98% of Catholic Women us Contraception


Registered Senior Member
A Guttmacher Institute study found that 98% of Catholic women use birth control despite what the rules of their church.


Interesting fact that most Catholic Women don't believe the crap their Religion says they're supposed to believe.


Abortion common among women regardless of religious or political affiliation. Even in groups thought to oppose abortion.

I've always had a feeling that Republicans and these religious folks had abortions, now the study confirms it. So, all these groups screaming about abortion and they use it just as much as people that are Pro-Choice. Ha!

I'm wondering what you religious folks think about this hypocrisy? Often the Liberal or Democrat is blamed for being Pro-Choice and killing babies when the other side was doing it all along.
You looking for some action or something . Not all people get abortions. On either side of the political spectrum . Me I am pro choice , but then again I am like Moloch. Sacrificing Babies just goes along with the tittle. I think we should bring back Virgin sacrificing My self , but that is just Me and not at all legal so don't do it . We obey the laws of the land , or at least I try to. I ran a stop sign a couple years back which was stupid for there was serious ice at the intersection and it was more of a slide then go because it was clear of traffic . The cop called it a California stop, gave Me the ticket and I paid the fine anyway
You looking for some action or something . Not all people get abortions. On either side of the political spectrum . Me I am pro choice , but then again I am like Moloch. Sacrificing Babies just goes along with the tittle. I think we should bring back Virgin sacrificing My self , but that is just Me and not at all legal so don't do it . We obey the laws of the land , or at least I try to. I ran a stop sign a couple years back which was stupid for there was serious ice at the intersection and it was more of a slide then go because it was clear of traffic . The cop called it a California stop, gave Me the ticket and I paid the fine anyway

True, but 98% is a HUGE number of catholics. If it were 50% I wouldn't have bothered to post it. And the other statistics are just as revealing.
It just proves that people will still suck up to the idea of religion, even if they do the practical thing in their daily lives. Hardly anyone even on this forum will defend the official ideology.
True, but 98% is a HUGE number of catholics. If it were 50% I wouldn't have bothered to post it. And the other statistics are just as revealing.

All the Catholic girls I have known like to have fun. I better be careful. I got banned the last time I talked about Catholics . Maybe it is the wine they drink . Makes them extra frisky . I love you Chatholic girls out there, kissy kissy
Abortion common among women regardless of religious or political affiliation. Even in groups thought to oppose abortion.

There's the old "Do as I say, not as I do," song and dance, folks...
"But...but...it was OKAY when I did it, because God has great plans for me! He didn't want me to have that baby at 16! But none of those sluts over there deserve any slack!"

If it didn't make me so mad, I'd find it amusing...
My family are Catholic and just because the Pope says something doesn't mean they belive or follow it. Most Catholics I know are pissed off that they got another conservative and BTW just because someone is Catholic doesn't mean they are right wing, my family are strong labor surporters.
A Guttmacher Institute study found that 98% of Catholic women use birth control despite what the rules of their church.


Interesting fact that most Catholic Women don't believe the crap their Religion says they're supposed to believe.


Abortion common among women regardless of religious or political affiliation. Even in groups thought to oppose abortion.

I've always had a feeling that Republicans and these religious folks had abortions, now the study confirms it. So, all these groups screaming about abortion and they use it just as much as people that are Pro-Choice. Ha!

I'm wondering what you religious folks think about this hypocrisy? Often the Liberal or Democrat is blamed for being Pro-Choice and killing babies when the other side was doing it all along.

I invite everyone to read the following article which I think is the best explanation of why contraception has become widespread and the Church's position.

@ Mind Over Matter:

Just skimming that? as far as the "epidemic of abuse by males?"

That's because women are speaking up about something that always occurred.


It also furthers the idea that popping out a baby quickly will tie the couple together better...I don't know whether there's stats to back that-anecdotally? I'd say not from what I've seen...

Adultery? how do you know adultery is more prevalent now?
Before genetic testing? Before no-fault divorce? It used to be semi-socially expected that a guy would "step out" on his wife...and as long as he was still able to care for her (because she was prevented from getting employed herself) she often had to put up with it.

Cohabitation is the one place where you linked article is actually vaguely correct...doing so somewhat lowers the chances of marital success...but it wasn't by 75%!

The study found a small difference (9%) in the rate of divorce in the first ten years for spouses who cohabited before marriage compared to those who didn't.

Why did you link that again? to show us what chamber pot the Church has its' collective head stuck in?
Maybe it's only the American God that requires his followers to vote to the right.

Possibly, remember that most Catholic families in places like Australia are decended from the poor Irish which means they are more left than right
Personally i find it very peculiar that the right managed to hijack christians in the US. They are very un-christlike on that side of the political spectrum in my opinion. Full of hate and bigotry. That's not the case with Jesus in the stories i was told about him, when I was a kid. So I don't really get it.
PJP II's Theology of the Body is such a rich treasure!! Wanted to share a new article I found today.


What are these books really about? Contraception? Not exactly, no. This theology is not primarily about opposition to contraception, although the logic in favor of non-contraceptive marital union is easier to understand after encountering this teaching. In fact, the pope's theology of the body is not primarily about sex. It sets sex in a larger context, addressing the whole person, dividing joints from marrow in the way it tackles lust, "nuptial meaning," and masculinity and femininity. It is a fundamental account of the place of "human love in the divine plan."
Where in the bible does it say not to provoke abortions btw?
"True, I was born guilty, a sinner, even as my mother conceived me."
Psalm 52:7

"Thus says the Lord who made you, your help, who formed you from the womb: Fear not, O Jacob, my servant, the darling whom I have chosen."
Isaiah 44:2

'"You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you; when I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth. Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your nook all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be."
Psalm 139:13-16

"Those merciless murderers of children, and parents who took with their own hands defenseless lives, you willed to destroy by the hands of our fathers, that the land that is dearest of all to you might recieve a worthy colony of God's children."
Wisdom 12:5-7

Exodus 20:13

"You shall not murder."
The only passage that kinda make sense in this case is the last one "you shall not murder"
The others are just random stuff it seems. Except maybe the one about murders of children.

But when is it considered life exactly? When is it a child? Does the bible say anything about this?
The only passage that kinda make sense in this case is the last one "you shall not murder"
The others are just random stuff it seems. Except maybe the one about murders of children.

But when is it considered life exactly? When is it a child? Does the bible say anything about this?
Science says about it.

When the egg and sperm meet, it makes a zygote.... :shrug: