75 yr old woman sentenced to 40 lashes for mingling.

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But the condemnation of terrorist acts is disappointingly absent in many many instances. Were I Moslem I should be enraged at the impression left by this atmosphere of silence and would shout from the rooftops that the violence was wrong.

Ok, give me an example of where I have been unclear about my stance. All Muslims condemn terrorism, we are the main victims of it, whether by bomb attacks by unknown assailants, or by murder at the hands of Western armies.
The Muslims are the ones who always pay.

Why don't Westerners denounce the terrorism of their governments against us?

Last month more than 50 children died in missiles launched by American Predator drones, where is the denunciation of killing little Muslim children? Do our civilians not matter?

Compare the number of those killed in isolated attacks in the West and those killed by the perpetual bombing campaigns in Muslim nations. Where is the denunciation?

We are the victims, and yet you expect us to only condemn those supposed Muslims who attack Western targets, but you want us to ignore the deaths caused by your own occupation armies?

This is the first time in history, I;'m sure, where the victim has been forced to apologize for crimes committed against his aggressor.

Yes, we do condemn the killing of Western civilians, as we condemn the killing by Western armies of our civilians, but we will never condemn the attacks on Western soldiers, because those represent the true resistance fighters who are struggling for our freedom.
Ok, give me an example of where I have been unclear about my stance. All Muslims condemn terrorism, we are the main victims of it,...

Yes, Muslims are the main victims of Muslim terrorism .....yet you condemn westerners, but NEVER the Muslim terrorists who do most of the killings!!

More Muslims are murdered by other Muslims than all the westerners combined, yet you're quick to condemn the westerner killings ...BUT NOT the Muslims terrorsts who kill Muslims!

Baron Max
No, that's wrong. More Muslims have been killed by Western colonial adventures that by sectarian rife in Iraq. Monthly more than 100 people die due to predator drone attacks on civilian villages in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. Israel killed 1,000 civilians in its offensive of Gaza and injured 4,000. 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq due to the Aerial bombings by the US airforce and occupation by the US army, and also US arming of sectarian militas. We blame the US because it created this mess and is escalating it. http://www.iraqbodycount.org/

SAM has provided several other links, multiple times. If you are really interested, you call look at her old posts and find them.
No, that's wrong. More Muslims have been killed by Western colonial adventures that by sectarian rife in Iraq. Monthly more than 100 people die due to predator drone attacks on civilian villages in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan.

Nope, that ain't true! And you can provide biased figures all day and it doesn't make it any more true.

False propaganda and killing Muslims is what Muslims seem to do best.

Baron Max
Nope, that ain't true! And you can provide biased figures all day and it doesn't make it any more true.

False propaganda and killing Muslims is what Muslims seem to do best.

Baron Max

You'd believe the Nazis over the Jews. After all, it was the Jewish police who were carting Jews off to concentration camps. The Nazis were just maintaining law and order. Duh! How dumb can anyone be?
You'd believe the Nazis over the Jews. After all, it was the Jewish police who were carting Jews off to concentration camps. The Nazis were just maintaining law and order. Duh! How dumb can anyone be?

What does that have to do with Muslims of the world killing other Muslims??????????????

Baron Max
It's called war. If you can't understand that, go back to your Vietnam days, I'm sure you will remember.

War is a part of every ideology, including Capitalist and Communist ideologies. Jihad is a specific war, in response to an invasion or occupation by a foreign power and to alleviate oppression.

That makes no sense. What Muslims are invading or occupying your lands that you are at war with them? Are you at war because of Islam? Are you fighting over Islam? Does Islam condone this war?

So, war is part of Islam, according to your logic that war is part of every ideology? Did you know there are many ideologies that do not have war as a foundation?
Did you know there are many ideologies that do not have war as a foundation?

And where are they today? An ideology which rejects war is incomplete, because it does not forsee that in some instances war is necessary.

Malcolm X said, "To teach a man who is the victim of countless acts of oppression, not to defend himself, is criminal. No one wants that except the wolf which wants to make you his dinner."
An ideology which rejects war is incomplete, because it does not forsee that in some instances war is necessary.

No, war is not necessary. It may be quite necessary for Islam, but that is because Islam is a militant religion.
No, war is not necessary. It may be quite necessary for Islam, but that is because Islam is a militant religion.

War is necessary for all people facing occupation. What were the Native Americans to do when when they were bring exploited by white colonists? Or of Africans being exploited in the New World?

The great Toussaint L'Overture rebelled against Napoleon's army in Haiti and freed his people from occupation, only to later be deceived by the French and assassinated at a meeting with them.
War is necessary for all people facing occupation.

But damned few of those people will intentionally murder and/or blow up their own people as a way of fighting the enemy occupiers! What the hell kind of tactic is that? Muslim tactics for war? ...kill so many Muslims that the occupiers get sick of the Muslim blood and leave??

Baron Max
But damned few of those people will intentionally murder and/or blow up their own people as a way of fighting the enemy occupiers!
Baron Max

Actually all of them. Unless you think no one in an occupation collaborates with the enemy.
No because occupation breeds resistance. Let someone move into your house, even a parent against your wishes and you'll know it.

Not too many people fighting a resistance willfully murderers innocent people in suicide attacks or by blow up explosives in a marketplace full of their own people!

Someone moves into my house? So my resistance tactics is to blow up my own family?? ...LOL!

Baron Max
Actually all of them. Unless you think no one in an occupation collaborates with the enemy.

So all those women and children in the marketplaces in Iraq and Aghanistan were .....collaborators?

The young girls coming home from school were attacked with acid because they were ....collaborators?

Setting off a bomb in a marketplace is not a very effective method for trying to kill one collaborator, is it? Oh, wait, yeah, that's the Muslim method ...kill a whole bunch of your own people, and you might, just maybe, get the one guy who's collaborating. Good tactic, SAM.

Baron Max
Name one resistance where there were no enemy collborators.

This is the 21st Century, SAM, laws are a lot different now than in the past.

Oops, wait, Iraqis and Afghanis are so far behind the rest of the world that they wouldn't know shit about laws, would they. Seems a trend for all Muslims, don't it ....like that American Muslim who cut of his wife's head?!

Revenge is mine, sayeth the Muslims of the world.

Baron Max
You're assuming that the resistance is killing the civilians. Interestingly, the Awakening in Anbar the US keeps holding up as the success story of the surge has successfully ethnically cleansed the Shias in their neighborhood with American arms and were paid in American dollars for their contribution to "peace".

Americans now occupy their homes as military outposts.
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