2012 - Mayan Phrophecy. End of the world or start of new era?

Thats seriously some of the most wacked out shit ive ever read on here, no offense like, but...:bugeye:

Its actually very accurate for that matter.

Do you have any idea why the numbers 3,5,8, are of the greatest interest to those who truly know the Kabbalah Gematria meaning.
Many of them really don't from my findings.

O.K., 3 'x' 5= 15 'x' 8= 120(clock).
Do you see the '12' there.
What is the meaning behind 12 with regard to the Hebrew Star?

The universe is chemistry, and it knows its time cycle.
Study 'flood geology', and you'll understand what occured in the encrypted Biblical passages.
Right now we hasten our destruction with Global Warming.

Fact is, '8,5,3' = convergence. And 'Mossiach' is Time itself, not necessarily a person(though my recent study says it actually is-- though I don't buy it).
That is why 'Mirror of Time' is my catch phrase, because '358' is the number of the 'Mossiach'.

Reality is that the Universe is also 'Time', and 'Adam' and the 'Garden of Eden' were just a moment ago; and we are answering the same sin that Adam made when he took the wrong Tree, and didn't take care of the Garden he was given(like neo-man is not doing).
2:15= Take Care and till the land
2:16 and 2:17= remarks regarding the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Ego-Materialism is summarized within the phenom of the Industrial Oil Paradigm. That is the truth, and its truth will not be ignored if we are to have any future.
This is all spoken of in the inner book of the Torah(the Zohar).
...As the chemical environment changes, so will our magnetic resonance change....

How?Please explain the scientific basis...

I didn't create that science fact, I'm only quoting it.
I'm also very new to this, but I am understanding it quickly.

Google, that is what I do.
There was no flood geology as there was no flood. Moreover, no respected geologist affirms the existence of a global flood.
Dude, C6H Anion Prophecy, just because you conjure analogies, doesn’t make them anything but conjured analagies. Where's the proof that the universe "knows" its time cycle. Or that "Garden of Eden" existed. And where's the proof in your connections, that "O.K., 3 'x' 5= 15 'x' 8= 120(clock)." Clock? What, can't 120 be just a number and not a clock?

Sorry it doesn't make sense how you can believe this stuff, without giving real proof.
Dude, C6H Anion Prophecy, just because you conjure analogies, doesn’t make them anything but conjured analagies. Where's the proof that the universe "knows" its time cycle. Or that "Garden of Eden" existed. And where's the proof in your connections, that "O.K., 3 'x' 5= 15 'x' 8= 120(clock)." Clock? What, can't 120 be just a number and not a clock?

Sorry it doesn't make sense how you can believe this stuff, without giving real proof.

'Flood Geology' Theorists are in direct conflict with most mainstream theologons and Bible scholars.
I'm actually very new to Bible study. I did receive Bar Mitzvah years ago, but I was 'no student'(per se).
My recent religious experience has brought me back to Religion.
I am studying and learning.
What I never knew was that there is so much disagreement on 'meaning'.

Fascinating is the early Genesis passage between around 1:16 thru 2:6.
And that area is very baffling to the scholars studying it.
It appears that there is spoken of 'G-d', and then 'Lord G-d', and that there are two 'creations' of Man(or Man-Woman).
First is what some scholars believe to be the 'Man-Woman' or the equivalent of 'Hermaphadite'. 'G-d' is attributed to this.
Then, we have 'Lord G-d' creating Adam and the Eve from Adam's rib.

I'm going to copy something I wrote on another site:
Ezekiel 25:17. "The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.

There is a direct correlation between what is mentioned in Biblical passage about the plagues visited upon mankind and the planet as a whole, and the flood, storms, earthquakes.

This cycle of man and Earth history is only about a bit over 6,000 years, but the Earth itself is thought to be 4 1/2 Billion.
In just a bit over 100 years time with the advent of the combustion engine and the Industrial Economy, we've gone from 280 ppm Carbon in atmosphere to 360 ppm.
The sites I've visited say that this hasn't been(360 ppm) since 400,000 years ago.
Thats scary, and I don't even know the specific science nor how they came up with that(carbon dating I guess).

So our tiny '6000', is nothing in the whole transition of time and the Earth cycle.
More than likely, we've destroyed ourselves before by doing the exact(and I mean exact= Industrial Economy, etc.= Read Exodus for a precise analogy), and we are doing it again.
And all will happen 'again' exactly as before.

I'll get back on this later.
C6H Anion Prophecy:

The quote you made from Ezekiel doesn't exist. It is from Pulp Fiction. Samuel L. Jackson says it when he "caps someone".
Only the last line paraphrases the Bible's actual text. The rest is fabricated and a mixture of vague references to various Bible sayings.

So yes, you are right that it was a chop job in part.
Its actually very accurate for that matter.

Do you have any idea why the numbers 3,5,8, are of the greatest interest to those who truly know the Kabbalah Gematria meaning.
Many of them really don't from my findings.

O.K., 3 'x' 5= 15 'x' 8= 120(clock).
Do you see the '12' there.
What is the meaning behind 12 with regard to the Hebrew Star?

The universe is chemistry, and it knows its time cycle.
Study 'flood geology', and you'll understand what occured in the encrypted Biblical passages.
Right now we hasten our destruction with Global Warming.

Fact is, '8,5,3' = convergence. And 'Mossiach' is Time itself, not necessarily a person(though my recent study says it actually is-- though I don't buy it).
That is why 'Mirror of Time' is my catch phrase, because '358' is the number of the 'Mossiach'.
Youre making leaps of logic that make so little sense its almost impossible to know where to start.
Your entire post is like me saying...all the posts in this thread add upto 24, 24 = the ancient chinese number to symbolise death - therefore everyone in this thread will die next week.
Basically numerology is so stupid its not even worth taking seriously

Reality is that the Universe is also 'Time', and 'Adam' and the 'Garden of Eden' were just a moment ago; and we are answering the same sin that Adam made when he took the wrong Tree, and didn't take care of the Garden he was given(like neo-man is not doing).
2:15= Take Care and till the land
2:16 and 2:17= remarks regarding the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Sounds like you just found out about Gnosticism.

Ego-Materialism is summarized within the phenom of the Industrial Oil Paradigm. That is the truth, and its truth will not be ignored if we are to have any future.
Im not even sure what youre trying to say here, the mining of oil is the ultimate 'sin'? the oil industry is the very pinnicle of manifested egotism? is either of these things are true, why do you believe this to be the case?
This is all spoken of in the inner book of the Torah(the Zohar).
I can garantee (even without having read barely any of the torah) that in no place is the mining of oil mentioned whatsoever. Youre just projecting your 21st century concerns onto something which was very much written to appeal and relate to people in the time period in was written.
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Woot, myth. We'll still be posting here on that day in 2012.
[a-5];1558088 said:
Woot, myth. We'll still be posting here on that day in 2012.
It may be. Anything's possible. But I find it very odd and peculiar that several civilizations spanning several continents and different times throughout history have chosen 2012 as a 'doomsday' year.
either way it will be awesome... end would be sweet.. beginning maybe better. either way life pretty much sucks ass right now. so bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yee hoooooo!!!! cant fuckin wait!
oh by the way.......... "WERE ALL GONNA DIEEEEE!!!! ahhhhhhhh! noOOO! hahaha do it already come on god I dare you!!!! hahahaha end it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so some one respond with overused quotes such as "jesus died for you sins" which means nothing to the people who live today anyway.. Its end time baby... 4th quarter and Satan has the ball, so we have no hope.. Unless you have money then you can have fun and bang hot L.A. celebs!