9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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If there was molten metal twelve weeks later, and I doubt that, a short explosive device would not be the cause. Thermite burns quickly and would not cause that either. So once again, what is your point here?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no wonder I have you on ignore.

No. Glowing metal is not the same as molten steel. You need to produce some evidence of molten steel.

I've already provided the evidence. The ability to read is a virtue.

Aluminum will melt at a far lower temperature than steel. Can you show evidence that it was steel and not aluminum?

I already did.

The eyewitness reports are of hearing explosions which is no surprise at all. It is dishonest to try and pass that off as evidence for bombs.
The claims of thermite, which does not explode, come from a man who is basically a running joke. His main area of work is not structural engineering or metals it is in cold fusion. He was too scared to publish his work in a relevant peer reviewed journal. I wonder why…

He has more credentials then you ever will.

[qoute]Stop for a second and think about your rationalizing there. You have a building loaded with invisible bombs and massive amounts of thermite (which no one saw) and they are going to fly planes into it. Why fly planes into it? Lack of evidence aside, the conspiracy theories make no sense.[/quote]

No one saw the 757 hit the Pentagon either. Do you have any visual evidence? Yes or No?

The pancaking caused the collapse and it started at the top of the building. If there were bombs in the basement they didn't do anything.

If there was bombs in the basement then it assisted in weakening the buildings foundation.

Due to my argumentative nature I tend to get involved in these discussions. There isn’t much for me to add here though as Kenny has been taking your posts apart.

Kenny hasn't done shit but post inconclusive videos, nameless sources. He's the worst debater I've faced yet next to you.
"Pull the building" was never said by Larry Silverstein.

He said we decided to pull it. It wasn't referring to multiple firefighters.

Err.. he said he was called by the Fire commander.

It doesn't matter who called him.

Not one of the dozens of cameras capturing the collapse of the WTC recorded any audio sound of explosions in the seconds before the collapse.

Yes they did, you just chose to ignore the evidence.

No one saw the 757 hit the Pentagon either.


He said we decided to pull it. It wasn't referring to multiple firefighters.

He of course referring to the operation by the fire fighters. "Pull" is a term used in the fire industry.

It doesn't matter who called him.

It does. It was the Fire commander.

Yes they did, you just chose to ignore the evidence.


Haha priceless! You expect me to believe that the dozens of cameras a stones throw from the WTC didn't pick up on any explosions but a lone camera 2 miles away did?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no wonder I have you on ignore.
You don't like your half baked, poorly researched theories being contradicted?

I've already provided the evidence. The ability to read is a virtue.

I already did.
A picture of glowing metal is not evidence of molten steel. What else was there?

He has more credentials then you ever will.
My work isn't being quoted by CTers. He published papers beyond his field while refusing to have them peer reviewed. He was put on leave for doing so as he was embarrassing his university.

No one saw the 757 hit the Pentagon either. Do you have any visual evidence? Yes or No?
Was that an attempt at a dodge? That is what you do. Just keep bringing up the same old debunked nonsense after each point gets shot down. When in trouble move to the pentagon, WTC7 ect.

So continuing with your theory of the largest conspiracy of all time, they stole the real plane, killed everyone and for some unknown reason decided to fly a completely different one into the pentagon. Yes that sounds plausible. They had the actual plane! Why not fly that one into the pentagon?

If there was bombs in the basement then it assisted in weakening the buildings foundation.
If the collapse was caused by pancaking what the hell does the basement have to do with anything! Think about what you are saying.

Lets analyze what this reporter said. He said that the plane accelerated before impact, and the wings folded upon impact, and it was the aluminum body of the plane that penetrated 6 rings of the the Pentagon. The engines of a 757 are made of steel and titanium, and they weigh 9 tons each. When the plane hit the WTC, we didn't see any wings fold back, we saw the entire plane plunge through the building, wings included, fully intact.

He of course referring to the operation by the fire fighters. "Pull" is a
term used in the fire industry.


In the Matter of Section 324A of the
Vancouver Charter and 5370 Taunton Street


Be it Resolved, by the Council of the City of Vancouver:

1. THAT the building and discarded materials situated on the property at
5370 Taunton Street, Lot 11, Block 18, 19 and 22, District Lot 37,
Plan 2220 is declared to be a nuisance and to be dangerous to public

2. THAT the owners are hereby ordered to pull down the building
and remove the resulting debris and the discarded materials from the site

Sept. 24, '98
Four executive members of the Atebubu youth association (AYA) have been arrested by the police
over thedemolition of a building which was being rehabilitated for use as the office of the Atebubu town council.
Members of the association allegedly went on rampage and pulled down the building
because, according to them "as a swish building, it was not fit to be used as a town council office."


The next house erected in Seneca was a concrete stone building, put up by Downing & Stewart;
the latter soon after selling to A. M. Smith. Downing & Smith sold to L. J. McGowan,
who finally pulled down the building and erected the substantial stone structure in which Hazard & Sons now do business.


The Gweru Synagogue complex was sold to a church, the KweKwe one sold to the
Hindoo Community as a temple, I understand it has since been re-sold. The
Kadoma Synagogue was also sold to a church last year who pulled down the building
and I understand built a larger complex on the site


Ox’s hoof found in wall
‘When I lived at Lyddon House some twenty years ago, a very old cottage adjoining was pulled down.
The building was largely of rubble and one of the men engaged in the task of demolition, found embedded in a wall,
the hoof of an ox shod with a miniature horse shoe


The quadrangle was given its present appearance little more than a hundred years ago.
In 1822 the north side was pulled down. The building was said to be in a dangerous state of decay,
but in fact the demolition was apparently carried out at the instigation
of a faction among the Fellows during the long vacation.

The remains of the building, including the Grammar School,
were pulled down as unsafe in 1824,
and the Grammar Hall was restored and adapted by Buckler.


The story of Samson is paralleled in the history of a hero named Zipanca, told of in the "Popol Vuh,"
who, being captured by his enemies and placed in a pit, pulled down the building in which his captors had assembled,
and killed four hundred of them.



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Lets analyze what this reporter said. He said that the plane accelerated before impact, and the wings folded upon impact, and it was the aluminum body of the plane that penetrated 6 rings of the the Pentagon. The engines of a 757 are made of steel and titanium, and they weigh 9 tons each. When the plane hit the WTC, we didn't see any wings fold back, we saw the entire plane plunge through the building, wings included, fully intact.

The Pentagon was reinforced concrete and the wings could not penetrate as they did with the WTC's comparitively flimsy exterior.


Why use demolition terminology with a fire commander? Especially when "pull" to a Fire commander means "pull the fire fighters out"?
The Pentagon was reinforced concrete and the wings could not penetrate as they did with the WTC's comparitively flimsy exterior.

So now you're saying a aluminum plane can penetrate 6 seperate walls of reinforced concrete? Impossible. The WTC was designed to withstand a jetliner crash, to insinuate that the building was flimsy is groundless and absent of any facts.

Why use demolition terminology with a fire commander? Especially when "pull" to a Fire commander means "pull the fire fighters out"?

I proved my case, with 6 different quotes that use the term pull when specifically referring to the buildings demolition. You've lost man. You haven't proved your case.

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So now you're saying a aluminum plane can penetrate 6 seperate walls of reinforced concrete? Impossible.

Impossible says you. That doesn't amount to much.

I proved my case, with 6 different quotes that use the term pull when specifically referring to the buildings demolition. You've lost man. You haven't proved your case.

"We have never heard of the term "Pull it" being used to refer to the explosive demolition of a building, and neither has any blast team we've spoken with".

Brent Blanchart

Impossible says you. That doesn't amount to much.

It's called physics, it's physically impossible for an aluminum plane pierce 6 walls of reinforced concrete.

"We have never heard of the term "Pull it" being used to refer to the explosive demolition of a building, and neither has any blast team we've spoken with"

Brent Blanchart


In the Matter of Section 324A of the
Vancouver Charter and 5370 Taunton Street


Be it Resolved, by the Council of the City of Vancouver:

1. THAT the building and discarded materials situated on the property at
5370 Taunton Street, Lot 11, Block 18, 19 and 22, District Lot 37,
Plan 2220 is declared to be a nuisance and to be dangerous to public

2. THAT the owners are hereby ordered to pull down the building
and remove the resulting debris and the discarded materials from the site

Sept. 24, '98
Four executive members of the Atebubu youth association (AYA) have been arrested by the police
over thedemolition of a building which was being rehabilitated for use as the office of the Atebubu town council.
Members of the association allegedly went on rampage and pulled down the building
because, according to them "as a swish building, it was not fit to be used as a town council office."


The next house erected in Seneca was a concrete stone building, put up by Downing & Stewart;
the latter soon after selling to A. M. Smith. Downing & Smith sold to L. J. McGowan,
who finally pulled down the building and erected the substantial stone structure in which Hazard & Sons now do business.


The Gweru Synagogue complex was sold to a church, the KweKwe one sold to the
Hindoo Community as a temple, I understand it has since been re-sold. The
Kadoma Synagogue was also sold to a church last year who pulled down the building
and I understand built a larger complex on the site.


Ox’s hoof found in wall
‘When I lived at Lyddon House some twenty years ago, a very old cottage adjoining was pulled down.
The building was largely of rubble and one of the men engaged in the task of demolition, found embedded in a wall,
the hoof of an ox shod with a miniature horse shoe


The quadrangle was given its present appearance little more than a hundred years ago.
In 1822 the north side was pulled down. The building was said to be in a dangerous state of decay,
but in fact the demolition was apparently carried out at the instigation
of a faction among the Fellows during the long vacation.

The remains of the building, including the Grammar School,
were pulled down as unsafe in 1824,
and the Grammar Hall was restored and adapted by Buckler.


The story of Samson is paralleled in the history of a hero named Zipanca, told of in the "Popol Vuh,"
who, being captured by his enemies and placed in a pit, pulled down the building in which his captors had assembled,
and killed four hundred of them.


No it fucking wasn't. You can do the same thing that the non-profit site aerospace.org did. Compare the wreckage to the engine of a Global Hawk.

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Phase 1 continued to fall, helping to pull Phase 2 in. Phase 2 was detonated several seconds later and collapsed and fell the same as Phase 1.


[Strategically-placed ¾” cables were placed to pull the structure away from the A-1-A Bridge, adjacent to the west end of the structure, as well as away from the sea wall along Haulover Inlet on the north side of the site

It's called physics, it's physically impossible for an aluminum plane pierce 6 walls of reinforced concrete.

I would imagine an outcry in the physics community if this were to be true.


Are any of your sources from a demolition firm? Doesn't look like it.

Meanwhile, "Hardfire" host Ronal Wieck contacted 11 notable demolition companies to ask about the term "pull it". Not one of the companies say that this has ever been an industry term.

No it fucking wasn't. You can do the same thing that the non-profit site aerospace.org did. Compare the wreckage to the engine of a Global Hawk.

I was merely responding to your strawman picture claiming it was too small to be part of a 757 engine.
Let's have a look at the "pull" comment.

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

In that context it is clear what he is talking about. He is talking to the fire chief who we are to assume that he is also in on the conspiracy. Firemen don't usually blow buildings anyway but lets look at the statement if he is talking about something other than pulling men out to save lives.

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is blow up the building."

That doesn't even make sense. It is perfectly clear what he meant by that comment. That is an admission of a conspiracy if you pretend that some of those words aren't in the sentence, which is what CTers do.
Let's have a look at the "pull" comment.

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

In that context it is clear what he is talking about. He is talking to the fire chief who we are to assume that he is also in on the conspiracy. Firemen don't usually blow buildings anyway but lets look at the statement if he is talking about something other than pulling men out to save lives.

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is blow up the building."

That doesn't even make sense. It is perfectly clear what he meant by that comment. That is an admission of a conspiracy if you pretend that some of those words aren't in the sentence, which is what CTers do.

Seriously, give it up man, I've proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the term pull refers to building demolition. I provided 8 examples to support my argument. You didn't post one, just your meaningless and worthless opinion. Back on ignore you go. You're just trolling at this point. And Kenny just called my bluff, and was fucking obliterated. Back on ignore you go, since you're just simply trolling at this point. You haven't added anything to this debate but subjective distortions. Good bye Shaman, you've been T.K.O'd!

I would imagine an outcry in the physics community if this were to be true.

We don't like in a Country where people are respected for questioning the Government. But we do have some true Patriot's in the Scientific Community who're exposing the truth. http://physics911.net/

Are any of your sources from a demolition firm? Doesn't look like it.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Continunig upgrading at mainfield, is seeing alot of the old structurs replaced with new more suited and safer buildings. Over the past 3 years RAMZE DEMOLITION has worked with mainfield pulling down a lot of these buildings so developments can take place


Meanwhile, "Hardfire" host Ronal Wieck contacted 11 notable demolition companies to ask about the term "pull it". Not one of the companies say that this has ever been an industry term.

Demolition is a process in which an existing building or any such structure is pulled down using some machines, tools and equipments.


Phase 1 continued to fall, helping to pull Phase 2 in. Phase 2 was detonated several seconds later and collapsed and fell the same as Phase 1.


[Strategically-placed ¾” cables were placed to pull the structure away from the A-1-A Bridge, adjacent to the west end of the structure, as well as away from the sea wall along Haulover Inlet on the north side of the site


Meanwhile, "Hardfire" host Ronal Wieck contacted 11 notable demolition companies to ask about the term "pull it". Not one of the companies say that this has ever been an industry term.

Phase 1 continued to fall, helping to pull Phase 2 in. Phase 2 was detonated several seconds later and collapsed and fell the same as Phase 1.


City to end dice-and-pull building demolition

The demolition company, Dore & Associates of Bay City, Mich., worked with police and other emergency workers who set up a command center on site. Still, logistics were tricky, and there was confusion as to when large sections would come down, as police officers tried to keep pedestrians at a safe distance.

"This methodology that they used is not like, 'Five, four, three, two, one, boom,'" said Ray Demichiei, deputy emergency management supervisor.

The same dice-and-pull strategy was used on St. Francis Hospital, which was demolished in March to make way for the new Penguins arena.


About 50 firefighters tackled the blaze at its height and many are still trying to put out the fire which continues to smoulder.

Most of the building in Bradshawgate is expected to be pulled down.

Larry Silverstein Exposed! WTC was pulled!

I've finally uncovered the smoking gun. This is for the Government supporters who insinuate that the term pull, means to pull the firefighters. But I've proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what the term pull means.

Demolition is a process in which an existing building or any such structure is pulled down using some machines, tools and equipments.


Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Continunig upgrading at mainfield, is seeing alot of the old structurs replaced with new more suited and safer buildings. Over the past 3 years RAMZE DEMOLITION has worked with mainfield pulling down a lot of these buildings so developments can take place


No. The term "implosion" was coined by my grandmother back in, I guess, the '60s. It's a more descriptive way to explain what we do than "explosion." There are a series of small explosions, but the building itself isn't erupting outward.It's actually being pulled in on top of itself


Larry Silverstein "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse
I saw that interview live and, yeah that's exactly how he said it.

My only thought (later) was that due to the sensitive nature of the information the building contained, it was prepared during the time it was built to have a "self destruct" option. this would cut down on the hours and hours of charge setting by a demo team in the case of an attack.
City to end dice-and-pull building demolition
Saturday, June 07, 2008

By Daniel Malloy, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The demolition company, Dore & Associates of Bay City, Mich., worked with police and other emergency workers who set up a command center on site. Still, logistics were tricky, and there was confusion as to when large sections would come down, as police officers tried to keep pedestrians at a safe distance.

"This methodology that they used is not like, 'Five, four, three, two, one, boom,'" said Ray Demichiei, deputy emergency management supervisor.

The same dice-and-pull strategy was used on St. Francis Hospital, which was demolished in March to make way for the new Penguins arena.

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