6 billion and counting

Idiot. So when we have 20 people per square feet, won't some of them fall into the ocean??

there will never be 20 people per square feet. some fools speak about overpopulation and global warnings... but when i look out from my window, i see none of them.
there will never be 20 people per square feet. some fools speak about overpopulation and global warnings... but when i look out from my window, i see none of them.

you don't belive in global warming...........?
and you don't believe in overpopulation....?

Do you not believe that the world's population doubles every 35 years?
Do you see the fact that the sea's are rising, deforestation, pollution of drinking water, forced migration due to ecology, pollution of the atmoshpere as a load of rubbish...................? A media ruse? if it is a media ruse what would they gain.
there will never be 20 people per square feet.

here is a homework for you. Next time you are at a party, try to gather 20 people on a square feet. Report back how it went...
Well its possible nature itself will decide who lives and dies. If not nature then the elite of the human race would decide....ie: those in positions of power....lol which is kinda funny considering most are voted on by the people they would exterminate.....ahh the irony.

It's not the amount of people that's the main problem it is the growth rate if we could control the growth rate, we can control the amount of people.

there will never be 20 people per square feet. some fools speak about overpopulation and global warnings... but when i look out from my window, i see none of them.

Your statement has as much grounds as 'if i don't look at the moon it means it's not there' you have based your judgement on population numbers and growth rate and global warming on what you can see from your window. Your scientific method has no perspective on reality....?:crazy:

A population of 630,000 billion will leave approx 2 1/2 sq ft per person?

I heard all of Happy Acres had pleasent views.
Pinocchio's Hoof, most of the sane members around here have already placed Yorda in their ignore lists a long time ago, suggest you do the same for the mercy on your brain, there is no use in discussing anything with that creature.
Pinocchio's Hoof, most of the sane members around here have already placed Yorda in their ignore lists a long time ago, suggest you do the same for the mercy on your brain, there is no use in discussing anything with that creature.

I will take that on board cheers.
I don't believe in "earth control." Defined as imposing "control" on nature (or naturally burgeoning human numbers) beyond any reasonable level that is clearly beneficial to man.

So let the flow of human life flow naturally, unhindered.

Welcome babies to happen as they happen, as was long the historical norm.

Maybe before long, the liberals will be gone, as they abort and contracept away their children, and we conservatives/Christians are having ours.
I don't believe in "earth control." Defined as imposing "control" on nature (or naturally burgeoning human numbers) beyond any reasonable level that is clearly beneficial to man.

So let the flow of human life flow naturally, unhindered.

Welcome babies to happen as they happen, as was long the historical norm.

Maybe before long, the liberals will be gone, as they abort and contracept away their children, and we conservatives/Christians are having ours.

Growth control is beneficial to man, the natural, unhindered flow of life changed dramaticly with the ind' revolution and ceased to be ' nature's course' but was steered by man.....?
We all welcome babies but there is a time and place for everything. Do you see a problem with license's for child birth? if this was brought in within 100years the population growth would receede enough for pop', food, resource balance.
And if we are to learn anything from history it is not to trust religion when it comes to the survival of man, only to trust man........
Indeed, he's on my ignore list as well.


what would you consider the "right" thing to do?

leave the planet Earth as fast as we can, sponsor missions to moons of Jupiter and Saturn and planet Mars and Uranus and Neptune moons so that we can settle there. But make sure humans get to live outside Earth.


But make sure humans get to live outside Earth.

Why? Just so we can make other places wastelands? If humankind will destroy itself here on Earth it can do it in other places...
Why? Just so we can make other places wastelands? If humankind will destroy itself here on Earth it can do it in other places...

yeah who cares about Earth? whats this home sweet home feeling for Earth!? The sooner we spread out to space the better chance we have to survive and become a true empire.
Why? Just so we can make other places wastelands? If humankind will destroy itself here on Earth it can do it in other places...

Even if that was true, we still must. We are a living body, a growing and a gaining force of power. We will spread to our very limits. Our destiny is not to figure out how to provide more with less.

If we do not expand, we are simply a hamster in a wheel, a child that grows into adulthood in their mother's basement. Insignificant. This is the future of Humanity on the cosmic scale that you seem to advocate.

Mother Earth is just that, a mother. To be respected and cared for until her natural death. Yes we do not do that, but that usually has nothing to do with efforts(small as they are compared to the destruction), to expand and explore beyond the Earth. Someday we must move on, we are able to make baby steps now and so why not use them.

The explorers among us must be satisfied, if they are not, the effects can be destructive. von Braun wanted to go to space, when no one else wanted to. The Nazis found a use for his Rocket theory, however. There are two ways to satisfy the adventurer. Exploration or Warfare.
Sadly, 'tis true. One pays the other's bills, it is our way I guess.

sadly? Its probably the last stand for evolution species adaptation within our society. Especially now that we are getting into space with high dosage of radiation exposure, mutations of cancerous nature are of high probability so elimination of species' genes that are not well suited is one of the foremost priorities. WAR is other words, is for the better...just look at Von Braun.
sadly? Its probably the last stand for evolution species adaptation within our society. Especially now that we are getting into space with high dosage of radiation exposure, mutations of cancerous nature are of high probability so elimination of species' genes that are not well suited is one of the foremost priorities. WAR is other words, is for the better...just look at Von Braun.

Nonsense. Weapons of today demand unity within the species and possibly beyond that, should we encounter "others". I suspect the first critia for a fledling space-going species, is peace among themselves.

It requires a paradigm shift. Massive and yet simple at the same time. It really only requires most people shift the perspective. Us(living) VS them(cold dead universe). Not Us vs Us.