2012: The "end"

You ask that with a straight face after posting:

Hey I was just wondering if I was the only one who would think it would be kick ass if we were all some how flung into the ages of fantasy, dragons, myths, and all that sh*t at 2012. I know this doesn't make much sense as to WHY it would happen...

What is there to take seriously?
I don't know, Oli, there are alot of prophecies leading to 2012; the Mayans, the ancient I Ching, some native american shit, and some european prophecies from England

All points to 2012

Oh well we'll all find out
2012 prophecies have been done to death.
From England?
News to me.
Mother Shipton?
She supposedly predicted the end of the world about once per century.
Nobody takes her seriously here, her "cave" where she lived is a tourist attraction, I saw it when I was about ten years old.
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The Prophecy is accurate to very point ! Its all about astrology/astronomy.
Mayan calendar is just that, the calendar. When this age of Pisces ends the Great
Year ends also and new one begins. The date 21 is the date that Milky Way is aligned
with our Sun in that point and the cycle begins again with Age of Aquarius.
Its just a clock turning to midnight and new day arising, with all the spooky stuff
that goes with midnight/2012.
If you want something out of that 2012 fuzz, ancient astronomy is good place to begin.
I severely doubt it, but sense higher possibility with this than the 2000 date. I was kind of scared the freaking shit would happen 2000 too, computers shutting out sounded possible but I retained doubt. This time, however, there is the many prophecys about it, there is the fact that some members seem worried, and that all points to something. IMO it is that the stars are lighing up or something? But hasn't that happend at least once before? Could it be that something odd may actually be going down? Is there any myth to it other than the supperstition? Or is it "all" just "supperstition".
I dont know, but, most logical starting point is the source, ancient astronomy.
If looking those "doomsday" prophecies from that point of view, the prime reason
to cataclysm should be some alignments/conjunctions in the space.
And from there we could specalute many things.
-Solar Storms
-Pole Shift of Magnetic Field of Earth
-Cosmic Radiation from Milky Way, some speculate that it is the light that alters DNA,
from there speculation of Leap of Evolution.
-4th Dimension comes to reality, SpaceTime ceases to exist. Every half of the wheels turn is SpaceTime, the other TimeSpace.
-Time Travelling
-PlanetX the NIBIRU, 10th "planet", Brown Dwarf Star visiting near Earth every 6000 years or so causing great havoc in Earth, every kind natural disaster you can imagine plus its gravity will force Earth to stop spinning 3 days. Its rotating our Sun in big ellipse, opposite way to others planets in our Solar system.
There is so much going on about that, dont know even half about what all those theorys
include. If you really want tripin in 2012 opening of...... well, everything, try this...
"Mystic Syncronism"

This dude is deep in it, so deep that I dare to follow, but, hes pointing out very interesting connections going on in inner/outer world of ours.
Remember, I warned you ;) The vids are very addictive...

No matter if hes wrong or right the amount of knowledge about different areas is big.
Many pieces of art and lyrics has opened to me as before they went over my head.
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Or, if we're lucky, Judgement Day will happen in 2012

It is supposed to occur before one generation has passed after the establishment of Israel; one generation is, let's say, one hundred years.


Judgment Day will occur some time between those two years
Except the accepted figure for a generation is twenty years, so we've missed it...
According to you: supposed to occur before one generation has passed.
Not passed on. Passed.
Twenty years is a generation and twenty years (and more) has passed.

That's the problem with "prophecies", they're so bloody vague.
Although it does have the advantage of keeping them in vogue for another, fresh, batch of woo woos to argue over/ believe/ cry doom!
As I said, that isn't what it meant. It means roughly a lifetime.

It meant the generation AT THAT TIME, before they end; since people could've been born then, and most people don't live to be one hundred, I can predict between 1948-2048

If 2048 comes and nothing happens, I'll become a hardcore atheist.
As I said, that isn't what it meant. It means roughly a lifetime.
As I said: you can take them to mean whatever suits your particular delusion.

It meant the generation AT THAT TIME, before they end
It meant that?
How do you know what it MEANT, other than through your own pre-disposition?

People have shown that the world is coming to an end, with the bible as "proof" for centuries (one of the *best* being Joachim de Fiore: single-handedly responsible for hastily "completed" churches and cathedrals all over Europe, when the world was due to end in 1260).
And did it?
Not noticeably....
The Mayans and the I Ching also both predicted something at 2012; the most obvious conclusion is Judgment Day.

Again, the reason I know what it meant is because it was quite clear; the generation that founded Israel, in their return, shall not pass (die) before the Day of Judgment has occured.

I think you are being far too skeptical; quite naturally, I am also very skeptical, and of course that is an intelligent stance. However, there's a difference between being skeptical and being stubborn.

Just wait it out. As I said, if nothing happens, I'll become an atheist; of course, I can't tell my dear old mother :p.
Except that someone, (I think it was Skinwalker, many many threads ago) pointed out: they didn't actually predict anything, that just happens to be the end of their calender.
So what you're doing is the equivalent of panicking on December 25th because there's less than a week of existence left: it must mean the end of everything 'cos the calender doesn't go any further...

And if you look hard enough (or hang around woo woos long enough) EVERY prophecy will turn out to have something that agrees with it.
And so far they've all been somewhat less than accurate.

And if you are right about
the generation that founded Israel, in their return, shall not pass (die) before the Day of Judgment has occured
then you're wrong about 2048.
The generation that FOUNDED Israel must have been born before 1948... :rolleyes:
Pffft, not according to the military when they plan equipment replacements by half-generation.