75 yr old woman sentenced to 40 lashes for mingling.

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Your countrymen are in a foreign country dropping bombs on villages. If the situation were reversed, what would you do
You are confusing me with an American. We generally hit what we aim for and aim only at combatants. (In the first Gulf War we lost more troops to American fire than to Iraqi fire.)

You want us to walk away and allow a hatefull regime to reinstall itself and suppress women for another half century? If I was a short sighted, brain dead, superstitious mysogynist I would be calling for foreign troops to leave my country as well. I'm not. And nor are a small number of sincere, dedicated individuals within Afghanistan to whom we owe our support.
We are Muslims, if you don't respect our customs, then leave our lands. We will always resist, its in our blood.

Oh the irony.

So when your forefathers invaded and forced islame on people that was cool. But now the invasion shoe is on the other foot and its not cool?
Oh the irony.

So when your forefathers invaded and forced islame on people that was cool. But now the invasion shoe is on the other foot and its not cool?

My ancestors embraced Islam of their own will because they realized the foolishness of worshiping animals and drinking cow urine as part of their religion. Not to mention the absurb notion of worshiping images which one creates with his own two hands out of rocks and pieces of wood.

I suggest you research yourself why your own ancestors left their tribal dravidian religions to embrace an aryan religion like Hinduism.
You are confusing me with an American. We generally hit what we aim for and aim only at combatants. (In the first Gulf War we lost more troops to American fire than to Iraqi fire.).

Just google British troops kill Afghan civilians
You want us to walk away and allow a hatefull regime to reinstall itself and suppress women for another half century?

Colonialism is over. Let people solve their own problems. NATO killing Afghans from one side is not going to make it easier to deal with fighing Taliban on the other.
If I was a short sighted, brain dead, superstitious mysogynist I would be calling for foreign troops to leave my country as well. I'm not. And nor are a small number of sincere, dedicated individuals within Afghanistan to whom we owe our support

Name these individuals. I'd like to see who is supporting the NATO occupation besides Karzais goons. All the sources I have read coming from Afghanistan do not support your assertion.
Let people solve their own problems.

We ARE solving our own problems, SAM. The Afghans are helping to hide Osama bin Laden, and we're going to find him. Those who help that wanted criminal are aiding and abetting.

The Afghani problem has become our problem, and we're going to solve it.

NATO killing Afghans from one side is not going to make it easier to deal with fighing Taliban on the other.

The Taliban ARE Afghanis!

If the peaceful Afghans want to end this conflict, they'll give up bin Laden AND the Taliban. If not, ....

Baron Max
Perhaps if Americans were not terrorising the world to maintain an unsustainable society, they would have less enemies.
Because if Americans were being bombed in their homes, that is what they would do?
So it would be justified for those Americans being bombed in their own homes to then go out into civilian areas and kill their fellow Americans? Because that's what is happening in Iraq and in Afghanistan.

Not only are the Afghans being bombed by NATO and her allies, they are also being bombed by extremists. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.
My ancestors embraced Islam of their own will because they realized the foolishness of worshiping animals and drinking cow urine as part of their religion. Not to mention the absurb notion of worshiping images which one creates with his own two hands out of rocks and pieces of wood.

Yes, your ancestors had a choice and as you claim, they embraced Islam of their own free will. Not everyone is so lucky. There are some factions in the world who are forcing others to adopt Islam, and also other religions as well, with threats of death if they do not convert. If people want to worship images which they created with their own two hands out of stone and wood, it should be their choice and their right to do so. While it may be absurd to you, to them it is their own personal beliefs and they should not be forced one way or another into another belief system.
So it would be justified for those Americans being bombed in their own homes to then go out into civilian areas and kill their fellow Americans? Because that's what is happening in Iraq and in Afghanistan.

Not only are the Afghans being bombed by NATO and her allies, they are also being bombed by extremists. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.

Yeah. But its NATO that has the firepower to do the most damage. And apparently lacks the ability to see Afghanis as human beings

“It was about two in the morning when we heard the aircraft, and I woke up,” said Abdul Manaan. “I looked out but I couldn’t see anything. My two younger brothers who were in another room came to me to ask what was going on, but I told them, ‘Nothing, just go back to sleep’. They went back to bed, as did I.

“Then I heard a noise on the roof, and I looked out and there were armed men up there. They climbed down and came into my brothers’ room, and asked them if they were Taleban. One of my brothers said ‘No, we are shopkeepers, come and search the house. We have nothing, no guns or anything’. The soldiers shot him on the spot. My other brother they brought to me, and tied his hands. Then they slit his throat. I could hear him gurgling. He was still making a noise when they got to me.

“One of the soldiers spoke a little Pashto - he asked whether we were Taleban and I said no, we were shopkeepers. They made me stand up against the wall and tied my hands. They put the knife to my neck and cut me three times. Then they threw an old tarpaulin over me and left.

“But I wasn’t dead.”

As Abdul Manaan lay under the tarpaulin holding his hand to his neck wound, he heard the soldiers moving around the house and children screaming.

When the soldiers left after about half an hour, he said, “I got up and went to my brother. He was cold.”

He found the women and children alive in another room, together with some who had come from other houses. “Everyone was screaming and crying,” he said.

In the morning, Abdul Manaan was taken to hospital in Lashkar Gah.

“I survived, but my brothers are dead,” he said. “What shall I do now?”

Residents of Helmand province have grown used to aerial strikes over the past several months. As the Taleban and foreign forces battle for control of the province, civilians are often caught in the middle.

The international troops accuse the Taleban of using women and children as “human shields”, while the insurgents and increasingly also the Afghan government condemn the foreign forces for reckless disregard for human life.

But what reportedly happened in Toube was quite different from the more detached, if horrific, bombing that has destroyed homes and families.

Abdul Manaan’s story is echoed by dozens of villagers from Toube whom IWPR interviewed as they underwent treatment in Lashkar Gah or accompanied injured relatives there.

All spoke consistently of soldiers breaking down doors, shooting children and cutting throats. They agreed that the raid began at two in the morning with the sound of helicopters bringing in dozens of armed men, both Afghan and foreign.

Yeah. But its NATO that has the firepower to do the most damage. And apparently lacks the ability to see Afghanis as human beings

And the extremists who blow up civilians in market places, etc, do see the Afghans as human beings?
Yeah. But its NATO that has the firepower to do the most damage. ...

And yet they don't use it for fear of harming innocent civilians. The Muslim terrorists, however, don't bother with that, they just set off bombs in civilian marketplaces and kill everyone!

Muslim civilians are killed every day by Muslim terrorists and you say nothing about it. Why, SAM?

Baron Max
Probably they are more consumed with a desire for revenge after losing their families to violence.

So they kill their own people?? Their neighbors?? ...LOL!!

SAM, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you say .....and I've heard a lot of ridiculous crap from you!

Baron Max
So they kill their own people?? Their neighbors?? ...LOL!!

SAM, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you say .....and I've heard a lot of ridiculous crap from you!

Baron Max

You were obviously sleeping through Katrina.
You were obviously sleeping through Katrina.

Yeah, I heard that there were lots of suicide bombers setting off explosives all over the place, killing hundreds of people. But I guess the news agencies covered it all up .........and only sent it to you, huh, SAM?

Baron Max
If you'd been at it for 7 years, there might have been. As it is Americans are shooting in schools without much provocation.
If you'd been at it for 7 years, there might have been.

Perhaps, but Americans have been living under the rule of law ....not like the Muslims who apparently live under the rule of personal revenge. We live in the 21st Century, Muslims apparently still live in the 17th century!

As it is Americans are shooting in schools without much provocation.

Yeah, but we don't cheer about it and march in the streets to celebrate such behavior. When a Muslim terrorist strikes, killing and maiming hundreds of other Muslims, Muslims all over the world cheer that action as "resistance" to some percieved slight by the evil west.

And you, SAM, and a couple of your cohorts, come here to sciforums and try to defend Muslim suicide attacks that kill other Muslims as "justice" for something.

Baron Max
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
As it is Americans are shooting in schools without much provocation.

Yeah, but we don't cheer about it and march in the streets to celebrate such behavior. When a Muslim terrorist strikes, killing and maiming hundreds of other Muslims, Muslims all over the world cheer that action as "resistance" to some percieved slight by the evil west.

I'm no great fan of Islam, but, to paraphrase S.A.M., perhaps what you need is a little education on what being in an occupied country is like. I remember seeing a video of some Iraqi vets trying to educate common citizens in the U.S. as to what it was like, simulating the types of things things that go on there; very interesting indeed. Here's the synopsis of a good article on the subject, US/IRAQ: "We Have to Share This Pain":
PORTLAND, Oregon, Oct 20 [2008] (IPS) - Veterans from the U.S. occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, along with Iraqis, Afghanis, Vietnam veterans, and family members of U.S. military personnel converged in this west coast city over the weekend to share stories of atrocities being committed daily in Iraq, in a continuation of the "Winter Soldier" hearings held in Silver Spring, Maryland in March.

And a bit of the article's content itself for good measure:
At the Unitarian Church downtown, some 300 people gathered to hear the testimonies, which left many in tears. The five-hour event was comprised of three panels; Voices of Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, The Human Costs of War, and Building Resistance to War.

The goal of the event is to give veterans a platform by which to disseminate information about their experiences abroad to the general public.

"War changes people. You do not come out of a combat zone the same," Iraq war veteran Chanan Suarez Diaz told the audience while moderating the veteran's panel. "War is very numbing...it comes to a point that you see so much destruction you become numb. This bullshit about bringing democracy or liberation is nonsense - we've killed over one million Iraqis."​
I'm no great fan of Islam, but, to paraphrase S.A.M., perhaps what you need is a little education on what being in an occupied country is like.

Well, if a people are willing to fight an occupation, then they should be willing to accept the deaths, destruction and lumps in that fight. I.e., fight all you want, but quit complaining when the others don't slink off in fear.

In other words, if they want to fight, then fuck 'em!

Baron Max
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