50 reasons why religion is B.S.

I think so too. I didn't want to prove anything, ever since I joined sciforums I've always wanted to give options to show that there can be just as good arguments from the 'other side', not to say that any argument is final.

Sometimes it may be easy to rule something out by just simply stating what is known about the world, but since God is unknown to us we have to find arguments that...are harder to find so to say. That's why I don't make any claim of some argument being the best it can be - cause I simply can't know that, I just try the best I can to avoid the grief of doubt that the opposing arguments may provide to some people (also including me sometimes).

I gotcha. I didnt know that was what you were trying to do. You made some good points alright. :)
How much of history is BS? Can we not ask the same of religion since it deals with history. Let's face it, none of the major religions are new so they have a great deal of history. The odds for all historical facts about anything being accurate isn't 100% in favor. So how is religion sure of their facts?
His reasons have no basis. Religion doesn't help anyone? What kind of reason is that? What is it based on? Religion has helped tons of people, so there goes that down the drain.
How much of history is BS? Can we not ask the same of religion since it deals with history. Let's face it, none of the major religions are new so they have a great deal of history. The odds for all historical facts about anything being accurate isn't 100% in favor. So how is religion sure of their facts?
The Bible is a collection of many books and letters and as such one book or letter may be more accurate than another historically, so we would have to treat them individually which I'm sure has already been done. Of course they aren't all made up, some writings however have shown to be harder to find any evidence for. I think it's funny though that they have found a stone shaped imprint of a ship on mount Ararat :) and that they found what they believe to be Mount Sinai, they found a stone with ten rectangles on it (possibly representing the ten commandments) and twelve stones that may represent the twelve shribes (I'm not sure for the english spelling) of Israel. Not that it is evidence for it, but just to show that there are indications for everything.

You should probably discuss with someone more historically knowledgable than I about this though, as I'm not that educated in history.
The Bible is a collection of many books and letters and as such one book or letter may be more accurate than another historically, so we would have to treat them individually which I'm sure has already been done. Of course they aren't all made up, some writings however have shown to be harder to find any evidence for. I think it's funny though that they have found a stone shaped imprint of a ship on mount Ararat :) and that they found what they believe to be Mount Sinai, they found a stone with ten rectangles on it (possibly representing the ten commandments) and twelve stones that may represent the twelve shribes (I'm not sure for the english spelling) of Israel. Not that it is evidence for it, but just to show that there are indications for everything.

You should probably discuss with someone more historically knowledgable than I about this though, as I'm not that educated in history.
Nice point and good logic. I am majoring in History at ULM. History has always been my favorite subject.
Nice point and good logic. I am majoring in History at ULM. History has always been my favorite subject.
Yes, it is interesting, but I had to learn the actual year when everything happened and as such it was too specific for me. Because of that I didn't have much interest in it in school, only the interesting parts of it so to say :), I think the school really needs to form the education so that the will to learn is the goal, and not specific details (which you will learn either way if you really are interested).

That something happened say 1863 means nothing to me, it's just a year and not something that I would have any particular interest in. But that someone was assassinated and there was a war and etc. that is interesting, if I find it particularly interesting the year will stick too, I think that many of my schoolmates were bored with the specifics, they wanted to hear great stories! Histories :)
Yes, it is interesting, but I had to learn the actual year when everything happened and as such it was too specific for me. Because of that I didn't have much interest in it in school, only the interesting parts of it so to say :), I think the school really needs to form the education so that the will to learn is the goal, and not specific details (which you will learn either way if you really are interested).

That something happened say 1863 means nothing to me, it's just a year and not something that I would have any particular interest in. But that someone was assassinated and there was a war and etc. that is interesting, if I find it particularly interesting the year will stick too, I think that many of my schoolmates were bored with the specifics, they wanted to hear great stories! Histories :)
Cool! My main interest into history is ancient history. Im not to interested in modern history, which it is still cool though. Just depends what topic we are talking about.
The Bible is a collection of many books and letters and as such one book or letter may be more accurate than another historically, so we would have to treat them individually which I'm sure has already been done. Of course they aren't all made up, some writings however have shown to be harder to find any evidence for. I think it's funny though that they have found a stone shaped imprint of a ship on mount Ararat :) and that they found what they believe to be Mount Sinai, they found a stone with ten rectangles on it (possibly representing the ten commandments) and twelve stones that may represent the twelve shribes (I'm not sure for the english spelling) of Israel. Not that it is evidence for it, but just to show that there are indications for everything.

You should probably discuss with someone more historically knowledgable than I about this though, as I'm not that educated in history.

My friend, you are a victim of an impressionable mind. Written history is so full of holes but your Bible is not? You're telling me that the Bible is the only written document in the world that is historically accurate.

As for your physical evidence, I remember years ago reading an ad in a magazine in which some guy was selling pieces of the cross Christ was crucified on. When they got around to finally putting him out of business he had sold enough pieces to build a house. So can I interest you in purchasing a genuine piece of Christ's foreskin?

There's plenty for sale on E-Bay right now, better hurry
My friend, you are a victim of an impressionable mind. Written history is so full of holes but your Bible is not? You're telling me that the Bible is the only written document in the world that is historically accurate.

As for your physical evidence, I remember years ago reading an ad in a magazine in which some guy was selling pieces of the cross Christ was crucified on. When they got around to finally putting him out of business he had sold enough pieces to build a house. So can I interest you in purchasing a genuine piece of Christ's foreskin?

There's plenty for sale on E-Bay right now, better hurry
I said some books are more accurate than others :), and the "physical evidence" is stated to be indications, not evidence. But they are there, I don't think anyone has proven them to be hoaxes, especially not the noahs ark imprint on the mountain, it could be some boat shaped natural erosion of some kind though.
Cool! My main interest into history is ancient history. Im not to interested in modern history, which it is still cool though. Just depends what topic we are talking about.
We shouldn't stray to far from the OP topic (50 reasons why religion is B.S.) so what do you have on the history of the Bible?

What is history as evidenced (or at least strong indications), and what is simply stories?

I hope you know anything about it, cause I know very little :)
I said some books are more accurate than others :).

Not good enough. If there is only one thing wrong in the Bible then it can't be God's words. If God wrote it then it has to be unerringly accurate, so when a book is written that says bats are birds for instance, the entire text comes into question. Today we know the Bible contains errors. Try as you might you can't avoid them. One might as well look at it as fiction or poor research.

The Bible, like any history book contains mistakes. Mistakes, intentional or otherwise, can be classified as BS or untrue. What I'm trying to say is that you don't even need 50 reasons why religion is BS because as a historical document it already is.
Now switch religion for science.

That may be an instructive thing to do. Let's check...

1) There are too many sciences, how does a believer know he picked the right one?

All sciences are complementary, whereas different religions are mutually contradictory in many important respects.

3) Has caused many wars

No war I know of has been fought over a scientific principle.

5) Full of contradictions

The scientific method is there to sort out disagreements. No such method exists for religious disagreements.

6) No proof other than the inability to disprove

Science is amply supported by evidence. Compare religion, whose central premise has no good evidence.

7) Does not agree with religion

Given that one has evidence and the other has argument from authority of a holy text, I know where I'd come down.

8) Disrespects the hard work of the religious community

Many scientists are religious.

9) Scientific claims have yet to have religious backing

Why would science need that?

10) People do not need science to have morals (ex: learn to respect others, not kill or steal)

That's ok. Science has never put itself in a position of dictating morality.

11) Waste of time
12) Waste of money
13) Waste of space
14) Wasted of lives

The benefits of science are too many to list.

16) Science unites people for the wrong reasons

I'd disagree.

17) Leaders often times use science to bring their people to their sides

Hmm... They do?

18) Most sciences are outdated and lack any historical backing

Clearly false.

etc. etc.

SAM, did you seriously think about your little exercise when you suggested it?
Not good enough. If there is only one thing wrong in the Bible then it can't be God's words. If God wrote it then it has to be unerringly accurate, so when a book is written that says bats are birds for instance, the entire text comes into question. Today we know the Bible contains errors. Try as you might you can't avoid them. One might as well look at it as fiction or poor research.

The Bible, like any history book contains mistakes. Mistakes, intentional or otherwise, can be classified as BS or untrue. What I'm trying to say is that you don't even need 50 reasons why religion is BS because as a historical document it already is.
The Bible has several different authors working under the influence of inspiration from God. The writers can make errors, but the errors contained that are put forth doesn't take you away from the underlying truth. The bible says that the scriptures is in our hearts and that it doesn't need to be taught, the witness 'amen' confirms that it is true.

Humans aren't unerringly accurate, and we still haven't found out exactly how God works.
The Bible has several different authors working under the influence of inspiration from God. The writers can make errors, but the errors contained that are put forth doesn't take you away from the underlying truth. The bible says that the scriptures is in our hearts and that it doesn't need to be taught, the witness 'amen' confirms that it is true.

Humans aren't unerringly accurate, and we still haven't found out exactly how God works.

The underlying truth could be that the Bible is a book about nothing.

Anytime I see the word heart(s) used as a reservoir of emotions it is impossible for me to take it seriously. A heart is a pump, it contains no wisdom, imagination or intelligence. Its a term used by romantics, a throwback to ancient biology, a classic substitute for the brain. Thus, 'The scriptures is in our hearts' makes no sense and typifies the desperation of people that want the Bible to be the word of God in at least one of the body's organs.
Inane & Off-topic posts deleted. Insults/flames deleted & warnings applied to profiles for other mods to see.
The underlying truth could be that the Bible is a book about nothing.
No book is about nothing.

Anytime I see the word heart(s) used as a reservoir of emotions it is impossible for me to take it seriously. A heart is a pump, it contains no wisdom, imagination or intelligence. Its a term used by romantics, a throwback to ancient biology, a classic substitute for the brain. Thus, 'The scriptures is in our hearts' makes no sense and typifies the desperation of people that want the Bible to be the word of God in at least one of the body's organs.
Everything is connected, when we feel things we can feel it in the heart, thus the expression. I feel emotions through the heart all the time. If you hurt your finger, do you say that you have pain in the brain?