75 yr old woman sentenced to 40 lashes for mingling.

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Master Queef
Valued Senior Member
OUCH! :spank: Seems that ultra-conservative doesn't cut it anymore. What about "fucking over the top mental conservative" ?


I'd be interested to know what women ARE allowed to do in Saudi Arabia. That said, perhaps there is some evidence that these laws actually work in preventing more serious offences???
"Saudi Arabia's strict interpretation of Islam prohibits men and women who are not immediate relatives from mingling and women from driving. The playing of music, dancing and many movies also are a concern for hard-liners who believe they violate religious and moral values.

A special police unit called the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice enforces these laws, patrolling public places to make sure women are covered and not wearing make up, sexes don't mix, shops close five times a day for Muslim prayers and men go to the mosque to worship. "

I can't wait until this lifestyle takes hold in the Americas. What fun.
How silly, they should send her to Gitmo instead. That's where the real liberators are.
Clearly the only way to deal with the radically violent and backward (aka Muslims) is through torture and missiles. This is just the kind of stuff that Muslims obviously enjoy doing to other people and each other.

Good thing all those wonderful atheists out there don't support such administrations
You have a point. People that would lash an old woman for mingling with her friends cannot be dealt with rationally.
Correct. Unlike people who torture for no reason. Or starve children for land.
Wow, Sams got to the point where she need only respond with:

See my previous post.
Its difficult to take the selfrighteous seriously when they are murdering innocents by the hundreds of thousands and ignoring the torture of hundreds.

Gasping over one woman seems like overkill.
Radically violent muslims can be dealt with in the same way as radically violent christians or hindus, etc.... better education and freedom of information. The more people learn the less likely they are to swallow wholesale bullshit, and society evolves.

Of course it doesn't always stop the mistakes (see war in Iraq) but it hopefully makes it less likely to happen again.

Or perhaps I have too much faith in humanity?
Its difficult to take the selfrighteous seriously when they are murdering innocents by the hundreds of thousands and ignoring the torture of hundreds.

Posts filled with lies cannot be taken seriously either, Sam.
Or perhaps I have too much faith in humanity?

I think I would wonder at the humanity presumed in addressing an older system of punishment in a closed society while ignoring the daily missile bombardment now considered routine by supposedly progressive ones.
No one is bombarding any population daily. I think you are referring to missile strikes against fundamentalist terrorists who recently forced a soveriegn nation to give up control over it's own land. That action works in favor of basic human rights, since the Taliban are opposed to such rights.
No one is bombarding any population daily. I think you are referring to missile strikes against fundamentalist terrorists who recently forced a soveriegn nation to give up control over it's own land.

I didn't realise anyone was bombing American troops.
Its difficult to take the selfrighteous seriously when they are murdering innocents by the hundreds of thousands and ignoring the torture of hundreds.

Gasping over one woman seems like overkill.

I think you'd do better to simply say, yes, what they did was bad but the U.S./western societies do bad things too.
I think you'd do better to simply say, yes, what they did was bad but the U.S./western societies do bad things too.

I think you can arrive at that conclusion simply by reading the original article.
But criticism of the religious police and judiciary has been growing in Saudi, where many say they exploit their broad mandate to interfere in people's lives.

Last month, the Saudi king dismissed the chief of the religious police and a cleric who condoned killing of TV network owners that broadcast "immoral content" — as part of a shake-up signaling an effort to weaken the kingdom's hard-line Sunni Muslim establishment.

Others have also spoken out against the case against Sawadi, accusing the religious police of going too far.

"How can a verdict be issued based on suspicion?" Saudi doctor and columnist Laila Ahmed al-Ahdab wrote in Al-Watan on Monday. "A group of people are misusing religion to serve their own interests."

Note that when a Saudi court passes a sentence like this, its an ultraconservative society. However, when the westerners kidnap and torture citizens from sovereign nations without even bothering with due process, its just another day.
Not knowing the case it would be agist NOT TO sentence her the same penalty than they would a 25 years old...
Note that when a Saudi court passes a sentence like this, its an ultraconservative society. ..
I disagree, they are occupied by an ultraconservative regime. The society would not be ultraconservative if they were allowed a moderate regime.
Clearly the only way to deal with the radically violent and backward (aka Muslims) is through torture and missiles.

Last I checked, we've been dealing with these particular Muslims by lavishing cash, weapons and political support on them for the past 70 years or so.

Not that you'd see me complaining if a missile were to take out the headquarters of the Saudi morality police, but the criticism seems misplaced in this instance.
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