If you understand and see what others cannot and have all the information at your disposal then why dont you paste all the sequences on a board, break the code and then using the logic of numbers pre-empt the next disastor by calling MI5 or MI6? Oh, ok those agencies may be in on it. Okay forget about the CIA, CNN, BBC and MTV because I am sure they are all involved, but surely if you break the code eventually someone will believe you and then you can assassinate the relevant key strategists of the whole cabal thing and then become a hero like the guy in the Manchurian Candidate. Stop mucking about with us because our minds arent open to the possibilitites, go out there and stop it! Then we will all eat crow and see you were right afterall. Educating others isnt your forte but action might be. What are you doing in your everyday life to stop us from turning into transhumanist eugenically altered cyborgs? Simply telling us about it wont help because many find the notion appealing, especially with the image of 7 of 9 on their minds. What are you doing to stop the illuminati? If you keep talking about it many here will want to be on the side of power and join them (I cant get out of it myself since I paid my yearly fee and was forced to prove allegiance by performing lewd acts with Master lucifer) What are you doing to save the earth before all the sunflowers die? Monsanto would be pissed but mother nature would be saved.
What have you been doing to stop what you KNOW is going on? Since you believe you are now morally responsible to do something about it. So what do you do?
I have asked this of you several times as well as others, could you please tell us. This would be especially helpful for those who believe like yourself but fear public ridicule, by sharing what you do in daily life to stop this would give them the strength to act in kind . Actually I think using a blow horn to get the publics attention is dangerous for you, I mean arent you afraid that they will come and take you away for torture and re-education, washing your mind of all significant memory?