75 yr old woman sentenced to 40 lashes for mingling.

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Last I checked, we've been dealing with these particular Muslims by lavishing cash, weapons and political support on them for the past 70 years or so.

Not that you'd see me complaining if a missile were to take out the headquarters of the Saudi morality police, but the criticism seems misplaced in this instance.

Since they are rarely indoors, it would also be a wasted effort.

I personally wonder whats taking Abdullah so long to get rid of them.

He doesn't have lobbies to worry about.
but if she was ratted on by her neighbours and her father-in-law, aren't these police doing what the people want?
Its difficult to take the selfrighteous seriously when they are murdering innocents by the hundreds of thousands and ignoring the torture of hundreds.

How should we take you, then, SAM? An Indian whose nation allows it's citizens to shit and piss almost anywhere, which utimately kills thousands of children daily?! Yes, SAM, thousands of Indian children die each day because Indians shit in the kid's playgrounds!!

What say you now, SAM, about the self-righteous?

Baron Max
I personally wonder whats taking Abdullah so long to get rid of them.

He doesn't have lobbies to worry about.

Sure he does. And what's more, the Saudi state holds that the lobbies in question speak for God himself.

It's been suggested (probably correctly) that this particular case is exactly a ploy by one of said lobbies to push back against Abdullah's recent moves against the morality police.
Sure he does. And what's more, the Saudi state holds that the lobbies in question speak for God himself.

It's been suggested (probably correctly) that this particular case is exactly a ploy by one of said lobbies to push back against Abdullah's recent moves against the morality police.

push back? If anything it shows why he should move against them.
push back? If anything it shows why he should move against them.

Indeed, but he must be careful not to alienate the conservative religious establishment, or he will find himself pushing little more than pleas for a comfortable exile in the United States somewhere.

A palace coup is also a real concern, as he is simultaneously altering the mechanism for succession. There is a real danger that, should Abdullah alienate the religious establishment, he'll find the clerics backing one of the numerous princes he's cut out of line in a palace coup.
How should we take you, then, SAM? An Indian whose nation allows it's citizens to shit and piss almost anywhere, which utimately kills thousands of children daily?! Yes, SAM, thousands of Indian children die each day because Indians shit in the kid's playgrounds!!

What say you now, SAM, about the self-righteous?

Baron Max

Oh the irony. Delicious, delicious irony.

Your country is bombing civilians, killing children.. your policies in the past have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children. I'm sorry, but your ranting about "self-righteous" is ironic to say the least. We should ask the question of you? How should we take you, Baron? An American whose nation has directly killed or allowed the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children through its own actions and policies?

You were saying about the self-righteous?

I guess Sam, as an Indian, is responsible for the whole of India and is to be held personally accountable for it? Just as you, an American is responsible for the whole of the US and is to be held personally accountable for it?:rolleyes:
Your country is bombing civilians, killing children.. your policies in the past have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children. ...

Hundreds of thousands, Bells? Really? In all of World War II, there weren't that many civilians killed, and we bombed everything in sight!

Bells, India's poor sanitation has killed thousand of kids ...PER DAY! Did you get that, Bells? India kills thousands of their OWN people ...EVERY FUCKIN' DAY!! The USA hasn't killed that many people in it's entire existence as a nation ...including all the wars we've fought.

Yes, Bells, SAM was ranting about self-righteous USA, and yet .....look at her own nation's records of killing their own people. Think about it, Bells, and I'm sure you'll see it clearly.

Baron Max
scott3x said:
I think you'd do better to simply say, yes, what they did was bad but the U.S./western societies do bad things too.

I think you can arrive at that conclusion simply by reading the original article.

S.A.M., the article makes no mention of your personal opinion, but I take it you are agreeing that the lashes on the women in question was a bad thing.
I'm so thankful that I'm an American living in a relatively free society where religion plays a small role.
Saudi Arabia sucks.

How unexpected they already blamed all 1.7 billion Muslims for the idiotic laws of an outdated Western-backed monarchy.

Atleast the Saudis aren't bombing school children like the Americans in Pakistan and Afghanistan. That's truly evil.
Saudi Arabia sucks.

How unexpected they already blamed all 1.7 billion Muslims for the idiotic laws of an outdated Western-backed monarchy.

Atleast the Saudis aren't bombing school children like the Americans in Pakistan and Afghanistan. That's truly evil.

What's your vision of a modern Islamic state?
What's your vision of a modern Islamic state?

Far, Far from Saudi Arabia. Most Muslims would agree with me.

I like the models of the Khalifat Rashidun, Salahuddin Ayyubi's dynasty, Seljuk state, Andalusia (Moorish Spain), Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Mysore, and Mughal Empire.
Far, Far from Saudi Arabia. Most Muslims would agree with me.

I like the models of the Khalifat Rashidun, Salahuddin Ayyubi's dynasty, Seljuk state, Andalusia (Moorish Spain), Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Mysore, and Mughal Empire.

What do you find most attractive about these past...cultures. I'm having a hard time understanding your choices. Explain.
What do you find most attractive about these past...cultures. I'm having a hard time understanding your choices. Explain.

You should do some research on these governments. You will realize that all these have a common justice and truth governing the way they dealt with their citizens. So much so that, one thousand four hundred years to two hundred years later, Muslims still look with nostalgia at these great eras of independence and freedom. Justice is something which our world has no place for, and freedom is only about rhetoric, but seldom practiced. Unless we realize how far, collectively we have fallen as a human race, we cannot truly appreciate the advancement of our fathers. That's why we look to the past, because their lies our strength and courage. If we did these great things our past, then we have the courage to rise again, no matter if the entire world hacks us to pieces, let us carry ourselves to a noble future, filled with justice and compassion. This is what Islam is all about.
Saudi Arabia sucks.

How unexpected they already blamed all 1.7 billion Muslims for the idiotic laws of an outdated Western-backed monarchy.

Atleast the Saudis aren't bombing school children like the Americans in Pakistan and Afghanistan. That's truly evil.


They just give whip 75 year old women. So much more civilised.

They just give whip 75 year old women. So much more civilised.

They are part of the same civilization. Their enemies are the same, the Muslim populace. Saudi Arabia finances the US, and US supports Saudi Arabia.

As far as I'm concerned, they are both part of the same civilization. Saudi monarchy are the children of traitors who helped consolidate British and French rule in the Middle east. Hardly part of OUR civilization.
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