3rd Eye Part II

Happeh said:
Careful Muslim. Ophiolite is pro Israel.
I trust Muslim that you will not be paying too much, if any, attention to Happeh's remarks. He thinks that because I have challenged him on his belief in a Jewish plan for world domination that I am pro-Israeli. This will come as a significant shock to my Muslim wife. I am for peace and I am opposed to extremism. Trite, but true.

I should like to echo a remark by spidergoat: the introduction of the 'third eye' is muddying the waters. My reaction to your earlier thread was hostile because you appeared very much to be a typical new world nutter who believes in the physical reality of a third eye. [I have had my fill of chakras and kundilinis.]

I think Duendy's objection centres on what she sees as an inappropriate criticism of things material. Christianity talks of the sins of the flesh; you are speaking of purifying oneself spiritually, as if the corruption of the soul has come from the physical. Duendy believes that the physical is important as a positive route to the soul, whether this is through hallucinogenic drugs, vigorous sex, or simply being. She does not wish to purify some of the material that has, from your viewpoint, corrupted her inner being. She believes some of it has strengthened it, and that the guilt that is being invoked is part of a patriarchal conspiracy inherent in the three Abrahamic religions to suppress and oppress humanity in general and women in particular.
[Do I have it correct Duendy?]
Ophiolite said:
I trust Muslim that you will not be paying too much, if any, attention to Happeh's remarks. He thinks that because I have challenged him on his belief in a Jewish plan for world domination that I am pro-Israeli. This will come as a significant shock to my Muslim wife. I am for peace and I am opposed to extremism. Trite, but true.

I should like to echo a remark by spidergoat: the introduction of the 'third eye' is muddying the waters. My reaction to your earlier thread was hostile because you appeared very much to be a typical new world nutter who believes in the physical reality of a third eye. [I have had my fill of chakras and kundilinis.]

I think Duendy's objection centres on what she sees as an inappropriate criticism of things material. Christianity talks of the sins of the flesh; you are speaking of purifying oneself spiritually, as if the corruption of the soul has come from the physical. Duendy believes that the physical is important as a positive route to the soul, whether this is through hallucinogenic drugs, vigorous sex, or simply being. She does not wish to purify some of the material that has, from your viewpoint, corrupted her inner being. She believes some of it has strengthened it, and that the guilt that is being invoked is part of a patriarchal conspiracy inherent in the three Abrahamic religions to suppress and oppress humanity in general and women in particular.
[Do I have it correct Duendy?]

yeah. but not only Abrahamic dogma, Eastern metaphysical philosophical influences too.
Ophiolite said:
I think Duendy's objection centres on what she sees as an inappropriate criticism of things material. Christianity talks of the sins of the flesh; you are speaking of purifying oneself spiritually, as if the corruption of the soul has come from the physical. Duendy believes that the physical is important as a positive route to the soul, whether this is through hallucinogenic drugs, vigorous sex, or simply being. She does not wish to purify some of the material that has, from your viewpoint, corrupted her inner being. She believes some of it has strengthened it, and that the guilt that is being invoked is part of a patriarchal conspiracy inherent in the three Abrahamic religions to suppress and oppress humanity in general and women in particular.
[Do I have it correct Duendy?]

I can understand that, however I think she has missed the whole point. I am not saying everything in the physical world is inherently evil. I am saying there is more temptation to do wrong, because who are more so connected to the physical world. Even when we talk about the metaphysical world, there is also evil there. Evil is universal it is not restricted by time or space.

I think when we talk about god from a metaphysical point of view people confuse this, you have to think of things in forms of energy not as some literal being. There is good energy in the universe and there is also bad energy. Let me give everyone analogy here, the human-body needs good bacteria and bad bacteria for it function properly, its balanced in a fine equilibrium, that is how the universe is. In a metaphysical sense. God is an energy and the devil is also an energy god is like the god energy and the devil is like the negative energy. So the devil can easily manipulate this negative energy and use it against us.

I am going to make another thread to explain god. Maybe that way we will not have confusion.
alright, what yo've said muslim:
in your trminology yu claim universe has 'good' energies and 'bad' energies

the good you calling 'God' and the bad the 'Devil'. have i got it?

so your wanting to 'purify' then will mean wanting to counteract the 'devil' and his bad energies?

you ay these bad-energies are not just prticular to the material world but also can be prt of the metaphysical too

this all reminds me of Zoroastrianism wit tits bad and good spirits in ternaly conflict, to they believe one can purify via fire

but wherei am coming from is entirely differnt from this --what i call, 'patriarchal' ideology--. i see that creation and destruction are NECESSARY. that decay and death are not bad energies, but NATURAL energies. for without decay and death there can be no life. and vice versa. these seeming oppo-sites are complimentrary making up a living evolving dynamic process

not understanding this. i see the isms which seek to do away wit so-called bad enerrgies, tend to create what they fear. ie., ideologiews that posit 'purity' create evil in th community, precisly because, setting their selves up as closer to the 'pure' or even pure, they cut temselves off from what they consider impure and then seek to destroy it

tell me. what did you think of that cartoon about your prophet?
duendy said:
alright, what yo've said muslim:
in your trminology yu claim universe has 'good' energies and 'bad' energies

the good you calling 'God' and the bad the 'Devil'. have i got it?

so your wanting to 'purify' then will mean wanting to counteract the 'devil' and his bad energies?

you ay these bad-energies are not just prticular to the material world but also can be prt of the metaphysical too

this all reminds me of Zoroastrianism wit tits bad and good spirits in ternaly conflict, to they believe one can purify via fire

but wherei am coming from is entirely differnt from this --what i call, 'patriarchal' ideology--. i see that creation and destruction are NECESSARY. that decay and death are not bad energies, but NATURAL energies. for without decay and death there can be no life. and vice versa. these seeming oppo-sites are complimentrary making up a living evolving dynamic process

not understanding this. i see the isms which seek to do away wit so-called bad enerrgies, tend to create what they fear. ie., ideologiews that posit 'purity' create evil in th community, precisly because, setting their selves up as closer to the 'pure' or even pure, they cut temselves off from what they consider impure and then seek to destroy it

tell me. what did you think of that cartoon about your prophet?

What do you define death and natural as?
About the cartoons, this was an abuse of basic human-rights of Muslims. Although I don't agree with the violent demonstrations and death threats. I think it should have been taken into the courts.

But what do that have to do with anything? actually, can I ask you something? what do you think about Muslims who said lets bomb Europe and behead those who created the images. What do you think of them?
Muslim, could I suggest that you are in danger of disrailing your own thread. While the cartoon issue is an important topic, might it be best to deal with it elsewhere. [But in case we don't I believe the mature response from any muslim should have been "If I valued your viewpoint I would be offended. I don't, so I'm not."]
Muslim said:
What do you define death and natural as?

[before i answer OPH, twas me who started conversation abot the cartoon not Muslim]/

i define death as very much interwined with life. ....Okay, like 'pure' and 'impure' --what ARE tose concepts but words,right? the bottom line is they is words aren'tey. same with 'life' and 'death', what human brain has done is ABSTRACT out from a PROCESS to extremes. in tis case 'life' and 'daeth'. now i am gonna try and explore the PROCESS rather than take tese abstracts as being different o opposed. so like said i see then as warp and woof. we cannot een have MOVment with out death of movement. try and immagine when you move your arm that te trajectory is in stills--like in a film slowed down so you can see each individual moement? well as arm proceeds, ver move 'dies' as arm moves onward to its repose. same wit te day, the hour, the moment. the moment dies and sumultanously is refreshed/reborn. the final death or physical death--altho much more dramatic is really part and parcel of tis natrual process

About the cartoons, this was an abuse of basic human-rights of Muslims. Although I don't agree with the violent demonstrations and death threats. I think it should have been taken into the courts.

me))i mentioned it cause what we are talking about is NOTjust academic. it has R E A L consequences in the community! for example, you posit your prophet as pure dont you? so that ANY challenge to him will be seen as impure. and as we see instigates violence. so what is such violence Muslim?pure of impure, in your opinion?

But what do that have to do with anything? actually, can I ask you something? what do you think about Muslims who said lets bomb Europe and behead those who created the images. What do you think of them?
well i have told yu reasons why i mentioned it. and what you later state. well tis is the consequence of imposing 'purity' onto life which is much more complex than black and white.
Ophiolite said:
Muslim, could I suggest that you are in danger of disrailing your own thread. While the cartoon issue is an important topic, might it be best to deal with it elsewhere. [But in case we don't I believe the mature response from any muslim should have been "If I valued your viewpoint I would be offended. I don't, so I'm not."]

I have a plan. That is going to go well with me topic.
duendy, all that is well an good. However I asked you a question could you please try to answer that. I asked you what do you think of the Muslims who said lets bomb Europe and kill non Muslims?

I'm sure that is not too hard.

We can argue all night and day on words. This isn't going to prove anything. You believe in one thing which I respect however at the same time I think this is wrong way of thinking, its illogical.
Muslim said:
duendy, all that is well an good. However I asked you a question could you please try to answer that. I asked you what do you think of the Muslims who said lets bomb Europe and kill non Muslims?

I'm sure that is not too hard.

me))errr no. but dont go all cryptic on me. what do i think? that they is caught up in a pure vs impure false ideology is what i think. wat do you think?

We can argue all night and day on words. This isn't going to prove anything. You believe in one thing which I respect however at the same time I think this is wrong way of thinking, its illogical.
no really. wods make up language. we are language-users, so it is important we KNOW what words we use, how we use them, their origins and so on. HOW many literalist religionists are aware of the meaning and origin of the words they use??
duendy said:
no really. wods make up language. we are language-users, so it is important we KNOW what words we use, how we use them, their origins and so on. HOW many literalist religionists are aware of the meaning and origin of the words they use??

Ah ha!
Duendy, this is going to be the second time, I am going to categorically refute you in this thread.

Note you said: "entirely different from this --what i call, 'patriarchal' ideology--. i see that creation and destruction are NECESSARY. that decay and death are not bad energies, but NATURAL energies"

In essence you were saying there is no such thing as "bad" energies or "good" energy's, they are "natural" energies. Moving along...

I asked you a question and your replay was this:

"me))errr no. but dont go all cryptic on me. what do i think? that they is caught up in a pure vs impure false ideology is what i think. wat do you think?"

There is a contradiction, how is that natural? its not is it? something is wrong there, oh geezzzzzz let me think what that might be? oh could it be the negative energies I was talking about?

So in essence, its like this you said those people are caught up in a false ideology now you even saying that you contradict your own standing. Because you agree they believing in something that is wrong/bad/evil so how can you say energies are natural?
Muslim said:
Duendy, this is going to be the second time, I am going to categorically refute you in this thread.

Note you said: "entirely different from this --what i call, 'patriarchal' ideology--. i see that creation and destruction are NECESSARY. that decay and death are not bad energies, but NATURAL energies"

In essence you were saying there is no such thing as "bad" energies or "good" energy's, they are "natural" energies. Moving along...

I asked you a question and your replay was this:

"me))errr no. but dont go all cryptic on me. what do i think? that they is caught up in a pure vs impure false ideology is what i think. wat do you think?"

There is a contradiction, how is that natural? its not is it? something is wrong there, oh geezzzzzz let me think what that might be? oh could it be the negative energies I was talking about?

So in essence, its like this you said those people are caught up in a false ideology now you even saying that you contradict your own standing. Because you agree they believing in something that is wrong/bad/evil so how can you say energies are natural?
yes i see what you mean. you think you've caugt me out because i had said creative and destructive energes are complimentary, and you ask well how trhen can i saw the destructive energy of Musliams who want to blow up people etc are bad then. thati have contradcted myself? have i got you right?

so let me try furthe explain what i mean then------------i see natrual destructive energy natrual. when we decay and die it is natrual isn't it? if noone died we would be ll likesardines. here'd be no space. already people die and world is getting more overpopulated sos imagine noone dieing

animals also eat othe animals. if this wasn't so there'd be no balance. one species would run riot----like we're doing!

some ten claim that WAR must be natrual, because it keeps our numbers down. and this is where i begin questioning the logic

war, when looked at is te consequence of ignorant psychology. one group identifying with a belief/ideology/tradition which can become in conflict with another belief system. underneath this ignoreance we are same species, no? so war is ognore-ance of tis fact. it is also horror. and anti natrual

for example te war te West is conducting against Middle East uses irrevesably destructive weaponry that will cause genocide ecocide for millions of years--ie teir use of depleted uranium. etc

so, soo. whereas the natrual process of complimentary energies ARE natrual, in that the whole is sustained. when psychological ignoreance has its way things are gonna go AWAY from balance and sustainability and just lead to a misreable unliveable hell. where food, water, even air is TOXIC
I'm not totally dismissive of the idea of a third eye in a literal sense as well, but it's hard to prove. UGK says that he percieves a kind of light coming through his skull, and that's it's a different color in different places on the globe.
spidergoat said:
I'm not totally dismissive of the idea of a third eye in a literal sense as well, but it's hard to prove. UGK says that he percieves a kind of light coming through his skull, and that's it's a different color in different places on the globe.
spidergoat...id you see the link i gave in last tread of same subject?
that mentioned third eye is pineal gland

i am distrustful of pinpointing 'it'. i am not discounting i utterly, i just feel that all that can get all dogmatic and bar te way for people to experiment, and not feel intimidated
for me it is quite simple AND eglaritarian. I/e., ANYone can 'open their 3rd eye'. how? by taking a psychedelic sacrament!....this does away wit gurus and so-called hgoly men etc. who neeeds em?

the 'UGK' you mention, is that that guru Krishnamurti?
duendy said:
yes i see what you mean. you think you've caugt me out because i had said creative and destructive energes are complimentary, and you ask well how trhen can i saw the destructive energy of Musliams who want to blow up people etc are bad then. thati have contradcted myself? have i got you right?

so let me try furthe explain what i mean then------------i see natrual destructive energy natrual. when we decay and die it is natrual isn't it? if noone died we would be ll likesardines. here'd be no space. already people die and world is getting more overpopulated sos imagine noone dieing

animals also eat othe animals. if this wasn't so there'd be no balance. one species would run riot----like we're doing!

some ten claim that WAR must be natrual, because it keeps our numbers down. and this is where i begin questioning the logic

war, when looked at is te consequence of ignorant psychology. one group identifying with a belief/ideology/tradition which can become in conflict with another belief system. underneath this ignoreance we are same species, no? so war is ognore-ance of tis fact. it is also horror. and anti natrual

for example te war te West is conducting against Middle East uses irrevesably destructive weaponry that will cause genocide ecocide for millions of years--ie teir use of depleted uranium. etc

so, soo. whereas the natrual process of complimentary energies ARE natrual, in that the whole is sustained. when psychological ignoreance has its way things are gonna go AWAY from balance and sustainability and just lead to a misreable unliveable hell. where food, water, even air is TOXIC

Well I don't agree with. From a personal point of view I am a little crazy, but I love war its so cool, I want to join the army it would be really cool to be a soldier. I don't want to live in your kind of world, I want to live in a world where its someone vs someone. This war is going to happen it has all been prophesied. Death is a beautiful thing it helps you be with your creator its pointless living on the earth if you're not fighting for something. I want to see war death and destruction, then that way we will appreciate the opposites more.

You're tying to say all be good friends it sounds boring.
Muslim said:
Well I don't agree with. From a personal point of view I am a little crazy, but I love war its so cool,

me)))hah...you sound VERY young. do you think horrr is cool? wouod you like to see you mum with her brain bursting out of her head, or ou young bro or sis wit their limbs blown off. is THAt cool?

I want to join the army it would be really cool to be a soldier. I don't want to live in your kind of world, I want to live in a world where its someone vs someone.

me))well, got news fo ya kid. you've arrived!

This war is going to happen it has all been prophesied. Death is a beautiful thing it helps you be with your creator its pointless living on the earth if you're not fighting for something. I want to see war death and destruction, then that way we will appreciate the opposites more.

me))))its caus we are lost in conflict of opposites there IS conflict and war.

You're tying to say all be good friends it sounds boring.
you are a silly silly child. hope you one day grow up before you do someting really stupid!
duendy said:
you are a silly silly child. hope you one day grow up before you do someting really stupid!

Firstly, I am not a child I am 22. Secondly I said that to see what you were going to say. So what were you being there? when you called me silly? was that ignorant psychology oh wise women?

by the way you can diss my mom all you want, she was evil! Tell me what you call women who has a baby and then just leaves it and she runs off? what is that to mothers naturally do that? you're trying to make everything sound normal like stuff like that is normal. Which is not. People like you who have had it good all your life with all the money and good education and stuff will never understand.
Muslim said:
Firstly, I am not a child I am 22.

me))haha..ok, yer a yearpast gettin the key to te door/ so what. you can still be childish. what i hear/read is what i hear

Secondly I said that to see what you were going to say.

me)what? u playin me??

So what were you being there? when you called me silly? was that ignorant psychology oh wise women?

by the way you can diss my mom all you want,

me))was i dissin your mum..?? read right. i asked you if finding your mum wit her brain blown out in a war situation would be "cool"---or your dad, or granparents, or lover, etc.

she was evil! Tell me what you call women who has a baby and then just leaves it and she runs off? what is that to mothers naturally do that? you're trying to make everything sound normal like stuff like that is normal. Which is not. People like you who have had it good all your life with all the money and good education and stuff will never understand.

dont presume you know me. you dont. i haven't a cule what you've been thru so dont believe you can know my tale.
i will just sa, i can understand how hurt you must be----wel cant really, but----maybe she had her reasons. we ar all only human you know. maybe she abandoned you thinking it for your own good. riht or wrong. that was her decision at the time.
Oh, you really have walked into it here Muslim. I can barely wait for the explosion. You may be lucky and get the sympathy vote from Duendy, but I rather doubt it. I have ordered in a gourmet meal: this could be quite a show.