2012: The "end"


Registered Member
Hey I was just wondering if I was the only one who would think it would be kick ass if we were all some how flung into the ages of fantasy, dragons, myths, and all that sh*t at 2012. I know this doesn't make much sense as to WHY it would happen...
There are so many predictions about the year 2012. I'm not sure what it's about.
The problem is, predictions have been made before, and haven't come true.

Although I certainly am curious about 2012, I am not holding my fingers crossed.
Hey I was just wondering if I was the only one who would think it would be kick ass if we were all some how flung into the ages of fantasy, dragons, myths, and all that sh*t at 2012. I know this doesn't make much sense as to WHY it would happen...

Don't bother even thinking about such nonsense. Dec., 2012 will come and pass just like Dec. of any other year.

You can be sure of one thing though - the nuts that actually believe such garbage will be intently searching the world over for ANYTHING they can find in order to claim they were right about it.

Ho-hum... Yawn...zzzzzzz
Well I am not actually saying that I believe in it, just that IF it did. I know that doomsdays have been predicted before and nothing has happened.

Originally posted by Norsefire:
The problem is, predictions have been made before, and haven't come true.

Although I certainly am curious about 2012, I am not holding my fingers crossed.

Agreed, I am not putting anything concrete into it either...
I'll tell you what's going to happen on 2012.

I am going to sit down and have a large tuna sandwich. I'll need some chips and juice though. So I might have to go to the local store and buy them. Maybe there will be shorter lines because everyone is so scared.

Then I will go to local auctions and bid, because there will be less people there. Then on Dec 22 I will sell them at higher prices.
var year=new Date();
var CurrentYear=year.getFullYear();
var EndofWorld=2012;

function HereWeGoAgain(){
if( CurrentYear == EndofWorld && Universe == Continues){
} else {
alert('Who the heck would be left to care?');

Obviously the codes a pseudocode joke.
These things have been rolling around and passing unnoticed for thousands and thousands of years. Just what makes you think THIS one is any better??

I don't necessarily think 2012 is the date. But I'm just curious if one day indeed there will be an armageddon. What then?
I don't necessarily think 2012 is the date. But I'm just curious if one day indeed there will be an armageddon. What then?

What do you mean by "what then"? If it does get here, the people who alive at that time will have to deal with it - that's what.