9/11 was an inside job

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How did the top of a skyscraper fall straight down and destroy a structure strong enough to hold the static load? And do it in 25 seconds?
you STILL do not understand
you are STILL assuming all the force came from above.
you are STILL assuming the lower portion was "intact".

why are you having a problem like this psiky?
don't you understand how these butt joints played a role in all of this?
Seriously? Seems a bit harsh...

I think I was pretty lenient all said and done, given how many chances I gave him to provide any evidence for his claims. Instead, he chose to just ignore all the evidence presented on why what he was saying was wrong... if he wants to do that, he should find a conspiracy forum, not a science forum.
There are conspiracy theories, and there are conspiracy theories.
Some conspiracy theories though, as well as being "near impossible" to pull off, can be downright insulting.
eg: If I had lost a loved one during 9/11, I would be pretty miffed with regards to Idiots running round claiming it was a conspiracy of some sort.
I see the Moon landings conspiracy crap in the same light.
Men did die in achieving mankind's greatest ever achievement...For morons and Idiots to say it did not happen, is just as big an insult as the 9/11 crap.
I think I was pretty lenient all said and done, given how many chances I gave him to provide any evidence for his claims. Instead, he chose to just ignore all the evidence presented on why what he was saying was wrong... if he wants to do that, he should find a conspiracy forum, not a science forum.

If you haven't noticed, this is a conspiracy forum. That's the name of this section.
There are conspiracy theories, and there are conspiracy theories.
Some conspiracy theories though, as well as being "near impossible" to pull off, can be downright insulting.
eg: If I had lost a loved one during 9/11, I would be pretty miffed with regards to Idiots running round claiming it was a conspiracy of some sort.
I see the Moon landings conspiracy crap in the same light.
Men did die in achieving mankind's greatest ever achievement...For morons and Idiots to say it did not happen, is just as big an insult as the 9/11 crap.

Indeed. These crazy woo-woo theories are just getting worse and worse...
Indeed. These crazy woo-woo theories are just getting worse and worse...

I blame the X-Files TV series and Millenium.....
Funny though, I enjoyed both and watched all episodes, yet I can still sort the wheat from the chaff, and am not in the least taken in by irrational conspiracy claims as mentioned.
There are conspiracy theories, and there are conspiracy theories.
Some conspiracy theories though, as well as being "near impossible" to pull off, can be downright insulting.
eg: If I had lost a loved one during 9/11, I would be pretty miffed with regards to Idiots running round claiming it was a conspiracy of some sort.
I see the Moon landings conspiracy crap in the same light.
Men did die in achieving mankind's greatest ever achievement...For morons and Idiots to say it did not happen, is just as big an insult as the 9/11 crap.
you must admit that 1& 2 looks eerily similar to a CD.
as a matter of fact i thought the same thing until i watched a number of CD's.
discovering butt joints in the core and perimeter sealed my conclusion.

about the moon landing:
how do you personally know we went?
what evidence do you have that proves it?
the reflector that is mentioned could have been left by an unmanned craft.
Indeed. These crazy woo-woo theories are just getting worse and worse...

Of course that probably comes down to certain kinds of people needing their nonsense to be validated at any cost, most likely for egotistical reasons once they realize they may have committed themselves to a very stupid idea. Even genuinely intelligent people can succumb to such foolishness- the example comes to mind of Werner Heisenberg's post-war excuses for working on Hitler's A-bomb and claiming that his own mathematical and technical screwups were part of a deliberate conspiracy to foil the effort.
about the moon landing:
how do you personally know we went?
what evidence do you have that proves it?
the reflector that is mentioned could have been left by an unmanned craft.

How do I personally know?
Well I could say I watched it on TV, or that I read about it, but that obviously is not going to satisfy any nutty conspiracy theorist, is it?
Or I could mention the loads of unique Moon rock that the Astronauts brought back, but again, that wouldn't satisfy any of our nutty friends either, would it?
Or I could reference the actual photos taken from lunar orbiting probes of the LM's on the Lunar surface, and the tracks of the Lunar buggies, but even that isn't going to convince any real dyed in the wool nutty conspiracy theorist.

Let's just say that anyone who believes that the 6 Moon landings, plus the failed Apollo 13 and 8, 9, and 10 Moon trips, were somehow staged, with the whole world watching them, including the USSR during the period of the cold war, should really be certified officially insane.
Let's just say that anyone who believes that the literally thousands of people that were involved in such a project, including those at Parkes Australia, who had the job of relaying communication between the Apollo craft and Houston, could all be trusted to keep this supposed staged event secret, let's just say that anyone who believes that, should also be officially certified as insane.

Not sure if that answers your questions but its the best I can do.
and none of these, in your opinion, can be faked?

no, actually it didn't.

Of course it doesn't. No amount of reasoning either with 9/11 or the Apollo Moon landings conspiracy nutters, will ever convince them.
In most cases they are beyond help and I utterly dismiss their implausible versions of what did and did not happen, as paranoid and delusional, and bordering on the lunatic fringe.
about the moon landing:
how do you personally know we went?
what evidence do you have that proves it?
I worked with some of the people who designed the LEM. One was at Houston on call for one of the missions so he could answer questions if needed. (But no, he wasn't there during the Apollo 13 incident.)
the reflector that is mentioned could have been left by an unmanned craft.
Sure, or everyone who claims to have seen the reflection could be lying, or it could be a mirror that is in orbit around the Moon. As usual, Occam's Razor is a good guide here.
I am curious how some of it, at such as the laser reflector hobbiests can get a return from, can be faked...
just because a laser reflector is on the moon is no sign a human placed it there.

Correct... however:




In these pictures (the first of the Apollo 11, the second of the Apollo 14, the third of the Apollo 15 rangefinders) you can see the footprints in the dust from the astronauts. Additionally, in the first, you can see their capsule behind them.

Then, there are these:




From when they were placing them...

Now, I know a true woo-woo will simply claim they were photographed doing that here on Earth in a studio, or that the pictures were faked in some other way... but honestly, there is a point where the cost of faking all this would have been more than actually doing it, especially when it comes to keeping people quiet.
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