7 Baha'is sentenced to 20 years in Iran

As I said, I'm able to see the inherent faults of my own belief system - I'm thinking this is probably where the buck stops huh? Some people can, some people can't I suppose.
The Japanese are intolerant in other ways. They allow mosques but they are racists. Indians are similar, we allow all religious monuments but our caste system is incredibly shameful. Everyone has different ideas about what is socially inappropriate.
Yeah, and many Arabs are racists and religiously intolerant. I'm focusing on the religious part.
Focus on whatever you like, but when a Dalit is forced to take drinking water from wells with dead animals in them, he is not thinking to himself, "I'm so glad we don't live like the Arabs"
Focus on whatever you like, but when a Dalit is forced to take drinking water from wells with dead animals in them, he is not thinking to himself, "I'm so glad we don't live like the Arabs"
SAM funny enough, you've never reminded me more of an alcoholic than just now. I mean, it's classic dependency.

Yes, I agree, there are problems with India. Yes, I agree that those problems should be addressed. Yes, there are problems in the USA. Yes, those should be addressed as well. Yes, France too. And China.

And do you know what is the first thing that has to happen to address a problem SAM? Yes, that's right, you have to recognize there is a problem.

Dalit's will continue to be mistreated until enough people in Indian society recognize there is a problem here. Likewise in Islamic societies. Until Muslims recognize the underlying problems inherent in their religion, we will continue to have Muslims as diverse as Arabs in KSA to Asians in Indonesia mistreating religious minorities, just like the Dalit's in India. When society thinks is just to legally discriminate against Blacks - well, the only way to solve this problem (if you think it's a problem) is to education the public. When society thinks is just to legally discriminate against Dalit's - well, the only way to solve this problem (if you think it's a problem) is to education the public. When society thinks is just to legally discriminate against Baha'i - well, the only way to solve this problem (if you think it's a problem) is to education the public. When society thinks is just to legally discriminate against Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - well, the only way to solve this problem (if you think it's a problem) is to education the public.

That's why I support education over prohibition.

However, I've also come to the point where I recognize that for some people it's a waste of time on my part. I'm not saying that it's a waste of time. But a waste of my and our time.
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