
In this case, only the Hebrew and Greek texts are important because that is where the so-called Bible Codes originate from. It seems quite obvious the writers knew this structure when they formulated the Bible, just too many freak occurances of certain theomatical values applied to singular words and specific texts.

The bible code? Are you serious - give me a break.:rolleyes:
The bible code? Are you serious - give me a break.:rolleyes:

Yes, bible code. What is a Bible code exactly?

It's just were numbers have been assigned to each letter of the alphabet, in which the Chaldean's encoded numerical meanings.

And phlog, why is that woo woo? ''woo woo'' is becoming one of your most favourite catchphrases recently when you don't understand something.

Theomatical Bible codes are well established, well agreed upon. There is nothing woo woo about them. It is a serious study by many.

It only becomes woo woo when people think they are of divine inspiration. Now I need to head off. Go educate yourself on Bible Codes. They exist. Interpretation of Bible Codes differ from one man to another.
So you are cherry picking factoids and ignoring anything that doesn't fit into your preconceived notions.

No, it's because the Bible has no Sumarian in it. What good is sumerian in the case of applying theomatics to the words in the Bible, to decode certain names with numbers?

You know, these ''Bible Codes''you consider woo woo? Go learn something for God sake.
Theomatical Bible codes are well established, well agreed upon. There is nothing woo woo about them. It is a serious study by many.

What is agreed is that it's a load of bunk, and using the same methods yields similar results using other sources.
What is there to debunk?

I have read sources that statisticians often have different opinions of the statistical nature of the words. Indeed, I think one can clearly debunk the fact it was of divine intervention. But what is clear is that certain words or phrases used in the Bible clearly show some kind of theomatic undertones.

For instance, your arguement is that because it appears in the English language, (which I think is what you are hinting at) is proof that there is nothing behind it. However, it is clearly not a great example since modern English has derived from latin, from the main root Greek and the rooted from that Hebrew. Certian theomatical attributes have been carried down from one language to another. This is why you cannot use the english coded words to refute to the codes used in the Bible. It is because English is a variant (cousin if you like) of these ancient languages.
Which is rather amusing..


Come from the land of the ice and snow . The 18 is the day I got back from Haiti . It coincided with a massive snow storm in the northwest besides the black out of the internet .
666 is the prime number calculator . It creates the web . In perfect harmony as a musician would say . The ice man comes. He takes the weather with him . Nothing really new hear. St. Elmo's fire kind of thing. Thor's lightening bolt . King Authors sword. The Jesus cross. The X of Quetzalcoatal. The list goes on and on . Nine green tree and all that .The 99. Rout 66. embedded in the names of things . Like the color blue against the color red . information flow by format is the way I see it. Segregated by master topics . Organized by nature it self . You watch the patterns long enough and you will see there emergence as coherent information flow. Or is it the ability of the mind categorize. Nay I say it a coherent language we contribute to and read with out knowing we read it . The missing awareness of dictated information flows prevents the mind from making the connections. They exist and they rule the day.
However, it is clearly not a great example since modern English has derived from latin, from the main root Greek and the rooted from that Hebrew.

Oh no it isn't. English is a Germanic language. Languages derived from Latin are the Romance Languages, and English is not amongst them.
Oh no it isn't. English is a Germanic language. Languages derived from Latin are the Romance Languages, and English is not amongst them.

Yes, but it is Germanic which is rooted from a Latin alphabet, if it uses a latin alphabet, then you have the reason why a code might show.

Ask yourself why an English code might show resemblance to a Hebrew code? It is because we use the Latin alphabet. There is a structure within the alphabet which has been carried.
And I think you will also find that many of our words have been derived from latin. The latin influence is larger than you think. Making our language a cousin of the ancient languages.

And just in case you have any further doubts:

''Historically, English originated from the fusion of languages and dialects, now collectively termed Old English, which were brought to the eastern coast of Great Britain by Germanic (Anglo-Saxon) settlers by the 5th century – with the word English being derived from the name of the Angles, and ultimately from their ancestral region of Angeln (in what is now Schleswig-Holstein).[14] A significant number of English words are constructed based on roots from Latin, because Latin in some form was the lingua franca of the Christian Church and of European intellectual life.[15]''

Notice, significant number of English words, not just a few. I can even varify that. I studied latin for some time and I can honestly say I saw more attributes to that language than what I have ever seen in the German language, or any that I might have briskly looked over.
In this case, only the Hebrew and Greek texts are important because that is where the so-called Bible Codes originate from. It seems quite obvious the writers knew this structure when they formulated the Bible, just too many freak occurances of certain theomatical values applied to singular words and specific texts.

what codes ?
Yes, but it is Germanic which is rooted from a Latin alphabet, if it uses a latin alphabet, then you have the reason why a code might show.

Ask yourself why an English code might show resemblance to a Hebrew code? It is because we use the Latin alphabet. There is a structure within the alphabet which has been carried.

Except the origin of our alphabet is Greek.
Notice, significant number of English words, not just a few. I can even varify that. I studied latin for some time and I can honestly say I saw more attributes to that language than what I have ever seen in the German language, or any that I might have briskly looked over.

A 'significant' number, but not the majority, and the grammar is different, and we also have Greek words, and French words, and words from every invading nation,... and English is still a Germanic language, not a Latin one. If you studied Latin, you should also have studied German, because you'd see more similarities between German and English, and Dutch, and other related languages.

Except our language's origin was Greek?

Thank you for proving my point then, either way.

.... How could someone ''dob'' themselves in like that..... ... seriously?
''A 'significant' number, but not the majority, and the grammar is different,''

Sherlock, you don't think this has something to do with the language itself?''
Except our language's origin was Greek?

Thank you for proving my point then, either way.

Reading comprehension really isn't your strong point is it?

Our alphabet is derived from the Greek alphabet, .. but if you'd ever studied studied science, you'd know Greek letters are formed differently! ROFL !

Our language however, is Germanic.
''A 'significant' number, but not the majority, and the grammar is different,''

Sherlock, you don't think this has something to do with the language itself?''

Er, yes I do, but you are trying to assert some mystic bullshit transcends the transcription and translation from one language into another with completely different grammar. Your horse puckey has been thoroughly debunked anyway.