A Challenge to Theists

No, for I always thought all the money went in their direction.

I think you may have performed a miracle.

That was my conclusion too. It was not Me . It had to be a higher power and not there pimp either. He was not anywhere to be found on that cold day at the lake . I would think if there pimp knew he would have beat there ? You know how pimps can be . They don't go for that kind of behavior out of there working girls.
Let us not leap to ultimate conclusions.

Hookers are people, too, and can be kind.

We really need some better 'proofs'.

Yeah I know ! Sorry Any of you hookers out there. You know I love you .

Thinking? Might have to see what tomorrow brings. I will consult the dream weavers tonight.

Penance for Mi-Ki-Gal​
If you believe without a doubt that god exists, provide evidence that it does.

Why should the people who believe in God prove to you that he exists?

Really - on the grounds of what do you think they owe it to you to prove God's existence to you?

Nope, I'm still the same person, just with a renewed frustration as to why theists call god a fact without any proof.

Do you know what "spiritual envy" is?
Google it.
So, you can avoid the question all you want by attempting to turn the tables. But I will not respond to anyone's attempt to do so.


Oh, and furthermore, I'm not attacking religious thinking. I'm tired of people equating blunt curiosity and query with attacking. Can one not ask questions in regard to religion? Just because you have blind faith and chose not to understand why you believe, it doesn't mean that others cant question you or whatever religious teachings you chose to uphold.

In regard to your words on "origin", who says I have to believe in anything? Sure, I believe evolution and tend to believe in the scientific views of the big bang theory. Why? Because it makes sense to me. However, I also acknowledge that when it comes down to ultimate evidence, that there aren't many facts available (...regarding the big bang theory; evolution has been proven). So, since I am aware that the big bang theory is just that, a theory, I don't acknowledge it as fact nor to I ever present it as such. And that is the key fundamental difference between my methodology and that if a Theist who labels God as a proven fact when, in fact, it is not.

So, in summary and for the sake of encouraging discussion, my inquiry can be rephrased as such: Why do (most) Theists state that the existence of God is a fact instead of simply acknowledging that it is simply an unproven belief and that God may OR may not exist?

Boy, have you got an attitude!

I emphatize with your frustration and share it. But being bitchy like you are isn't going to accomplish much.

Boy, have you got an attitude!

I emphasize with your frustration and share it. But being bitchy like you are isn't going to accomplish much.[/QUOTE]

How am I being bitchy? Blunt? Yes. Challenging? Certainly. Intellectually stimulating? You betcha! But bitchy? Hardly.

And nothing personal but you've been one of the major players who've attempted to hijack this thread, deter the main inquiry and topic by avoiding the question and instead have focused on me. In all reality, the thread is aimed at you, the reader. And as such, you, the reader, have failed to actively partake as a productive member of this conversation.

The question is simple. If you see it as a fact that God exists, provide evidence supporting your claim. Furthermore, I encourage discussion as to why certain people make the existence of God a fact instead of accepting the belief that sure, they BELIEVE god exists, but it is NOT a FACT and that there is always the possibility that God does not exist. That's it! Its really not that hard. So stop shying away from the topic and participate.
And nothing personal but you've been one of the major players who've attempted to hijack this thread, deter the main inquiry and topic by avoiding the question and instead have focused on me.

It is about you.
It's not about just any person, it's about you.
Your current values, beliefs, goals, intentions, attitudes, circumstances.

In all reality, the thread is aimed at you, the reader. And as such, you, the reader, have failed to actively partake as a productive member of this conversation.

Proof does not occur in a vacuum.

The question is simple. If you see it as a fact that God exists, provide evidence supporting your claim. Furthermore, I encourage discussion as to why certain people make the existence of God a fact instead of accepting the belief that sure, they BELIEVE god exists, but it is NOT a FACT and that there is always the possibility that God does not exist. That's it! Its really not that hard. So stop shying away from the topic and participate.

Stop thinking so much about what other people believe or don't believe, and instead focus on what you believe or don't believe.
It is about you.
It's not about just any person, it's about you.
Your current values, beliefs, goals, intentions, attitudes, circumstances.

Proof does not occur in a vacuum.

Stop thinking so much about what other people believe or don't believe, and instead focus on what you believe or don't believe.

I know exactly what I believe. Its because I'm confident and comfortable with my beliefs that I am able to openly inquire about the beliefs of others.
I know exactly what I believe. Its because I'm confident and comfortable with my beliefs that I am able to openly inquire about the beliefs of others.

Yeah, strangers on the internet really are people whose beliefs you are deeply interested in ...
So. Now that we've cleared that up would you mind finally answering my question?

If you really "know exactly what you believe" and you're really "confident and comfortable with your beliefs", then there is no question, except 1. if you're really interested in getting to know people (which doesn't seem to be the case here, because you're asking generalized quesitons about theists as such), or 2. you have an actual philosophical inquiry, but are not framing it as such.
If you really "know exactly what you believe" and you're really "confident and comfortable with your beliefs", then there is no question, except 1. if you're really interested in getting to know people (which doesn't seem to be the case here, because you're asking generalized quesitons about theists as such), or 2. you have an actual philosophical inquiry, but are not framing it as such.

Well, if you read my previous posts and the main question it contains, you'll see the inquiry is "framed" or structured appropriately. Its an honest question that can't be asked any other way. So, I will repeat myself for 4th time and ask 'Why do most theist present the existence of God as a fact instead of acknowledging the possibility that God may not, in fact, exist? Again, a simple yet precise question, one of which you've ignored and have instead attempted to analyze the inquirer and not the inquiry.
Because they don't have the same doubts as you.

Obviosuly. But what evidence do they have to make such a huge claim that god is not just a possibility but a reality? Because they've been told so? If I told you that I've talked to beings from another galaxy would you believe me or would you require proof? Obviously we would require evidence. So, why do we not require the same level of proof from theists?
More importantly, why do they not require the same level of proof as they would in the scenario of aliens?

Boy, have you got an attitude!

I emphatize with your frustration and share it. But being bitchy like you are isn't going to accomplish much.

Oh that is funny!!! I don't think it is a good idea to teach children things like that. Might come back to haunt you. Oh I am still laughing though

As a boy in Dan Dennet’s chemistry class, I wondered, as did many, about the following scenario often dreamt of: I mixed two compounds, which, unfortunately, produced the ultimate acid. Nothing could contain it. It quickly ate though the container, the floor of the laboratory, and then even all the way through the Earth, eventually sloshing some poor sap in China.

This, too is what happens to us, through education, as our chemical-bio-electric nature is revealed to us, like some kind of giant shock, after which we may never be the same again, as perhaps some are now reeling from, well, maybe just a little bit.

The biochemical mush that is us, when fully realized, leaves us stunned and astounded. We grasp for what we once thought we were before, but, it eludes us in the new light of learning. The universal acid of such knowledge eats through all superstitions, folk tales, and myths. Nothing can contain it. We may come to even regret our learnings of this condition, for it dissolves our container, leaving us floundering in the lurch.

It happened to me, too, beginning in fifth grade, in Catholic shcool.

But, wait, it’s not so bad, is it, for what we are is what we are, and we still have feelings, personality, and more adventures of learning that await. The light of education ever shines brightly, wherever it may lead. Many dark alleys remain to be explored, given our new insights into the human condition.
Obviosuly. But what evidence do they have to make such a huge claim that god is not just a possibility but a reality?

Then ask them. Ask them directly.

Send out invitations to all the theists on this board and ask them about this.

Ask -
"SAM, what evidence do you have to make such a huge claim that god is not just a possibility but a reality?"
"Adstar, what evidence do you have to make such a huge claim that god is not just a possibility but a reality?"
"Lightgigantic, what evidence do you have to make such a huge claim that god is not just a possibility but a reality?"
and so on.

If I told you that I've talked to beings from another galaxy would you believe me or would you require proof?

Unless you were my friend, relative, boss or otherwise relevant to me, I wouldn't care.

Obviously we would require evidence. So, why do we not require the same level of proof from theists?

I don't know. Why don't you?

(or did you mean to ask - "So, why may we not require the same level of proof from theists?")

More importantly, why do they not require the same level of proof as they would in the scenario of aliens?

Ask them.