41% of Pregnancies End in Abortion in NYC

Reason and willpower developed much later in human history, than irrationality and impulse. What in culture has changed which has led to regression to the past, either directly or indirectly?

I think reason and willpower are difficult, cultivated skills...and we just aren't cultivating them, that's all. In fact, advertising directly tries to exploit our lack of impulse control. It also uses sex to sell things, which probably doesn't help matters.

But unintended pregnancies happened in the past.
Now we have sociological data of abortions.
We used to have teenage girls bundled off to spend a season at the farm with their grandparents while they carried a baby to term that they were then forced to give up and never speak about again.
Shouldn't you be happy about it? If it was the other way around, you would be worrying that soon the blacks outbreed the whites....
The fact that African Americans are aborting more babies than they are giving birth to is no reason for celebration. It is a side effect of the almost complete collapse of the nuclear family in the black community. Even with all these abortions, 72% of African Americans are born to unwed mothers.
"A mama can't give it all. And neither can a daddy, not by themselves," Carroll says. "Part of the reason is because you can only give that which you have. A mother cannot give all that a man can give. A truly involved father figure offers more fullness to a child's life."
Statistics show just what that fullness means. Children of unmarried mothers of any race are more likely to perform poorly in school, go to prison, use drugs, be poor as adults, and have their own children out of wedlock.
The black community's 72 percent rate eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans were born to unwed mothers in 2008, the most recent year for which government figures are available. The rate for the overall U.S. population was 41 percent.
But just to be on the record, I think an abortion is better than an unwanted child, specially with this overpopulation thingy going on...
Overpopulation? Get out of the seventies.
Population Implosion?​

Across Europe, birth rates are falling and family sizes are shrinking. The total fertility rate is now less than two children per woman in every member nation in the European Union (see Figure 1). As a result, European populations are either growing very slowly or beginning to decrease.

At the same time, low fertility is accelerating the ageing of European populations. As a region, Europe in 2000 had the highest percentage of people age 65 or older — 15 percent. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, this percentage is expected to nearly double by 2050.[1]

These demographic trends portend difficult times ahead for European economies. For example, a shrinking workforce can reduce productivity. At the same time, the growing proportion of elderly individuals threatens the solvency of pension and social insurance systems. As household sizes decrease, the ability to care for the elderly diminishes. Meanwhile, elderly people face growing health care needs and costs. Taken together, these developments could pose significant barriers to achieving the European Union (EU) goals of full employment, economic growth, and social cohesion.

Concern over these trends has sparked intense debate over the most effective policies to reverse them or mitigate their impact.

Who are you? If you have any better plans against overpopulation then the Chinese's present it please... The only country that effectively limited growth. Was it nice? Sure not but it did achieve the goal.
Forced abortions, infanticide, and forced sterilization; all in the service of the "noble goal" of population control. Was it worth it? I don't think so.
Your disbelief in overpopulation isn't based on planetary carrying capacity or natural resources, but on human economic customs-which in this case are disconnected to reality.

This is a flaw in capitalism.
Capitalism supposes the inevitability of limitless expansion. However, we live on a ball that's finite in size, meaning you absolutely can't limitlessly expand as long as you're bound to that ball.

That ball is also losing capacity to sustain as many of us-topsoil depletion, deforestation, degradation of remaining soil, and climate disruption due to increased carbon content in the atmosphere.

China is a huge example of this-their water needs and soil usage are straining their ecology to the breaking point. This is why there are giant dam projects displacing millions of people-in order to water the cities. Even with water rationing for the city dwellers.

Human economics are going to run into planetary reality at some point, and planetary reality is going to win.

If you don't like them apples-the solar system is waiting.
Your disbelief in overpopulation isn't based on planetary carrying capacity or natural resources, but on human economic customs-which in this case are disconnected to reality.
I don't believe we're anywhere near the maximum carrying capacity of humans on earth.
chimpkin said:
This is a flaw in capitalism.
Capitalism supposes the inevitability of limitless expansion. However, we live on a ball that's finite in size, meaning you absolutely can't limitlessly expand as long as you're bound to that ball.
True, but see my earlier comment and (as you said):
Chimpkin said:
If you don't like them apples-the solar system is waiting.
Not to mention an entire universe.
Recent data released by the health department show that 41$ of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. For Blacks, the number is 60%.

Is this the "safe, legal, and rare" situation everyone claims to want? And what about the racial aspect, 60% of african american babies are aborted. That is a rate nearly 3 times that of whites/asians.

Why does it matter? Of all the things to fret about, abortion seems to be the least of our worries.


Corruption of the system made the system not very successful, even when they publish numbers and percentage, officials are corrupt and they get money to look the other way, also minorities in China can have more than one child please.
Really what it really controls population growth is education of the masses, India reproduce like crazy they wont control their numbers and the majority of their population is young. If you ever see one of the procedures used to produce abortion in this country You will be a real prolife like myself, the way it works is you plain and simple insert a vaccum into the woman uterus. But read for yourself.


needless to say the sound and the pieces of tissues (visible when you are present are terrible), and the fetus tissues they just go in the garbage and sometimes are flushed down the toilet. Wonderful just wonderful...Now don't tell me this is not going to bother the woman's uterus. I won't believe it
I think you

String I think you need to read all the answers in this Thread, Abortion is probably problem number one and the base of other evils...Mainly economical and political our actual mess

Why does it matter? Of all the things to fret about, abortion seems to be the least of our worries.

Who are you? Adolf the guy with the funny mustache. I don't care who or what race "take over" , wow what a terrible statement... Blacks, White, Brown we are all the same, we are talking about human beings, no chicken!!!

No shit, greenboy. If you are so unconcerned about who takes over what, then what's up with all that bullshit about "we need more Americans", huh? You are not singing the we-are-all-a-big-funky-connected-society-of-human-beings-not-chicken when it comes to the nationality aspect, are you?
String I think you need to read all the answers in this Thread, Abortion is probably problem number one and the base of other evils...Mainly economical and political our actual mess

abortion is just another symptom.
No shit, greenboy. If you are so unconcerned about who takes over what, then what's up with all that bullshit about "we need more Americans", huh? You are not singing the we-are-all-a-big-funky-connected-society-of-human-beings-not-chicken when it comes to the nationality aspect, are you?

To be fair, when a nation succeeds, it generally raises the success rate for its members. The last thing we need right now is more Americans... unless they're my descendants, but I'm a poor man, so we don't need that either.
YEs I am

But of course I take care of my garden first... But if you read my posted messages, I show concerns for all countries controlling the natality rate.
I am sorry I think is not a symptoms if the base of many problems and this will take us to the Next World War. Lack of population take us to replace the population with immigrants, the immigrants resolve the problems of the existing population in that particular place for a while but later they want to control and to impose their way of life, and there we go. the problems starts leading to deportations, concentration camps ethnic profiling , ethnic cleanse , revolution and war. I don,t know you guys but I see this is the base of many problems...Lets visit the past for a second.
Orphanages took care of unwanted children ( this was not problem free of course) but people were able to adopt those children and raise them in our way of life. If they were no adopted they were still getting raised In our way of life. we had a lot of young people to replace the aging population, no surrogates were needed, no abortion needed. No killing of innocents life, it was not perfect of course it wasn't but was more humane. And we did not loose so many people year after year.

enjoy this video

abortion is just another symptom.
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But of course I take care of my garden first... But if you read my posted messages, I show concerns for all countries controlling the natality rate.
I am sorry I think is not a symptoms if the base of many problems and this will take us to the Next World War. Lack of population take us to replace the population with immigrants, the immigrants resolve the problems of the existing population in that particular place for a while but later they want to control and to impose their way of life, and there we go. the problems starts leading to deportations, concentration camps ethnic profiling , ethnic cleanse , revolution and war. I don,t know you guys but I see this is the base of many problems...Lets visit the past for a second.
Orphanages took care of unwanted children ( this was not problem free of course) but people were able to adopt those children and raise them in our way of life. If they were no adopted they were still getting raised In our way of life. we had a lot of young people to replace the aging population, no surrogates were needed, no abortion needed. No killing of innocents life, it was not perfect of course it wasn't but was more humane. And we did not loose so many people year after year.

enjoy this video

i say bring on the next world war, for it will surely be the last.
String I think you need to read all the answers in this Thread, Abortion is probably problem number one and the base of other evils...Mainly economical and political our actual mess

You're required to support that statement with empirical evidence.

In other words: connect the dots. Show us.

Here is a simple argument for less people:

It is pretty much a given that we will have another big war and another natural catastrophy, epidemic,etc. it is just question of time. By having more people when it finally occurs we will just have MORE casualties and death, thus we just increase misery by having a bigger population....

To put it in an absurd way: Abortion dicreases misery.
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Well I know

You don't want to see this, but more people mean higher survival rate, even now, murder and local war and natural disaster destroy hundreds or thousands of people, but no culture disappear juts because these situations. Abortion did not resolved any problems at all but created new ones.
The fact that African Americans are aborting more babies than they are giving birth to is no reason for celebration.[/B]

I thought you as a Republican would welcome such a fact.

By the way your links about Europe and China. It is a local occurance. Humankind as a whole is doing still fine. When Europe becomes a desert land and you have to travel for hours to see another human being, then I will start to worry. There will be always migration to desirable land, as a whole....