
Because you assign more validity to one language when it suits you, and then another, when that suits you. You are inconsistent.

You don't know what you are talking about do you?

I said 888 appears in the Greek version of the Bible, the New testament in other words. How is that applying more validity to the Greek than the Old testament, the Hebrew text?

The name of Christ simply does not appear in the Old Testament, neither can the same Theomatic calculations be applied directly from Hebrew to the Greek Texts since they both follow similar but ever-so-slightly different counting methods due to the amount of letters contained in each language.

Last but not least, you have I bet done absolutely no theomatical research in your life, or studied the ancient texts do decode them for yourself.

I have. I have spent many years at one point doing just that. It is not about favouring one language over the other. It is about how theomatics is applied to each language, and the real question of why and how 888 appears from the name of Christ. If you even had the slightest idea of the structure of the Bible then you would have known not far from ignorance on the subject why I said what I said.
Yes I do. Seems you are on some numerology bent and can't accept the fact that 666 is a mistranslation, because you like all the mis-attributed numerological mumbo jumbo attached to it.

Well, obviously you don't know what you are talking about then, and obviously not read anything I have said up to this point.

extracted from wiki

''Although Irenaeus (2nd century AD) affirmed the number to be 666 and reported several scribal errors of the number, there is still doubt by a minority of theologians about the original reading[10]''

How do we know 616 was a scribal error? Simply because the number 616 appears in the same text which purports to the number 666

''In the Novum Testamentum Graece, the number is represented by the final three words, ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ, meaning "six hundred sixty-six":''

The Novum Testamentum Graece is also the text which contains 616, so obviously there is a major contradiction here. You also seem to fail to understand that the testimonies where written in multitudes of different papyrus. Meaning they all came from different authors.

The major thing you need to wrap your head round is the fact that the translation of our current day Bible all purport to the number 666 where 616 is never seen.

But, yet, you'd fail to understand this. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. It sounds like at some point you've heard someone say that the number of the beast is 616 because it is written somewhere. You basically pummeled that into your head, but I can tell you that no, that is not the traditional number you find in the Bible. Which means it was a scribal error, nothing more or less.

And this numerological mumbo jumbo was in fact taken very seriously by the Chaldeans and the original scribes of the Bible. In fact, the entire book is based on this so-called, ''mumbo jumbo.'' But you have no experience there, or the theometical discoveries that had been made.

The most major one's discovered was made by a Doctor Panin. He found that the entire book was riddled with coded ''7''s.
For other's:

Doctor Jenkin's found a series of mathematical patterns when decoding the first seven words of the Bible. But recently I spoke of a Doctor Ivan Panin who discovered a series of what was called the ''seven phenomenon''


You can read about his discovery here.
I want it known that I don't believe in any mystical attachment to these findings. I just think it was written by a bunch of very intelligent men for their time.
For the first 11 finds of Ivan Panin, the possibility that the seven phenomena happened by chance occurs in what I calculate as

1 in 1,977,326,743
616, the number of the Beast.

Simply, you like the numerology too much to accept anything else.

Now you are simply being childish, ignoring everything I have said to you, by simply replying, 616 is the number of the beast.

My four year old nephew could [present] a much more reasonable rebuttal than yourself.

You've basically shown everyone here you like to engage in topics you actually know [demonstratably] nothing about.
Reiku, why do you post one sentence per post making several posts for one thought. Are you trying to get total number up, is the technology of posting too difficult for you, are you manic or is there some other reason?:shrug:

It is really weird.
Reiku, why do you post one sentence per post making several posts for one thought. Are you trying to get total number up, is the technology of posting too difficult for you, are you manic or is there some other reason?:shrug:

It is really weird.

On this occasion I really wanted to seperate a few posts because they were not directed at Phlog specifically.

Other times, yes I have been known to do this. I think it is psychological, almost.

I don't know why. Maybe I fear that if I edit a post it won't be recognized. To be honest, if someone answers me, I don't tend to go back to that post to see if it has been modified, do you?

So I guess my little twisted brain is saying, if you have something new to add, put it in a new post so people can see you have. :shrug:
The number 666 has a connection to numerology. In numerology, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number; a=1, b=2, c=3, etc. Next, you take the name and assign the number to eahc letter and add them. Let me given an example.

For example, if the first name is Jan, we take each letter and assign the number as defined above, J=10 a=1 and n=14. Next we add these 10+1+14=25. Then we add these to reduce it to a single number 2+5=7 The number of the name Jan is 7.

If a person had the name number 666 their first, middle and last name would each reduce to 6 using this numerology process.

It is likely the name of 666 would not be in English, but in Hebrew, Latin or Greek.

Let me do Barack Obama

B=2 a=1 r=18 a=1 c=3 k=11 or 2+1+18+1+3+11=36 3+6=9
O=15 b-2 a=1 m=13 a=1 or 15+2+1+13+1=32 3+2=5
His name number is 95 in English.

I forget how to read this but this number would then be used to tell things about him.
I'd rather you stick away from English numerical codes. The Hebrew and Greek texts are what is important.
Personally, I think I know the mystery.

666 is incidently the value of NERO, the name of ceaser in theomatics. He was a ruthless dictator at the time who slaughtered Christians left right and center.

Since his name calculates to this, it seems likely the Chaldeans were hinting at this man.

The idea that the three heads represented 666 is more of an outlandish claim.

This post seems to make me have confidence in you again. You'r getting out of the woo-woo, I can see.
In this case, only the Hebrew and Greek texts are important because that is where the so-called Bible Codes originate from. It seems quite obvious the writers knew this structure when they formulated the Bible, just too many freak occurances of certain theomatical values applied to singular words and specific texts.