911 Tape: Man Kills Two Burglars

Of course you are happy to keep anything pointing out how bogus your propaganda is locked. Then again what else can we expect from a simpleton who can't figure out what the terms public domain and copypasta mean?

Simply because there was a pause between the two words move and you're doesn't mean that they weren't warned. In fact is would suggest that there was time to say and in between the two words, especially since the recording system wasn't the most ideal to catch every word that he could say.
Say what? (No, never mind.)

Angrybellsprout said:

Simply because there was a pause between the two words move and you're doesn't mean that they weren't warned.

What the hell are you talking about?
Mod Hat - A time and place for everything

Mod Hat — A time and place for everything

Angrybellsprout said:

Of course you are happy to keep anything pointing out how bogus your propaganda is locked. Then again what else can we expect from a simpleton who can't figure out what the terms public domain and copypasta mean?

You know, all you had to do was send me a private message asserting that yes, you are the original author of the list posted the other day at the teen forum. That would have taken care of the plagiarism issue. But then you would need to explain how your creation is representative of feminism, and that, admittedly, would probably take more work than you're willing to put in.

So you can either work the route you've been offered, or just shut up about it and deal with it on your own.

Easy enough?

Huh? Is that what the dispatcher advised Mr Horn over the phone? No.

Yeah. So? You asked me: "So it's acceptable to disobey the orders of law enforcement personnel?", and I responded with the answer: "Yes, sometimes it is, depending on the order." and then gave an example to demonstrate.

He told him to not leave his house and to not take his gun out of the house to shoot the burglars. The dispatcher told him that 13 times. Are you saying that is akin to having someone stick their doodle in your bunghole?

Nope, where did I say that? Again, I was merely demonstrating that it in some instances, you would be quite justified in disobeying law enforcement personnel. But even then, you're assuming that that the dispatcher has actual legal authority, when in actual fact they don't.

So you're disregarding his repeated comments about "this isn't right"..

He says 'This isn't right' in regards to the notion of allowing crooks to flee with his neighbour's property. How is that a big deal? I don't think it's right, either. In my humble opinion, only career criminals would think that 'it's right' that those two thieves could enter someone's home, steal their stuff, and then slink into the night (and yes, it was actually day, but I like that expression).

"I'm going to kill them"? You're putting that down to emotion?

Yes. If I saw crooks stealing from my neighbour, I'd feel a little outraged as well. As the protagonist pointed out during '12 angry men', saying "I'm going to kill you/them." doesn't actually mean you're necessarily going to kill them.

I think his behaviour leading up to the shooting says a lot about his true intention.

I think his demanding that the criminals stop, instead of just opening fire without a prior warning, says a lot about his true intention. I'm not forensic pathologist, but the fact that they were shot in the back sort of suggests that they didn't stop, but instead tried to flee. Guess they didn't think he'd shoot them. Guess they thought he was bluffing. Guess they were wrong. ;)

The fact that he ignored the dispatcher 13 times about not going outside is telling.

What does it tell us, exactly? That he doesn't think it's right that thieves should be able to just slip into the night with a sack of his neighbour's swag over their back? That he's a man of action, instead of a wimpy passive crybaby that is doted on by liberals such as yourself?

Or are you saying we should just ignore all the actions of a criminal leading up to a crime because it's just not relevant?

They should be taken into consideration, but what is actually said and occurs at the crime scene takes precedence. If the suspect is heard screaming 'I'll kill the bastard!' before the murder, and then the crime scene shows that he actually acted in self defense, then we assume self-defense.

Say if someone says he's going to kill a family of 5 then goes out and does it, we should just ignore the fact that it was premeditated? Is that what you're saying?

Nope. But if someone screams in a fit of anger that they are going to kill a family of five, and then that we have a recording of that particular individual killing the family of five when they break into his home, and he warns them to back off BEFORE opening fire, then we assume it wasn't premeditated.

He didn't give them a chance to come quietly.

He told them to stop. They didn't, they ran.

Tell me, would you come quietly to a fat guy who is not a police officer who's pointing a shotgun at you?

Not if I was a thief, and didn't think the fat guy had it in him to fire. If I were innocent, I'd probably start ranting, trying to explain to him that I was just helping his neighbour pack, or whatever. In fact, if I were guilty, I'd be standing petrified. I doubt I'd be stupid enough to bolt... you can't outrace a bullet.

Did he even do that? Having heard the call and having read several different transcript of that call, CNN is the only one stating that he said "stop or I'll shoot".


Why do you need to know that?

Was it Horn's house who was being broken into? No. It was the neighbour's house.

Exactly. Think on it Bells.

To help you, an analogy. If you saw your neighbour's daughter getting raped and beaten, would you just sit there and go "Ahh, what's the big deal, it ain't happening to me, hehehe!", or would you attempt to intervene? If you had a gun, would you use it to defend her life? Or would you just let things be, allow the rapist to have his way, and then run off into the sunset?

And yes, I'm aware that what occurred with Horn wasn't rape. But your "Ah, it wasn't it's property, so why did he care?" argument isn't very realistic. When good men (and women!) see an injustice occuring in front of them, they feel they need to intervene.

Heh. You are allowed to defend yourself as the situation warrants MH. Or didn't you know that? Reasonable force.

Reasonable force is a nonsenscial concept. If someone enters your property unbidden, the last thought floating through your mind is "Hmm, how do I neutralize the threat with the least available force?" It could be that the chap in your house at 3am just wants to steal your chinaware, but personally, I don't see why I should take the risk of waiting to find out.

And then, I should also be entitled to defend my property and belongings with force. The fact that the government doesn't allow me to do so reeks. It opens up a can of worms where a crook can enter your house unarmed, declare that he isn't there to harm you but to simply take your stuff, and you can't lay a hand on him as he cleans the place out.

If you stab someone in the back as they are running away from you, and then try to claim self defense, then that wouldn't pass.


Because someone running away from you no longer poses a threat to you. Or don't you get that?

I never made the above assertion, so again, Strawman.

You'd shoot someone over someone else's 'stuff'?

If it were necessary to apprehend them, then yeah, I would. 'Stuff' can be quite valuable. And in my eyes, people who need to take other people's hard earned 'stuff' are worth a bullet.

So ya, your emotional appeal doesn't wash with me MH. I have been there and seen enough to make your hair fall out in horror.

If you have lived for so long in these crime ridden areas, why are you so forgiving with criminals? I thought someone who lived in Nobel Park would be a little more sympathetic with hard working civilians who are repeat victims of crime.

If someone breaks into your house and poses a deadly risk to you,

'Deadly risk'? By which you mean, when the bullet is flying towards your head? It's a bit too late then, isn't it?

The rest of your post is more straw, especially the comment about the kid. So yeah, snip.
Are you referring to dumb shit—

I was a little confused when I read the above. I thought that 'dumb shit' was a little too harsh a term to use when referring to yourself.

But seriously, read that 'dumb shit' again, and then read what I wrote in response to Bells here:

Exactly. Think on it Bells.

To help you, an analogy. If you saw your neighbour's daughter getting raped and beaten, would you just sit there and go "Ahh, what's the big deal, it ain't happening to me, hehehe!", or would you attempt to intervene? If you had a gun, would you use it to defend her life? Or would you just let things be, allow the rapist to have his way, and then run off into the sunset?

And yes, I'm aware that what occurred with Horn wasn't rape. But your "Ah, it wasn't it's property, so why did he care?" argument isn't very realistic. When good men (and women!) see an injustice occuring in front of them, they feel they need to intervene.
If they saw their neighbor's daughter being raped, they'd just go and fetch some lube.

Don't want to discomfort the rapist by having him suffer from friction on his penis...
Where does it say that in the transcript?

lepustimidus also posted a link to a different transcript.

What he did do was ignore a direct order from a person who works for the local law enforcement. The dispatcher advised him and then ordered him to stay in his home. He refused several times. Instead, he basically advised the dispatcher that he was going to "not let them get away with this". The dispatcher repeatedly ordered him to stay inside his house. Again, he kept telling the dispatcher that he was going to go outside and stop them. The sound of his shotgun is then heard being cocked on the tape, he tells the dispatcher he is going to go outside, then all that is heard is his shouting "Move! You're dead!" and then several gun shots. All of which hit the assailants in the back as they attempted to flee away from him. Please tell me, what kind of threat does someone pose if they are running away from you? In short, he took the law into his own hands and decided to be their judge, jury and executioner.
A 911 operator cannot order anyone to stay in their home anymore than you can order your neighbor to stay in their home.

The criminals disregarded the law. If they hadnt moved, they wouldnt be dead.

Yes, he did know the law. Which shows a level of premeditation. As the dispatcher informed him, goods aren't worth killing someone over. But he ignored the dispatchers repeated pleas and orders to stay inside his house. He is not within his right to protect his neighbourhood. He is not a police officer entrusted with that duty. He decided he would be the neighbourhood protector and has killed two people as they attempted to flee from him for a few items that were in a bag of loot that were stolen from his neighbour's home.
Premeditation? It shows the man pays at least some attention to the legislative efforts that affect him. Joe Horn did not break into anyones home and watched a crime being committed from his own residence. The perps came onto his property after committing this crime. It was reasonable for Joe Horn to assume their intent was criminal.

Tell me, do you often ignore orders from people from your local law enforcement? If they tell you not to leave your house, would you ignore them and do it anyway? Because on top of shooting two men in the back, that's what Mr Horn decided to do. And here you are saying you wouldn't flee from the police, but you are saying Horn did a good thing in ignoring orders from the police to not leave his house and shoot.
Actually, on my own property, I have ignored requests from law enforcement to stay in my house. But they should have told me they were looking for a murderer. I probably wouldnt have told them "run at her and see" when they asked me if my dog bites.

Would you flee from a strange man with a shotgun who thought you weren't where you were supposed to be? I know I would without hesitation.
If I had just committed a burglery I would have surrendered and not moved. What would have gone through my head would be "damn, I am busted". I know there would be a serious chance I would be shot. Besides, these two criminals were NOT supposed to be there.

Who is trying to twist anything? I was merely commenting that I am glad I don't live in Texas, because if I did and I was unfortunate enough to have some psycho like Horn living next door to me, I could very well have been shot and killed after I had to break into my own house after getting locked out by my 2 year old who was still inside the house and becoming distressed when he realised I could not get back inside to him and his baby brother.

Thats what you imagine. Reality is Joe Horn did not shoot his neighbor, and you've never been shot at by your neighbor.

And? If my neighbour thought I was a criminal, he could very well have gotten away with it. After all, if you can get away with shooting a fleeing person in the back that posed no threat to you whatsoever (because when someone is running away from you, the threat is deemed to be over) because they were running away from you, I really have to wonder whether my neighbour would have been charged with a crime.

Scoff... Of course your neighbor would have been charged with a crime.

And now you have one individual who has decided he can take the law into his own hands and execute people because they robbed his neighbour's house, roaming free. I bet it gives his neighbours some comfort. Lets just hope none of them ever get locked our of their house or car at night. Tell me, do you think your TV or watch is enough to kill someone over? How about your neighbour's TV or watch?

Think about it.

I have thought about it. I think criminals should wonder if stealing that tv, or watch is worth dying for.
Lets look at this logically,

If a petty thief stole your plants and tap fittings would it be ok to shoot him?
What about if you saw someone trying to break into your car as you were returning would you shoot them?
what about someone who crashed into your car and then drove off without stopping?
what about someone who cut you off?
what about someone you saw speeding?
What about if a girl told you this person raped her? would that be "self defence" to go shoot the person a week after the incident?

the first two actually happened to me, plants that PB had bought me for our aniversary, the tap fitting for the front tap and the back pannel off my car were all stolen. I did make a police report but oviously they couldnt do anything.

When i picked up my new car from my parents and was driving it back to adelaide i stoped in the city (melbourne) to go to the toilet. I was walking back to my car and there was a divi van parked behind it and i thought "shit i parked in a no parking zone, great". I got to my car to find the cops going though a backpack so i said to them "you guys scared me, i thought i had parked in the wrong spot". The cop turns to me and says "is this your car sir" and i nerviously reply "yes". He then tells me they saw someone trying to break into the boot but they caught him. I spent the next hour waiting at the police station to be interviewed (they had a busy morning) and then half an hour giving a statement. To be honest i was more pissed off about the time than the fact the guy had tried to steal it.

So dont tell me i have no experiance with theft, there is no way in HELL i would have shot the basted. I would have hid behind the courner and called the cops and if he ran (and i felt safe) i MIGHT have chaced him down and tackled him. Under NO circumstances would i have MURDERED him because thats what it is.

As for the cops commiting burglery of course they do those sorts of crime, they are alowed to paticipate in crimes against property to advance an undercover case, its quite plasable they helped rob a house in order to prove themselves to a gang to collect evidence of bigger crimes.

I thought you were a university student. Must be the Aussie educational system.

Lepustimidus said:

I was a little confused when I read the above. I thought that 'dumb shit' was a little too harsh a term to use when referring to yourself.

Explains a lot about what's wrong with you and your posts.