3d landscaping--CMB imaging

The following sources of data were added here (from Hyperphysics), not to give extra validity to my own, but for further research details to the subject, for my closer study in passing, and for those interested:



images courtesy:
Image of Gravitational Force (yellow) and Inflationary
Direction (red) Influences Proposed in Universe Component
(Shell Cross-section) Structure:


"As one of the fields which obey the general inverse square law,
the gravity field can be put in the form shown below, showing
that the acceleration of gravity, g, is an expression of the intensity
of the gravity field."

courtesy: hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu
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You have filled the thread with nice pictures and stuff but you have done zilch to support your initial conjectures. Is this leading anywhere or is this just random stuff you are posting?
No, not at all.
Very good then. I'm not discouraged by innocent bystander's.
If there was a way to simplify it further, I would be a truly intelligent person.
However, let's not give up hope.
No, it's not leading anywhere.
I hope you weren't banned because of something you said here at "3D Landscaping/CMB Imaging". I welcome your input, AG.

That goes for Paxton as well (even though the statement they made, "...Space time is a fractal...", is not testable, as Spacetime seems infinite in size, thereby, in a macro sense, could not have fractal edges). More's the pity.
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Very good then. I'm not discouraged by innocent bystander's.

When I said no, I was answering your question do you understand. I have no idea what your sock puppet comment was suppose to mean.

If there was a way to simplify it further, I would be a truly intelligent person. However, let's not give up hope.

Simplify what? Give up hope about what?
Expansion timeline of post-inflation era proposed shell/sphere anomaly:


Imaging (artist's conception) of closeup section detail of proposed shell/ sphere structure for further time-line analysis.


Image closeup detail of shell/sphere structure in aftermath of inflationary era (see previous posted images in this thread) Note turbulent wave structures depicted as surface patterns on the expanding sphere cross-section.


Image depicting detail of sphere structure surface at time duration of photon decoupling/CMB transparency point for light. Note wave activity on surface depicted as apparent and turbulent. (Colored artist's image, from earlier discussion in this thread, of detail of Cosmic Microwave Background proposed wave structure patterns.

Images courtesy: keith1
I will re-post for public re-examination the 3D images of the CMB for those who have not seen them yet. They were causing some nausea, so I pulled them off the site, for now.
I will have some more input on this subject, as time progresses to the Planck Satellite images release, expected later this year (hopefully).
Thank you for your input. Bear with me--the information is coming available only as I have time to mull over the previous results compilations.
Those of you who are having trouble visualizing this data, may find future installments more to your understanding...or not....(It may help to read all the previous posts in this thread)....stay tuned, and stay thirsty, my friends.
I will re-post for public re-examination the 3D images of the CMB for those who have not seen them yet. They were causing some nausea, so I pulled them off the site, for now.

I saw your flashing, seizure inducing picture - no need to repost it!! I cannot fathom how that could answer the question I had.

I will have some more input on this subject, as time progresses to the Planck Satellite images release, expected later this year (hopefully).
Thank you for your input. Bear with me--the information is coming available only as I have time to mull over the previous results compilations.
Those of you who are having trouble visualizing this data, may find future installments more to your understanding...or not....(It may help to read all the previous posts in this thread)....stay tuned, and stay thirsty, my friends.

Again, I am simply asking what is the 'shell' you are refering to?
..what is the 'shell ...
That would be inferred from post #20, or I always meant it to be.

The shell is a sphere of the initial ejecta from the Big Bang, that is, the component labeled as "symmetry-broken gravity".
It's only claim to being different from any of the other preceding Big Bang force components to come after it, is that it was "in the universe" before inflation.
Inflation, which propelled the growth of the universe, for a brief moment, beyond the speed of light. Making this initial "front" of expanding universe make-up very different from it's otherwise identical force components that followed inflation.

Your question was very easy to answer. I'm glad you didn't ask, "what caused inflation?"

Sorry that I am missing seeing your impediment that hinders your ability find your answer on your own, without me holding your hand to the information location. Perhaps my wishes for transparency in wanting your free presence to ask such simple questions here, is cluttering the site to the point that some observers are getting lost. I can't fix that.
I will not ask anyone to not approach me with questions. I might be having the same issue of not seeing your questions, because of all the clutter, but, as you see, I did eventually. Thank you for bearing with me.
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That would be inferred from post #20, or I always meant it to be.

The shell is a sphere of the initial ejecta from the
Big Bang, that is, the component labeled as "symmetry-broken gravity".
It's only claim to being different from any of the other preceding Big Bang force components to come after it, is that it was "in the universe" before inflation.Inflation which propelled the growth of the universe, for a brief moment, beyond the speed of light. Making this initial "front" of expanding universe make-up very different from it's otherwise identical force components that followed inflation.

Sorry that I am missing seeing your impediment that hinders your ability find your answer on your own, without me holding your hand to the information location. Perhaps my wishes for transparency in wanting your free presence to ask such simple questions here, is cluttering the site to the point that some observers are getting lost. I can't fix that.
I will not ask anyone to not approach me with questions. I might be having the same issue of not seeing your questions, because of all the clutter, but, as you see, I did eventually. Thank you for bearing with me.

The reason I asked the question is because you appeared to have fundamental misunderstanding of what the big bang is, so I was trying to understand if my suspecion was correct, and it was.

There is no 'shell' that was ejected, there is no front. You have a basic misunderstanding that is rather common. You are making the implicit assumption that the universe is expanding into something and that there is a shell that is expanding outward like an explosion. There is no center and there is no edge. The universe expanded everywhere there is no shell growing out. The CMB is not coming from somewhere is it is everywhere.

You have a very basic flawed understanding of the big bang that is destined to result in you misinterpreting any data you try to analyze. I recommend that you do some research on what the Big Bang Theory says.

Good luck.
The reason I asked the question is because you appeared to have fundamental misunderstanding of what the big bang is, so I was trying to understand if my suspecion was correct, and it was.

There is no 'shell' that was ejected, there is no front. You have a basic misunderstanding that is rather common. You are making the implicit assumption that the universe is expanding into something and that there is a shell that is expanding outward like an explosion. There is no center and there is no edge. The universe expanded everywhere there is no shell growing out. The CMB is not coming from somewhere is it is everywhere.

You have a very basic flawed understanding of the big bang that is destined to result in you misinterpreting any data you try to analyze. I recommend that you do some research on what the Big Bang Theory says.

Good luck.

Your statements are flawed, in that you cannot see my statements as being completely compatible with yours, with the exception that, you say the universe has no center, but you are mistaken to claim that the universe lacks structure.
Thank you for your comments. Don't get frustrated. You will have plenty of chances to stump me yet. I'll be right here.
You're always welcome to stop by.
Your statements are flawed, in that you cannot see my statements as being completely compatible with yours,

Not mine, your ideas are not compatable with science.

with the exception that, you say the universe has no center, but you are mistaken to claim that the universe lacks structure.

When did I say the universe lacked structure. You do not need to make things up.

Thank you for your comments. Don't get frustrated. You will have plenty of chances to stump me yet. I'll be right here.

I suspected that this thread would not go well when you started it out with flashing pictures that you thought looked 3D. But I thought I would look in to see if there was anything worth seeing. Alas I think not.

You're always welcome to stop by.

Nah, I think I am done, nothing to see. You enjoy yourself though.

Hi guys! :)

Your exchange has reminded me of a question I had many years ago but which I never got around to asking. It is this....

In the context of 'Brane' or 'M' theory etc involving branes and Bulk etc etc, is the Big Bang 'expanding everywhere' a subset location/event etc of an overall pre-existing Bulk and Brane context where branes move together and apart etc etc?

I mean, is the Big Bang a particular event/location at the intersection of two colliding branes? And if so, how is the 'expanding everywhere' concept maintained in the greater context of Bulk-Brane context?

Back tomorrow! Cheers! :)

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You enjoy yourself though.
Interesting. I annoyed without effort.
3D effect may cause hysteria--Remember Spidey got banned for a month.
Reconsidering not bringing out the 3D images of CMB for now, as they are not needed to
advance this study vein.

origin, you will always be welcome here, and elsewhere your flattery of yourself deludes you. Safe journeys.
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...I mean, is the Big Bang a particular event/location at the intersection of two colliding branes? And if so, how is the 'expanding everywhere' concept maintained in the greater context of Bulk-Brane context?...

One might conclude that an Inflationary Period, given it's "faster-than-light" dynamic, could provide store for:

-- an extremely time-dilated event of uncertain location and duration
-- an extra-dimension
-- an "extra-intersecting event/location"
-- a small (if not virtual) central, causally connected region
-- a universal (if not virtual) "outer edge"
-- a fractal dynamic element

Let us not be confused by the intrusion of an FTL dynamic, appearing after the Big Bang, but perhaps some way crucial in it's inception.

The Inflationary Period extremely adjusted the structural appearance and make-up of the Universe that came before it, that is, of the initial Big Bang component I have visualized here as a "shell structure". This structure, then, would have it's expected shape influenced more by aspects of spatial inflationary characteristics, also revealing clues to a faster-than-light speed environ exposure.

Thank you RC.
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