3rd Eye Part II


Valued Senior Member
I am open to taking criticism, however I don't want this thread to turn into everyone bashing each other thread.

Some individuals in the previous thread asked a few questions some said prove it. This is like me saying to that person prove to me you have a brain. Without using any equipment. Anyway moving along, when I talk about a 3rd eye. I am not talking about a physical feature. I am talking in the sense of spirtual purification <-- click to lern more, its a in .pdf.

At the moment I will leave this, I will be adding more.
So Muslim, are you, in essence indirectly seeking to convert persons to Islam? If not, whar exactly is your purpose. It would be helpful to know.
I like the part of the doc that says how women must cover themselves to prevent lustful mens lust. Very enlightened don't bother dealing with the root of the problem just cover it up and ignore it. Worked really well in Saudi Arabia a few years back when that girls school caught fire and the firemen stood there and watched little girls burn to death rather than risking being exposed to small girls flesh.
Muslim said:
I am open to taking criticism, however I don't want this thread to turn into everyone bashing each other thread.

Some individuals in the previous thread asked a few questions some said prove it. This is like me saying to that person prove to me you have a brain. Without using any equipment. Anyway moving along, when I talk about a 3rd eye. I am not talking about a physical feature. I am talking in the sense of spirtual purification <-- click to lern more, its a in .pdf.

At the moment I will leave this, I will be
adding more.
ok. l;ets see how long this non-bashin dream of yours laasts....

now. my system's limited with memory. i have probs opening such links like you gave

but i hear you say 'pure' pure i have much trouble with. people who follow 'pure' make 'impure' as a natrualy opposite which they the seek to eiter 'put right' or kill. ti sis why i challenge your pure

for me , the opening of the 3rd eye is NOT fa;ling into the dualistic trap of 'pure' versus 'im-pure' but rather seeing THRu that false dichotomy
If the concept of 3rd eye means the same as spiritual awareness, I think we should just call it spiritual awareness, and not confuse the issue with fancy terminology. I think there is something to be said for purification. Not as a social imperitive, but as a reduction of distraction for the spiritual seeking person. That's why monks and nuns like to live in isolation. It's not only lust, but culture in general that make people confused and unfocused.
spidergoat said:
If the concept of 3rd eye means the same as spiritual awareness, I think we should just call it spiritual awareness, and not confuse the issue with fancy terminology. I think there is something to be said for purification. Not as a social imperitive, but as a reduction of distraction for the spiritual seeking person. That's why monks and nuns like to live in isolation. It's not only lust, but culture in general that make people confused and unfocused.

but i think its muh deeper than u seem to be suggesting. i am questionin the very concept of trying to become pure.

aiming for 'pureity' seems always to hand in hand wit ideals of becoming pure spirit, and transcending Nature and the body

so you have to explore the roots of that ideal. i have foundits the idea of a split between matter and spirit

so it seems to me that te allegiance to this indoctrination furters conflict in te world. because it shares a similar mindset it proliferatres the core misunderstanding
Your central theme Duendy is that humans are a blend of the physical and the spiritual. If we divorce these two aspects from each other, claiming one is superior to the other (in this case the spiritual being superior to the material) , seeking to purify the spiritual, by separating it from the dross of the body, you feel we take the wrong road.
Therefore, the aim to purify, as described in Muslim's link, is wrong - practically and morally.
Is that the general thrust of your argument?
Ophiolite said:
Your central theme Duendy is that humans are a blend of the physical and the spiritual. If we divorce these two aspects from each other, claiming one is superior to the other (in this case the spiritual being superior to the material) , seeking to purify the spiritual, by separating it from the dross of the body, you feel we take the wrong road.
Therefore, the aim to purify, as described in Muslim's link, is wrong - practically and morally.
Is that the general thrust of your argument?
It doesn't have to mean that at all. Getting in touch with your physical nature can be assisted by this sort of ritual purification. I wouldn't draw a clear line between spiritual and physical either. As I said, I think such practices should be solely the pursuit of the individual rather than becoming dogmatic rules for society. It reminds me of the native American practice of fasting in the wilderness in order to attain insight. It's a form of consciousness alteration, same as tripping out at home, or tantric exercises and such.
Sock puppet path said:
I like the part of the doc that says how women must cover themselves to prevent lustful mens lust. Very enlightened don't bother dealing with the root of the problem just cover it up and ignore it.

You don't have a clue, do you?

Ophiolite - "So Muslim, are you, in essence indirectly seeking to convert persons to Islam? If not, whar exactly is your purpose. It would be helpful to know."

Careful Muslim. Ophiolite is pro Israel.
Muslim said:
Some individuals in the previous thread asked a few questions some said prove it. This is like me saying to that person prove to me you have a brain. Without using any equipment. Anyway moving along, when I talk about a 3rd eye. I am not talking about a physical feature. .

Why not? I think it might help you. Didn't some scientists somewhere prove humans have a vestigeal 3rd eye or the supporting structures for it? It has been awhile. I could be wrong.

Doesn't matter. There is a physical location. I don't know if I agree on telling them you are not talking about physical features. They are so literal they will take that statement to mean that there is NO physical component of the 3rd eye.
Happeh said:
Why not? I think it might help you. Didn't some scientists somewhere prove humans have a vestigeal 3rd eye or the supporting structures for it? It has been awhile. I could be wrong.

Doesn't matter. There is a physical location. I don't know if I agree on telling them you are not talking about physical features. They are so literal they will take that statement to mean that there is NO physical component of the 3rd eye.
well here is another gem from happeh
where oh where did you come up with this happeh?
Some of you have missed the point again and have resorted to using a straw man fallacy. Duendy is questioning a choice of word here, the word is "pure" let us first look at this definition:

Having a homogeneous or uniform composition; not mixed: pure oxygen.
Free from adulterants or impurities: pure chocolate.
Free of dirt, defilement, or pollution: “A memory without blot or contamination must be . . . an inexhaustible source of pure refreshment” (Charlotte Brontë).
Free of foreign elements.
Containing nothing inappropriate or extraneous: a pure literary style.
Complete; utter: pure folly.
Having no faults; sinless: “I felt pure and sweet as a new baby” (Sylvia Plath).
Chaste; virgin.
Of unmixed blood or ancestry.
Genetics. Produced by self-fertilization or continual inbreeding; homozygous: a pure line.
Music. Free from discordant qualities: pure tones.
Linguistics. Articulated with a single unchanging speech sound; monophthongal: a pure vowel.
Theoretical: pure science.
Philosophy. Free of empirical elements: pure reason.

Cite: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004.

Now we can all agree pure means having no bad qualities. Muslims believe a baby is born pure and free of sin. Later on this baby while it evolves (Islam agree with evolution) or develops acquires sin by committing bad deeds, we can all agree stealing is wrong so that is evil and sinful, now everyone is sinful. So for one to attain pureness he must purify his/her soul, by various methods i.e repentance.

So I don't understand what, point duendy is trying to make here.
Ophiolite said:
So Muslim, are you, in essence indirectly seeking to convert persons to Islam? If not, whar exactly is your purpose. It would be helpful to know.

I am here to teach, I don't convert anyone. I simply present everything. And if someone likes it he will convert, this is purely on the person. We don't push believes down anyone. We just show people the logical evidence, and then its simple their choice to believe init or not. We don't say things like "oh you must believe someone died for our sins" no one is just going to start believing anything, firstly your brain has to think logically for your heart to open.
Also note, I am moving on. I and I will later explain the 3rd eye. I don't want to do this right away, as you guys don't have any basic understanding of what I am talking about when I say spiritual purification. Most of you assume, this is some sort of physical purification i.e like taking a bath is not the case. I don't want to go into the science of it yet as I believe many will try to sabotage this thread. This is why I am keeping everything short and making it easy for the learning impaired or the ones who have a Greek complex.
Sock puppet path said:
I like the part of the doc that says how women must cover themselves to prevent lustful mens lust. Very enlightened don't bother dealing with the root of the problem just cover it up and ignore it. Worked really well in Saudi Arabia a few years back when that girls school caught fire and the firemen stood there and watched little girls burn to death rather than risking being exposed to small girls flesh.

Well, you have some issues, with the Saudi Government I think you should take, that up with them not with me. In the Qu'ran it says to save someones life if like saving the whole of humanity. Many Muslims are discontent with the Saudi Government, by the majority of Muslims they are considered hypocrites.
duendy said:

That is really interesting, you're a genius. :rolleyes: how you manged to to do that. Hell without even opening the link you manged not to agree with the article.

duendy said:
...now. my system's limited with memory. i have probs opening such links like you gave...

ohfalite said:
...Therefore, the aim to purify, as described in Muslim's link, is wrong - practically and morally...

duendy said: