition and show that the object affirms both the qualities of circleness and squareness.


Yes, I can think and act morally or immorally. God, being impresonal the totality of existence, cannot do either.

He'd basically have to lobotomize their capacity to analyze things logically, but yes, God can do "mind tricks" to make people affirm nonsense. However, they could not give a logically consistant report, no matter how hard God tried to make that possible. They could not give a definition and show that the object affirms both the qualities of circleness and squareness.

God does not require anything so surgical.

He controls everyone by dictating knowledge rememberance and forgetfulness from within and he controls the ordinance of physical phenomena from without - we perceive reality through the information our senses receive (like we perceive colour through wave length) and we are cognizant of such info due to our ability to pay attention to what our senses are telling us (ie - we depend on rememberance knowledge and forgetfulness)
yes GOD = ALLAH = can make anything he wants and can do anything he wants to do,
he can make a square circle

and he can even put the whole world into a small egg .

a simple thing you should know about the creator of everything , that he is the creator of laws and every thing in this existense ,

he can break all the laws he made and make new laws.

water falls from higher level to low level , god can make it fall from low level to higher level .

an eye needs light to see things , and god can make it sees things without light. ------> he is the one who made it need light to see ----> he made this law .

but note : god does what he wants , not what you want him to do .
but he has the ability to do anything he wants .

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[74] No just estimate have they made of Allah: for Allah is He Who is strong and able to carry out His Will.


i told an atheist who wanted to enter islam , that atheists in the past asked the (prophet muhammad ) to cut the moon into 2 pieces , and then he asked god to cut the moon into 2 pieces , and then god did it and cut the moon into 2 pieces , and people saw it , but they said : ( muhammad ) used magic , .... then they returned and said : if he used magic on us then he couldn't have used it on passengers in desert or other passengers ... so we will wait the passengers and ask them if they saw the moon cut ...... surprise : the passengers said that they saw the moon cut into 2 pieces ...... did the atheists beleive ? ofcourse not coz beielve doesnt depend on a miracle only ... so they said : he used continous magic ... they are same as atheists over history they dont want to beieve , they prefer the devil and the darkness more than light so they make excuses to not beleive .

, in these days do some research over internet and you will know that NASA found something around the whole moon diameter and all scientists didnt find any explanation for it , and said that the only explaination is that this moon has been cut into 2 pieces before !

the atheist got surprised and he thought im a liar, but i asked him a question :

if you beleive there is a god , and you beleive that he is the one who made the moon , then can he cut it into 2 pieces or not ?

he answered : yes ofcourse he can .


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[1] The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder.

[2] But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say, "This is (but) transient magic."

[3] They reject (the warning) and follow their (own) lusts but every matter has its appointed time.

[4] There have already come to them Recitals wherein there is (enough) to check (them),

[5] Mature wisdom; but (the preaching of) Warners profits them not.

I will concede that an omnipotent God could certainly play the trickster in such a way, yes.
Well he certainly made us think a circle is a circle. People in the universe next door are debating the irrationality of squares and circles existing independently of the square circle.