41% of Pregnancies End in Abortion in NYC

The fact of the matter is that a large percentage of the fetuses that are getting aborted would, if carried to term and raised, end up in prison. This is because they would not be born and raised in stable, loving households.

Do we need more prisoners?
If you want a detailed analysis in support of this, read Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner.
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What benefit would you have from having to raise more kids without parents? I mean, someone has to look after those children. This world, as it is, is already overpopulated. What we need is a f*cking calamity, or virus that would cull off at least 50% of humanity.[/QUOTE]

Well we are doing it, children spend 10 or more hours without their parents. Institution known as Schools are taking care of children since they are 4 years old.Parents are too busy working. School feed them educated them and take care of needs like exercises and sports, even Health in certain cases.

NOw if we have a million people and we have a "calamity" guess what we are doom, if we have a billion people and we have certain "calamity the percentage of survivals is a loot bigger. Aids killed 25 millions in the first 25 years of the epidemic, and other epidemics are killing people left and righthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthomyxoviridae
Just because you don't hear from them doesn't means they are not killing people. Everybody counts.

American culture...? Never heard of that.

No, you don't hear of it until you get your cell phone and put it in your ear, Cell phones is just an example of devices produced by The American Culture, and Martin Cooper from Chicago invented it. Do you want a list of people/ inventions from USA and how they changed the world and still changing it?. For a people without a culture we are doing very well. And we produce a 100,000 books a year, for people with poor culture and no reading habits we are doing very well. So when you turn the light on and drive Down Town, or turn on the TV thanks a NON cultured AMERICAN person... Have a nice day! Dont forget Bill Gates is American too... When you type your answer to this statement...Using a P.C, well P.C. are another American Invention.... Yea we have no culture, but some people disagreed. rammstein lyrics "we are living in Amerika" could be an education. See ya.

I wonder how many surgeons, artist, writers, and just regular people keeping all ways of society alive we loose each day. We all depend of each other, for everything. Read children of men by PD James. This lady and this book is going to stretch your mind like no other book did before.

If you want a detailed analysis in support of this, read Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner.
The Roman Empire

DID you hear the health Care System in the Roman Empire? I bet you did not, because they did not have it. And they were and empire for 12 centuries. 12 centuries!!!!.
They did not practice abortion, but when you had a baby and you did not wanted it, you just put it in a special terracotta vessel in front of the house for the slave traders to pick them up. These children were raise as slaves, and slaves was the foundation of the Roman Empire. I am not supporting by no means slavery in any form or shape, but what I am saying is ordinary people keep systems, culture and infrastructure together. The trash guy usually do not carry a PHD in Waste Management, and if he do wow that will be outstanding.

Wrong. When someone not fit to raise a child or lacks the resources and tries to anyway, everyone loses. Rich people will always be able to fly to another country to get health care, but poor people will not. Being anti-abortion is like declaring war on the poor.

Who has the knowledge to say some one is not fit to raise a child?
Vikings in my book were not fit to raise anything,but they terrorized the world for centuries, bringing Biological Diversity to the whole European culture economy, architecture, all was Engineering affected by these barbarian. These kind of statement allows BIG brother to dictated our lives. I remember a nurse I met, she was blind, BLIND, and in any book she was not fit to raise anything, well this woman was getting foster kids, so deformed by life or genetics no one else were able to look a them, these kids needs care, until they were getting several surgeries to correct their deformities some of these surgeries were successful and the child was able to continue a normal life, others well no so successful, You can imagine. Are you guys also going to kill ugly deformed kids? are We Greeks?. they practice this in the past, today Greeks are a very beautiful breed and I wonder if this helped them or they always were beautiful from the beginning. I wonder Pro-life is not only for the life of the unboned child is also for the life of the too sick, too old, to deformed, too fat, or too skinny too weird is for the life of the not so "normal" Human being. We are not all Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolie... I know I am not...

Wrong. When someone not fit to raise a child or lacks the resources and tries to anyway, everyone loses. Rich people will always be able to fly to another country to get health care, but poor people will not. Being anti-abortion is like declaring war on the poor.
(Insert title here)

Greenboy said:

DID you hear the health Care System in the Roman Empire? I bet you did not, because they did not have it. And they were and empire for 12 centuries. 12 centuries!!!!.

And now they're gone.

They did not practice abortion ....

Really? So Hippolytus of Rome was just riffing for his latest blockbuster novel when he complained that women had abortions?

And Pliny the Elder's discussion of abortion in The Natural History was ... well, what?

I am not supporting by no means slavery in any form or shape, but what I am saying is ordinary people keep systems, culture and infrastructure together. The trash guy usually do not carry a PHD in Waste Management, and if he do wow that will be outstanding.

In the modern day, true, slavery is on the wane. But corporations will always need undereducated citizens to exploit for low-wage labor.

What? You don't think the rich are going to be paying for all those extra people, do you? In the U.S. today, we have over a hundred thousand children in need of homes, and the anti-abortion crowd isn't exactly rushing to provide those loving families.

But society always has a need for someone to exploit. Prostitutes, sweatshop workers, domestic help, and so on. You know, talking tools.

If we have a hundred thousands children needing homes, abortion did not resolved any problems but created a new one. Romans had more interest in keeping children because the slave industry they had, and are they really gone, now? the empire did not really disappeared, but evolved, the western part of the empire fell in what we know in the dark ages, but the Western part was well and alive for century they even had running water all the time. Many of our systems, laws, infrastructure like highways and such are based in the Roman Empire infrastructure so when I look outside I see The Roman Empire well and alive.
So in your own words abortion really did not resolved anything, because we have thousands of unwanted children. So then why we practice abortion for? abortion did created a lot of other problems tho... hurt women, and hurt man, and needless to say Society in general. Promiscuity is rampant in our society, infidelity in America creates the highest percent Divorce in the Industrialized 21 century society. And needless to say and Increase in VD all around the world and In America' ex. Aids, ( Aids alone kills about 25 million of people per year even with the new medications) plus all the human potential lost after a child is kill. Needless to say the abortion Industry make America poor and weaker. Let's see what Neal W. the America President 2060 have to say about abortion, Oh well here goes his quote "......." Oh I forgot there is not Neal W., he was aborted today at 09:00 am because his parents already had two boys and they don't want a third one they want to go to Europe next summer and this is not in their plans to have another baby.
What about the surgeon Mary x, she developed a new technique to treat people with Ulcerative Colitis, Oh well those patients have to wait, because Mary was aborted yesterday, her parents did not wanted another girl but they are looking for a boy. (2 out of three abortion are girls, abortion is the worst crime against women) and my last case, Michael L., he killed 55 people in "little things Industry" in the year 2055 after he was fire he had a mental problem even when his IQ was 175 a single child of a famous Neurosurgeon (his mother), because the voices told him so. Oh wait that did not happened, Mr. L was aborted yesterday, because his mother had an affair with a man of different race and she did not want a biracial baby, good you should say, there is a dead man before he became a murder, and I should agreed. The problem is because this did not happened the Industry never developed mechanisms to detect people with firearms coming into their property or to increase the Psychological well being of their staff, and in 2075 George S. came and killed 200 people because his voiced told him so, Psychological evaluations and follow up in "little things Industry" they were not developed because they never had a problem due to the fact Mr. L. never existed so he never killed people before George S. my point is killing a child do not resolve problems but aggravate them, killing a child bother human's culture always in a negative way. "little things Industry" do not exist or at least do not exist yet.
My point here is every time we kill a child you change the time line and Human culture and history, and this is a fact because when we have a human for a while and then suddenly die, we see how we miss him, my last sad experience is Keith Haring, I love his art but he die very young, I still miss his art and I question myself, God knows what we missed with his dead. Keith I miss your art bro!!! my only consolation is to look at the art he left behind, I am so sorry he died so young!. Every human being is a present to the rest of the society even when they kill human fetuses... :( I am glad our mothers did not practiced abortion... very glad....
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Uh, what? I thought thanks to abortion we don't have this many children to take care of. This has nothing to do with the Roman Empire.
Uh, I don't think that all of the aborted babies would have become some geniuses. I don't think that you grow to become a surgeon in an environment where nobody really wanted you, or could afford your existence...I mean, what about trying to make surgeons and geniuses out of the children that were not aborted? Go to a home for children and make surgeons and biologists out of them. Try that for instance. Then show us your success rate.
So basically, women shouldn't have control over their own bodies in case they abort a fetus that would have become a surgeon or engineer or what not?


And people wonder why I'm such a cynical bitch...
Do not miss the point

I am not saying all aborted children are becoming a genius, what I am saying is we all loose richness to our life with the lost child. Alsowil what control woman have? If they were having any control of their bodies they would not get pregnant at all. You guys are not reasoning the point at all just using caned answers... We have the same problems, because the woman who had an abortion done probably will have two or three abortions done in the next 2 to three years, this are numbers from plant parenthood themselves...
I am not saying all aborted children are becoming a genius, what I am saying is we all loose richness to our life with the lost child. Alsowil what control woman have? If they were having any control of their bodies they would not get pregnant at all. You guys are not reasoning the point at all just using caned answers... We have the same problems, because the woman who had an abortion done probably will have two or three abortions done in the next 2 to three years, this are numbers from plant parenthood themselves...

Wrong on the birth control point. Birth control can fail.

You lose nothing when a woman has an abortion. The potential child is not your business nor is it part of your life. In any case her bodily rights come well before your wants and your opinions about 'richness of life'.
Wrong on the birth control point. Birth control can fail.
Highly effective methods (tubal ligation, vasectomy, some drugs) are 97-99% effective. This means that out of 100 people who use these methods for a year, 3 or less will become pregnant

Regular birth control (the pill and the patch) is 92% effective. This means that out of 100 women who use one of these methods for a year, 8 will become pregnant

These statistics come from this link:

You lose nothing when a woman has an abortion. The potential child is not your business nor is it part of your life. In any case her bodily rights come well before your wants and your opinions about 'richness of life'.

One of our Prime Ministers (a Liberal no less) once said:
"A fetus isn't your body; it's someone else's body."

At some point the fetus becomes a human being with rights. Of course, there is an insanely emotional argument about when this occurs.
Oh wow

is not my business, and is not part of my life, for years I heard these very selfish statements which really are false statements, we are all interconIected in a social web we are all a society, the guy across the street delivers coal to my house, the paper boy bring the newspaper every day, my doctor in his office see many people a day,the Chinese woman in China put together your cell phone, the unborn child is no just a replacement for us, is the only link we have to Inmortality , as human beings, the young ones take after us, and of course we are interconnected with them, we pay taxes to keep day cares and schools making sure our way of life is taught to the young ones and even the play grounds around are kept by our taxes. Now when we control the natality and we abort children, we loose the Replacements needed, years ago the young people will work in the agriculture and in the odd jobs, during summer and during Christmas Brake, but now we plain and simple we dont have them anymore, every day we depend more and more of the a foreign population here in the States to do those jobs, like the Mexicans Immigrants which they are really hard working group, and they made the American Culture richer) they take over the odd jobs, because, plain and simple we have not the young population to do them, so more and more we need of Immigrants to keep the country running.
another ex. China with One Child Policy, abortion is not only legal is Forced if you get pregnant for the second time, they have not enough population to replace and to take care of the older population the new population are selfish and self centered, the supervisors of this new population have to train them just to provide basis services to theirs clients, watch the following documentary, UP THE YANGTZE, this is a serious problem for China.
Europe, to keep their country going they had to allowed other cultures to come to keep their country infrastructure working, sometimes just to keep basic services going, factories and odd jobs are under control of different culture in the European Union, the European culture is suffering a huge changes in their way of life recreating old problems and changing the way of thinking of a democratic society. Some of the European country are changing their laws to not a so democratic laws if you ask me, so the freedom of human societies are suffering and possible change in a couple of years or so, so changes in culture, Political Changes and Economic changes are coming their way, Spain allowed descendents of Spanish people in their former colonies to comeback to Spain and to assume Spanish Citizenship, just because they have not enough population.
Japan, have similar problem they have not the population to replace the older one, Japan have a huge External Debt, the International Bank System are worry, they don't know how Japan is going to pay their National Debt, plain and simple they have not the population to replace their actual population and to keep the country going.The young population also have not the sophisticated Technological Knowledge to keep the country the way the country is now, So is happening all around all the countries with a PRO ABORTION culture today are suffering loss of population, and loss of culture and huge social changes. Is not my business you say, well, I make it my business, and that's my right.
Highly effective methods (tubal ligation, vasectomy, some drugs) are 97-99% effective. This means that out of 100 people who use these methods for a year, 3 or less will become pregnant

Regular birth control (the pill and the patch) is 92% effective. This means that out of 100 women who use one of these methods for a year, 8 will become pregnant

These statistics come from this link:

One of our Prime Ministers (a Liberal no less) once said:
"A fetus isn't your body; it's someone else's body."

At some point the fetus becomes a human being with rights. Of course, there is an insanely emotional argument about when this occurs.
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And what about the racial aspect, 60% of african american babies are aborted. That is a rate nearly 3 times that of whites/asians.

Shouldn't you be happy about it? If it was the other way around, you would be worrying that soon the blacks outbreed the whites....

But just to be on the record, I think an abortion is better than an unwanted child, specially with this overpopulation thingy going on...
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Here's some raw data from 2006:

The ratios of induced abortions per 100 live births were:

White: 55.9
Black: 103.9
Hispanic: 69.7
Other: 28.4

These are pretty much the same what MAW posted in the OP. So what's your point?

For example 104 abortions per 100 live births means that more than half of the pregnancies ends in abortion for blacks and MAW said it was 60%, so you didn't add anything to the discussion.
If we look at this data in terms of reason and willpower versus irrational impulse, the high number shows that irrational impulse is getting the better of rational will power for a lot of people. The action is leading to a very predictable result based on cause and effect (unwanted pregnancy), with safe-guards also well defined in cause and effect, yet irrationality is trumping common sense.

It is doubtful anyone starts out saying, I want to get pregnant, so I can get an abortion. If this was the case, it would at least reflect willpower and logic. Instead, it sort of happens by accident, as though the person was no longer under the self control needed for will and reason, but rather under an irrational impulse that guides them.

Say this impulsive irrationality was not just limited to sexuality, but to other instincts, such as hunger. Rather than use reason to infer the consequence of actions, and then will power to direct those actions, eating becomes irrational and impulsive. One logical result is a lot of overweight people. If the person said eating too much will make me overweight, but I want to be overweight, this would reflect reason and will power.

Reason and willpower developed much later in human history, than irrationality and impulse. What in culture has changed which has led to regression to the past, either directly or indirectly?

Who are you? Adolf the guy with the funny mustache. I don't care who or what race "take over" , wow what a terrible statement... Blacks, White, Brown we are all the same, we are talking about human beings, no chicken!!!

Shouldn't you be happy about it? If it was the other way around, you would be worrying that soon the blacks outbreed the whites....

But just to be on the record, I think an abortion is better than an unwanted child, specially with this overpopulation thingy going on...
Will power

Will power " Iam not going to have sex with this girl because she may get pregnant"
Will power " I am not going to have sex with this man, because I may get pregnant"
You know the Machista number one statement is "women in control of their body" because I lie to the woman and I let her know she can have sex anytime and guess who is waiting down the line, a man....:)
The worst thing is people are aborting millions of kids, and million of people want to adopt children, making surrogate mother is very lucrative business... Something is not right here, abortion a business ( now we are paying with out taxes) and surrogate motherhood another lucrative business. I don't know but I see both are businesses and money, nothing about the woman right or men right, Jorge Washington right in money to collect that what I really believe.... Manipulation of the masses.... I do believe that... and Money Money Money
If we look at this data in terms of reason and willpower versus irrational impulse, the high number shows that irrational impulse is getting the better of rational will power for a lot of people. The action is leading to a very predictable result based on cause and effect (unwanted pregnancy), with safe-guards also well defined in cause and effect, yet irrationality is trumping common sense.

It is doubtful anyone starts out saying, I want to get pregnant, so I can get an abortion. If this was the case, it would at least reflect willpower and logic. Instead, it sort of happens by accident, as though the person was no longer under the self control needed for will and reason, but rather under an irrational impulse that guides them.

Say this impulsive irrationality was not just limited to sexuality, but to other instincts, such as hunger. Rather than use reason to infer the consequence of actions, and then will power to direct those actions, eating becomes irrational and impulsive. One logical result is a lot of overweight people. If the person said eating too much will make me overweight, but I want to be overweight, this would reflect reason and will power.

Reason and willpower developed much later in human history, than irrationality and impulse. What in culture has changed which has led to regression to the past, either directly or indirectly?
Who are you?

Who are you? If you have any better plans against overpopulation then the Chinese's present it please... The only country that effectively limited growth. Was it nice? Sure not but it did achieve the goal.

By the way I still don't see what was MAW's point by presenting abortion data...