3rd Eye Part II

I was wrong. Duendy saw parallels and gave you the benefit of the doubt. Lucky guy (or gal) Muslim. Very lucky. You may have been abandoned as a child, Muslim, and that's tough. But Duendy was, arguably, abandoned as an adult: and that's a hell of a lot tougher.
Ophiolite said:
I was wrong. Duendy saw parallels and gave you the benefit of the doubt. Lucky guy (or gal) Muslim. Very lucky. You may have been abandoned as a child, Muslim, and that's tough. But Duendy was, arguably, abandoned as an adult: and that's a hell of a lot tougher.

I'm a male. The point is she is trying make this sound out "normal" and "OK" its just stupid, she doesn't want to believe that maybe it was evil within them that made them take such decisions. If she was abandoned as an adult at least she didn't get picked on in school or had people make fun of her. But she is trying make all this seem normal which is really getting me annoyed and frustrated. There is always evil, people get evil thoughts at time. These are not natural thoughts humans are not naturally evil there is some influence.

She reminds me of Darwin, Darwin says: "its the survival of the fittest and the weak must be destroyed" and "natural selection" what this means is, if people die then oh well he was weak to protect himself. This is where racism comes from, it makes you believe you have to fight to preserve your own race or something daft like that. Her reasoning is pretty similar to this, her's is well its natural to be like that. Tell me is a baby born naturally racist of is that a trait it develops later on? no one is naturally born in a state of evil all of these traits are picked up later.

And the belief in what a preach is a cure.
duendy said:
dont presume you know me. you dont. i haven't a cule what you've been thru so dont believe you can know my tale.
i will just sa, i can understand how hurt you must be----wel cant really, but----maybe she had her reasons. we ar all only human you know. maybe she abandoned you thinking it for your own good. riht or wrong. that was her decision at the time.

Oh great you're going to defend her? this is your thinking. I think people who do that should be punished, by god. Yeah abandoned me for my own good? so yeah could go with another man just because she was in "love" but she wasn't in "love" with her own kid. I don't really want to talk about this I don't want to get overlay emotional over something that happened years ago.
Muslim said:
I'm a male. The point is she is trying make this sound out "normal" and "OK" its just stupid, she doesn't want to believe that maybe it was evil within them that made them take such decisions. If she was abandoned as an adult at least she didn't get picked on in school or had people make fun of her.

me))and ..errr, how do you KNOW this? have i told you?

But she is trying make all this seem normal which is really getting me annoyed and frustrated.

me)pwhat are you on about. i am trying to make what 'normal'? whathappened to you? i alredy said, it must have been really tuff fo yo. what fukin more do you want? do you think your te only person who has suffered?.....

There is always evil, people get evil thoughts at time. These are not natural thoughts humans are not naturally evil there is some influence.

me)))))pwhich you blieve is the 'devil' right?? as in 'blame it on the devil'. THA old chestnut. i say no. be aware of your won responsibilites. you say you are getting all angery right, wid me. say it came to you harming/killing me. who you gonna blame? the devil or YOU?

She reminds me of Darwin, Darwin says: "its the survival of the fittest and the weak must be destroyed" and "natural selection" what this means is, if people die then oh well he was weak to protect himself. This is where racism comes from, it makes you believe you have to fight to preserve your own race or something daft like that. Her reasoning is pretty similar to this, her's is well its natural to be like that. Tell me is a baby born naturally racist of is that a trait it develops later on? no one is naturally born in a state of evil all of these traits are picked up later.

me))so now your equating me wit DARWIN? oh my gawwwd, this is now comedy!

And the belief in what a preach is a cure.
say whaaat?
Muslim said:
Oh great you're going to defend her? this is your thinking. I think people who do that should be punished, by god. Yeah abandoned me for my own good? so yeah could go with another man just because she was in "love" but she wasn't in "love" with her own kid. I don't really want to talk about this I don't want to get overlay emotional over something that happened years ago.

Funny how you were going to keep this so reasonable. Looks to me like you talk just like everyone else.

I told you they were trouble. Serves you right for ignoring me.
Muslim said:
Oh great you're going to defend her? this is your thinking.

me)do i KNOW the situation? havei not read two sentences about it? do you want me toagree and say --yes she is evil? you ow mamma evil. i am saying yes you must be utterly hurt, but sometimes mothersabandon their babies imagining its for their own good. can you dig tyhat?

I think people who do that should be punished, by god. Yeah abandoned me for my own good? so yeah could go with another man just because she was in "love" but she wasn't in "love" with her own kid. I don't really want to talk about this I don't want to get overlay emotional over something that happened years ago.

well if you suppress all that, do you think it just vanishes. you MUST feel and explore your pain, otherwise it'll destroy you and those around you
Muslim said:
She reminds me of Darwin, .
You have to admit Duendy, for anyone who knows you as well as one can be known on a forum, this is absolutely hilarious. I can picture you spluttering and stuttering in shock. Quite priceless.
Happeh said:
Serves you right for ignoring me.
Rude bastard. Respond to my posts, rude bastard. Answer my questions, rude bastard. Stop running away, rude bastard. Which city, rude bastard?
Muslim said:
Well I don't agree with. From a personal point of view I am a little crazy, but I love war its so cool, I want to join the army it would be really cool to be a soldier.

I wonder how many people think war is cool and how many people think living without limbs is cool. Because the first often leads to the second.
Zephyr said:
I wonder how many people think war is cool and how many people think living without limbs is cool. Because the first often leads to the second.

What are you on about? you can die lose a limb even if you're not in a war I mean I would rather lose a limb in war then by having a accident I would be content with lose a limb in war. I wish I was born in the middle ages, and I was a military general and had an army of 2 million strong, I would take concubines and have harems and what not. I've I could invent a time machine I would go back into history and be all powerful mighty emperor of the world. And I would have 500,000 wifes.
Muslim said:
What are you on about? you can die lose a limb even if you're not in a war I mean I would rather lose a limb in war then by having a accident I would be content with lose a limb in war. I wish I was born in the middle ages, and I was a military general and had an army of 2 million strong, I would take concubines and have harems and what not. I've I could invent a time machine I would go back into history and be all powerful mighty emperor of the world. And I would have 500,000 wifes.

....so. you take time to 'think', and come back to us with THIS?????
It is fairly obvious by now that Muslim is a sock puppet. I'm not sure who, but he was unable to maintain his false persona for very long. There are several earlier indications that make sense once you entertain the possibility.