9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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Ok, there's 3 mainstream sources that confirm no manual firefighting was taking place in WTC 7. So until any of you can provide one mainstream source to refute the evidence I've just presented, politely shut the **** up.

Please read my post again. From the horses mouth, they tried to put a hose on the WTC7 but didn't have enough water pressure, they were walking towards WTC7 with the intent of going inside the building, but were pulled back. Dan Nigro the fire commander ordered all firefighters out of the area.

My question once again, are you calling these firemen liars? That's a serious very serious claim, and a claim that does not make sense in light of the fact they lost hundreds of their colleagues..
From your first source:
With the collapse of both towers by 10:30 a.m., larger pieces of the twin towers had smashed parts of 7 World Trade and set whole clusters of floors ablaze. An hour later, the Fire Department was forced to abandon its last efforts to save the building as it burned like a giant torch.

How could the fire department "abandon it's last efforts to save the building" if there was no firefighting in the building....your source..not mine.
At least I attack the evidence, not the person.

Says a little something about your methods doesnt it?

And no building was ever built like the WTC7 was, and no building ever had the lower 10 floors scooped out 25% of the way into the building on one of the corners. And THEN you have uncontrolled fires burning.

If ONE of the corners was scooped, why the collapse into its own footprint? Shouldnt it have been off balanced?

And here are some more UFO nuts for you...

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."
---President Harry S. Truman, 1950.

"In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject."
---President Gerald Ford

"While flying with several other USAF pilots over Germany in 1957, we sighted numerous radiant flying discs above us. We couldn't tell how high they were. We couldn't get anywhere near their altitude."
"While working with a camera crew supervising flight testing of advanced aircraft at Edward's Air Force Base, California, the camera crew filmed the landing of a strange disc object that flew in over their heads and landed on a dry lake nearby. A camera crewman approached the saucer, it rose up above the area and flew off at a speed faster than any known aircraft."
---NASA astronaut, L. Gordon Cooper.

But lets stay on topic shall we? Can you do that or do you need to bring up unrelated subjects to try to discredit me?
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Please read my post again. From the horses mouth, they tried to put a hose on the WTC7 but didn't have enough water pressure, they were walking towards WTC7 with the intent of going inside the building, but were pulled back. Dan Nigro the fire commander ordered all firefighters out of the area.

My question once again, are you calling these firemen liars? That's a serious very serious claim, and a claim that does not make sense in light of the fact they lost hundreds of their colleagues..

From link he posted, when i tired to read the original source of the comment, this is what I get.

Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named NIST-june_2004

So the only source you have to back up your claim has been proven false and non existent.
Evidence not required here people. EYEBALLS required.

From your first source:

How could the fire department "abandon it's last efforts to save the building" if there was no firefighting in the building....your source..not mine.

After losing 200+ fire fighters in towers 1 & 2 the NYFD wasn't sending anymore of their Firefighters in another burning skyscraper. The building was already completely evacuated one hour after the first plane hit tower 1.

The NIST said there was no water available in WTC 7 to fight the fire because the waterline was severed. I won't rule out that a independent group of fireman took it upon themselves to enter the buildings. But as the FEMA report states, there was no manual firefighting taken place in WTC 7.
If that group of firemen took it upon themselves to enter the building...wouldn't they still need to be "pulled?"

After losing 200+ fire fighters in towers 1 & 2 the NYFD wasn't sending anymore of their Firefighters in another burning skyscraper.

But your saying it was the fire chief that gave the order to "pull" the building down, not pull out the firefighters. If the fire chief was part of the conspiracy, and had the clout in the conspiracy group to order the demolition of WTC7, why would he allow WTC1&2 to be demoed with 300+ of his own men still in the building?

This is a stretch..even for you Ganny.
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Evidence not required here people. EYEBALLS required.


Never forget the damage caused to the south side of the building by tons of falling debris. Never forget the effect of the fires on a very oddly constructed skyscraper. Never forget the countless statements made by those close to the tower saying they could tell it was in danger of collapse. Never forget the conjecture looneys like you make which distort the happenings of that day.
From link he posted, when i tired to read the original source of the comment, this is what I get.

Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named NIST-june_2004

So the only source you have to back up your claim has been proven false and non existent.

The sources you state are good sources. They make claim that the WTC7 building was for all extent and purposes left to burn uncontested, which is true. But that doesn't mean there weren't firefighters in the area making assessments, and I've already proved from the horses mouth that they tried to put hoses on the building and made attempts to enter the building. I'm pretty sure I even read somewhere (not from wiki) that earlier on, firefighters were inside the building, but I don't feel the need to find that article again as I've already proved that firefighters were in the area and making attempts to fight the fire, thus there was an operation with which to "pull".

So quit calling firefighters liars.
At least I attack the evidence, not the person.

Says a little something about your methods doesnt it?

You people deserve no respect. So don't expect any from me.

If ONE of the corners was scooped, why the collapse into its own footprint? Shouldnt it have been off balanced?

I don't know, perhaps you should read the rest of the NIST report instead of cherry picking the "first time in history" part?
If Larry had meant...'pull the firefighters out'...he would have said 'pull them'.

Not...'pull it'.
If Larry had meant...'pull the firefighters out'...he would have said 'pull them'.

Not...'pull it'.

Another fucking nut job... :rolleyes:

You have yet to explain why saying "pull it" to a fire commander can only mean "demolish the building". What expertise do firefighters have in demolishing skyscrapers?

A Jew leases the WTC buildings, making billions of dollars from their destruction.

Something smells fishy.

A Jew leases the WTC buildings, making billions of dollars from their destruction.

Something smells fishy.


Ignoring your blatant racism for a minute.. you do realize the insurance payout didn't come anywhere near to paying for the rebuilding? Larry Silverstein lost money as a result of 9/11.
Ignoring your blatant racism for a minute.. you do realize the insurance payout didn't come anywhere near to paying for the rebuilding? Larry Silverstein lost money as a result of 9/11.

He originally paid 3.2 billion dollars to lease the buildings. To date, he's received 4.6 billion dollars due to 9/11 from insurance companies. A few months ago, he sued for an additional 12.3 billion dollars.

Lucky guy!

But your saying it was the fire chief that gave the order to "pull" the building down, not pull out the firefighters.

You're smoking, I never said that. What a dishonest response.

If the fire chief was part of the conspiracy, and had the clout in the conspiracy group to order the demolition of WTC7, why would he allow WTC1&2 to be demoed with 300+ of his own men still in the building?

This is a stretch..even for you Ganny.

I never said that the Fire Chief was involved. A chief wouldn't have the authority to make that call. I haven't seen any evidence that the NYFD was involved. Most of their accounts refute the official story. Since it was them who first said they saw a foundry of molten steele in the basement, and heard bombs going off in the towers.
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The sources you state are good sources. They make claim that the WTC7 building was for all extent and purposes left to burn uncontested, which is true. But that doesn't mean there weren't firefighters in the area making assessments, and I've already proved from the horses mouth that they tried to put hoses on the building and made attempts to enter the building. I'm pretty sure I even read somewhere (not from wiki) that earlier on, firefighters were inside the building, but I don't feel the need to find that article again as I've already proved that firefighters were in the area and making attempts to fight the fire, thus there was an operation with which to "pull".

So quit calling firefighters liars.

Until you can provide an official source to back up your claim you're providing nothing but Bullshit. Also, in the video that Cazzo posted, Larry Silverstein says that he knew that everyone was already evacuated when he made that statement.
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Ganymede why did you need to start a new thread about this? Oh well I'll keep going as others have joined in.

Look at the context where the word "pull" was used.

Silverstein -
I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it."

He is talking to the fire chief and is weighing up the options.

This ...

I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is blow up the building."

.. does not make a whole lot of sense.
So are we to assume that the fire chief would be involved in the conspiracy and also doing the demolition? Okaay but they would have had to have the building loaded with explosives beforehand so why would the fire chief calling him and saying that they weren't able to contain the fire? Why would the fire chief be trying to contain a fire when he knows the building is loaded with explosives, which by the way no one saw beforehand and no one saw explode? If they knew about the explosives then why were they having that discussion at all? Were they not sure if they were going to blow it up until Silverstein made the call seven hours later? It's nonsense. That is not dialog between two people discussing a conspiracy.

We are also expected to assume that Silverstein was part of the massive conspiracy but then just forgot or decided to come clean during an interview.

He is clearly not using 'pull' in regard to demolition.
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You're smoking, I never said that. What a dishonest response.

I never said that the Fire Chief was involved. A chief wouldn't have the authority to make that call. I haven't seen any evidence that the NYFD was involved. Most of their accounts refute the official story. Since it was them who first said they saw a foundry of molten steele in the basement, and heard bombs going off in the towers.

Then I apologize for misinterpreting your remarks.
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