3d landscaping--CMB imaging

This paper, "The velocities of light in modified QED vacua" (K. Scharnhorst), placed here for further reading of the propagation of light in a constant homogeneous magnetic field and in a Casimir vacuum, the possible dynamics involved at the critical inflationary era.
Similar boundary conditions could be implied by interior shell/sphere structure developed in this thread.
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Lemonick and Nash describe inflation as an "amendment to the original Big Bang"...

"...when the universe was less than a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of
a second old, it briefly went through a period of superchanged expansion,
ballooning from the size of a proton to the size of a grapefruit (and thus expanding at many, many times the speed of light)..."

"...Then the expansion slowed to a much more stately pace. Improbable as the theory sounds, it has held up in every observation astronomers have managed to make..."

--Lemonick, Michael D. and Nash, Madeleine, "Cosmic Conundrum", Time Magazine, 58, Nov 29, 2004.
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Image of the current day large-scale structure of the Universe (Right, Image courtesy: Sloan Digital Sky Survey), comparing this modern scaling next to the loosely measured region of a proposed shell/inner core sphere structure, of a earlier universe model (Left, artist's conception, keith1)


Note the scale-compared inner secondary big bang core region, consisting of normal matter, interspersed with the conceived dark matter debris, conjectured as possibly left-behind trailing debris from a primary expanding outer shell structure (possibly composed of dark matter conceived as initial big bang materials, redesigned by inflationary processes).

A large amount of dark matter in this outer shell region (too large to show as currently surrounding the large-scale structure region image of the current day (above right), could offer an explanation in accounting for large dark energy dynamic levels, expected to exist in current universe composition models.

And also, a cursory attempt at gravity force implications/modeling of this shell structure model was attempted (note post #22 change in title is reflected in post#44 below).
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Image of Gravitational Force (yellow) and Expansionary Direction (red) Influences Proposed in Universe Component
(Shell Cross-section) Structure:


"As one of the fields which obey the general inverse square law,
the gravity field can be put in the form shown below, showing
that the acceleration of gravity, g, is an expression of the intensity
of the gravity field."

courtesy: hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu

Note title change, "Inflationary Direction (red)" is changed to, "Expansionary Direction (red)"