25 Arguments for the Exsitence of God

<ul TYPE=disc>Misc. stuff:

<li>The first seven could be the work of Satan or Descartes' <i>The Matrix</i>. scenario.
<li>Pascal's wager is not an argument for the existence of God, it is an argument for believing in God.
<li>The morally ones. You first have to demonstate that there is an absolute moral law and that it is only attainable from God. I'm not sure that anyone has proven the possibility of God being able to provide absolute morality.
<li>The existentialist argument: you have to prove there is a purpose, you also have to prove that God is necessary and sufficient to provide it.
"Careful Xev, hes from Canada. And you know what they think of us up there.... "

Hey! I'm from Canada, and I don't think badly of anybody who is from the States.. Although, every once in a while we have to make fun of Americans as our dollar goes down.

I think it's quite hilarious that so many people can believe in something with no proof whatsoever. It's like me making up something, say invisible unicorns, writing a bad book about it, and waiting for a while. You can't disprove my invisible unicorns because they're invisible right!!? Nyaaa ;) (of course we can! but people that follow invisible unicorns aren't going to listen - btw that was all an analogy)

I'll tackle Pascals wager since I think its the biggest piece of bullsh$t since the bible!

"If you believe in God and turn out to be incorrect, you have lost nothing -- but if you don't believe in God and turn out to be incorrect, you will go to hell. Therefore it is foolish to be an atheist." - idiot named Pascal

Plenty of flaws with that statement! First, it doesn't indicate which religion to follow. If you follow one religion and turn out to be wrong, you'll burn in enternal damnation! Also, it assumes that there is a single god. Lots of religions believe in a multitude of gods, or none (although i'll argue, some versions of buddhism aren't relgions at all). So which one are you to believe in? And then, which commandments are you to believe in?

Also, the statement, paraphrased, 'if you believe in god and turn out to be wrong, you've lost nothing' isn't true. What if you've believed in the wrong god, and then the real god will damn you! Also, to believe in a crappy religion mean syou'll have to behave a certain way, do certain things, etc. So you will lose a lot.

And what kind of god would send kind people to hell just because they didn't believe in him/(her)? I'd go to hell just for that!


I won't argue against it any more because its so obvious!
Actually you can narrow down Pascal's Wager quite a bit if you exclude religions that don't have a hell or judgement, or for ones that give you another chance in some other form.
Yeah, but isn't choosing a religion just as a 'safe bet' a little defeating of the whole idea?

And besides, having to live like a christian is not worth it! Especially since there isn't a single solid proof of evidence for god in the first place. ;)

Be nice to people, be compassionate, but have sex with a condom so you don't get AIDS! Or a family ;p

I'm sorry I recomended the book DOGMA, I can see you do not have an open mind.

It was actually pretty wise from him not to discuss it with close-minded people...:bugeye: :eek: :bugeye: :eek: :eek:


Nelson, this is exactly why people get annoyed by your posts. Don't waste time on insults, dear, if you can't add anything constructive, don't post. Or you will encounter the annoyence of others. :)
I think I should clarify something.

In a recent post under this discussion, I may have used 'invisible unicorns' as an analogy. As it turns out however, the bible already says unicorns exist. So if the idea of suddenly believing in these light-hearted invisible unicorns turns you off. What isn't turning you off from the bible?
It was not an insult... I really meant it!!
Sorry if it seems so... but I really agree with DOGMA when he said he didn't want to discuss the subject. It would be lose his time...
I see nothing has changed since I was here several months ago. What comes to my mind is the scripture that goes something like " The children of darkness in this generation are more enlightened/smarter than the children of light". Love, peace, harmony, joy just doesn't cut the mustard anymore. It seems that many theists forget where they came from and lose any credibiliy with the world that they just recently left. At the same time, the children of darkness have seen so little true godliness, and ability to make a case for their position that they dismiss it out of hand and simply ridicule it because--well--it's ridiculous. I make no excuses for my belief in God because it is deeply rooted in the latest scientific discoveries, the PRESENT TRUTH of Bible scholarship, successful experiential transformation of character(internally and with others), the signs of the times and ongoing prophetic developments, and--not the least--that wonderful love, peace, harmony, joy, fun and intellectual enjoyment. I am the SON of Babylon because I know what it feels like to not believe in God and have been in all the deepest darkest places--and enjoyed most of it's pleasures. Now I am a Son of God and have not lost sight of where I come from. I only need one argument for the existence of God, and that is I EXIST. If you want to throw your darkness my way, I will gladly fill it with LIGHT. If you love your darkness, I will add to it a greater darkness, and enjoy it with you. Use science, philosophy, personal experience, the dark understanding and sentences of spiritualism, history, speculation--madness itself--none of it matches the exhaustless riches of the TRUTH as it is in Jesus--the MASTER SCIENTIST, MASTER PHILOSOPHER, THE MASTER OF CREATION. Mock on.
Shying from the light
I've always loved the night
And now you bring to me
Eternal darkness....


Welcome back, sonofbabylon.

" The children of darkness in this generation are more enlightened/smarter than the children of light". Love, peace, harmony, joy just doesn't cut the mustard anymore. It seems that many theists forget where they came from and lose any credibiliy with the world that they just recently left.

Theists? Credibility? They'd need to use logic first. :rolleyes:

Use science, philosophy, personal experience, the dark understanding and sentences of spiritualism, history, speculation--madness itself--none of it matches the exhaustless riches of the TRUTH as it is in Jesus--the MASTER SCIENTIST, MASTER PHILOSOPHER, THE MASTER OF CREATION.

Ia-R'yleh! Cthulhu fthagn! Ia! Ia! Ia!

No thanks, I'm still trying to decipher your post. You claim to have proved the existance of God?

Nelson: You're out of line, kiddo. Lay off on the ego-trip, you don't posess the sole truth and never will. None of us ever will.
Originally posted by sonofbabylon
I make no excuses for my belief in God because it is deeply rooted in the latest scientific discoveries

Dare I ask you to elaborate?

I only need one argument for the existence of God, and that is I EXIST.

It may be the only argument that you need but my proofs require a bit more work.

I only need one argument for the existence of God, and that is I EXIST.

That only proves that you exist. And just because you exist, doesn't mean God does.

To PROVE the existence of God by any means would be an exercise in futility. To show that there is an increasing amount of evidence mounting in scientific circles about an intelligent consciousness at the root of of all creation, simply check the latest scientific journals, magazines and websites that are devoting their time to alternatives to the big bang which is quickly losing it's credibility because of the latest discoveries in cosmology, physics, DNA and archaeology. One small example of this is the article in the June editition of Discover Magazine. John Wheeler, a physicist for over 60 years has shifted his study from the what of creation to the why. His basic premise is that creation involves consciousness and it is also affecting events from the now into the past and future. The simple double-slit experiments at the photonic scale and the ones at the macroscopic scale using gravitational lensing show that a conscious observation changes the results--even of light that is still lightyears away. Another example is the mathemetician at the Meru Foundation who is agnostic. He has discovered incredibly complex mathematical formulae embedded in the creation event as shown in the Hebrew Torah which pictures geometric structures depicting symmetry to chaos and back again. This is not Bible code mysticism. This is genuine science showing connections to distant stars and constellations and very basic geometry we see all around us. Still another example is archaeological finds at http://lexiline.org/lexiline/lexi17.html which may rewrite history. The site for the meru foundation is
http://meru.org/index.html. These are just a few examples of changing views. there are many others.
I have no desire to change your views--simply to enlighten. As I said, I need no more than the one reason. I'm just diggin on all the confirmation going on.
Look up the Cosmic Electrodynamic model for one such alternative. The big bang is just a theory. Science sticks with one theory that works for a while, but abandons it eventually once better science developes. I think the big bang is one of those temporary theorys. The cosmic electrodynamic model uses later developed sciences to explain how the universe could have happened, and it avoids the flaws that the big bang theory has. But I don't think there was any intelligent consiousness behind anything.. just randomness.

Good to see someone awake here...! :bugeye:
And that you have your power... what many Christians don't do... Love... :)


Nelson: You're out of line, kiddo. Lay off on the ego-trip, you don't posess the sole truth and never will. None of us ever will.

Yes, we will... :p
Ego-trip... I'm just telling you what God tells me...:bugeye: :eek:


But I don't think there was any intelligent consiousness behind anything.. just randomness.

Do you know the Anthropic Principle?

In the day we discover what is Life, we will discover God... :)

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A heart y hello to you too Truthseeker.

To jjhlk

I checked out the theory and I liked it. There was only one problem, and it was an assumption. The rest was good science, but the assumption was that a matter and antimatter galaxy needed to exist before all the rest could function. Where did that come from? I have not been a believer in the Big Bang for many years. The big bang theory originated from two very unlikely sources. One was the Judeo/Christian idea of one God. The other was from the Kabballistic idea of a single intense point spreading out to become everything there was. Back in college I did a simple experiment so I could VISUALIZE the phenomena. I wrote a simple two-line algorithm that placed a small circle(this representing zero or nothing since the Biblical account says everything came from nothing), in the uppermost left hand corner pixel. The circle was then to increase in size by 1 degree and rotate 1 degree, keeping each representationof itself as it grew. Unexplicably, when I ran the program, an identical circle appeared at each of the four corner pixels and "grew" into each other producing a variety of things. The first noticeable thing was a 3d wormhole effect. As I let the program run, I eventually stopped it when it had nearly filled the screen. What was left was a curious chaotic scattering of "clumps of matter" which could be akin to a star here a star there, a group of stars here and there, From this simple two line algorithm came a complex "universe" of chaotic behavior from pure symmetry--and led me to believe that "gravity" is a phenomena resulting from "space" or nothing "pushing" on every particle from the microscopic to the macroscopic. This also could produce the cosmic electrodynamic effect. Your thoughts?

That's interesting... :D:D
Btw... where in the Bible it's said that everything comes from nothing? I've been looking for it for a looong time... (trying to find out if tehre's a parallel between the Bible and the Tao Te Ching...) ;)


Check the web site I gave earlier at lexiline. It shows pretty conclusively that Hebrew is older than Sanskrit and other ancient languages including the cuniform types The Bible says in Genesis that in the beginning(time), the earth(matter) was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep(space). In the Cabala, it states that everything was created from nothing by the Great No Thing(God). Since no form could be ascribed to Him and no name, (the entire Torah being his name), He was an indescribable No-thing. Bet the atheists like that one!! God was then said to move(vibrate) upon the face of the waters(hydrogen?). Then check the meru site and see the forms that were created. Very interesting stuff.

The site doesn't work... :(

Hey... you do better analogies than I do...! :)

Since no form could be ascribed to Him and no name, (the entire Torah being his name)

Do you know "Tao Te Ching"? :D