2012 - Mayan Phrophecy. End of the world or start of new era?

For unknown reasons, the year 2012 world wide is predicted to be a troublesome year. Let us see the possibilities:

1. the rate USA economy and trade deficit is heading, most middle class americans who do not work for the government will lose their jobs by then and cause serious depression by 2012. - very likely

2. Asteroid could strike and cause serious problems - but unlikely

3. China could absorb Taiwan in December 21st, 2012, as US is celebrating the new Presidential election and holidays - very likely

4. The Ocean current pumps will stop due to warmer temperature and cause massive climate change - unlikely but probable

5. Scientists would create an artificial blackhole that will devour a big chunk of Europe - ???

6. A potent version of birdflu will kill millions of people in a matter of hours - ?

7. A state sponsored terrorist explodes a nuclear bomb in UK - likely since people were running around with Polonium 210 that MI6 did not have a clue.

The list goes on. As we come close to the date, we can sense which event will happen and the resulting damage.
So much for sleeping soundly tonight, KM! It's been a long time ... good to see you still posting.
For unknown reasons, the year 2012 world wide is predicted to be a troublesome year. Let us see the possibilities:

1. the rate USA economy and trade deficit is heading, most middle class americans who do not work for the government will lose their jobs by then and cause serious depression by 2012. - very likely

2. Asteroid could strike and cause serious problems - but unlikely

3. China could absorb Taiwan in December 21st, 2012, as US is celebrating the new Presidential election and holidays - very likely

4. The Ocean current pumps will stop due to warmer temperature and cause massive climate change - unlikely but probable

5. Scientists would create an artificial blackhole that will devour a big chunk of Europe - ???

6. A potent version of birdflu will kill millions of people in a matter of hours - ?

7. A state sponsored terrorist explodes a nuclear bomb in UK - likely since people were running around with Polonium 210 that MI6 did not have a clue.

The list goes on. As we come close to the date, we can sense which event will happen and the resulting damage.

This is just speculation. You can compile a list like that for potentially ANY year. Again, The Mayans never state that it will be the end of the world.

Also, unlike other cultures, the Mayans had many calendars which they maintained at the sametime.

In Mayan mythology the Sun has the greatest influence on reality on Earth. The 13th baktun will mark the Age of the 5th Sun, the Age of the Ether, the 6th Age.

Here are the 13 Mayan baktuns-Cycles: - August 11, 3114 BCE - November 13, 2719 BCE - February 16, 2324 BCE - May 21, 1930 BCE - August 23, 1536 BCE - November 26, 1142 BCE - February 28, 747 BCE - June 3, 353 BCE - September 5, 41 CE - December 9, 435 CE - March 13, 830 CE - June 15, 1224 CE - September 18, 1618 CE - December 21, 2012 CE

This current cycle (12th baktun) is supposed to be a time of forgetting, material science, artificial things, people will forget about all the spiritual knowledge of the past. This is pretty accurate, as 1618 CE is around the samtime that modern physics and science actually began.

The actual end of this entire Great Cycle is on March 25th, 2407 (
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For unknown reasons, the year 2012 world wide is predicted to be a troublesome year. Let us see the possibilities:

1. the rate USA economy and trade deficit is heading, most middle class americans who do not work for the government will lose their jobs by then and cause serious depression by 2012. - very likely

2. Asteroid could strike and cause serious problems - but unlikely

3. China could absorb Taiwan in December 21st, 2012, as US is celebrating the new Presidential election and holidays - very likely

4. The Ocean current pumps will stop due to warmer temperature and cause massive climate change - unlikely but probable

5. Scientists would create an artificial blackhole that will devour a big chunk of Europe - ???

6. A potent version of birdflu will kill millions of people in a matter of hours - ?

7. A state sponsored terrorist explodes a nuclear bomb in UK - likely since people were running around with Polonium 210 that MI6 did not have a clue.

The list goes on. As we come close to the date, we can sense which event will happen and the resulting damage.

I say it's the beginning of human extinction. We are going extinct, and it will begin in 2012.

art (creation) is the abstract defintion of mathematical absolutes which make up truth the purest and only equation of any value

jesus christ
nicoli tesla
william sedis
albert einstein
bermudu triangle
children of the crystal vibration

from carbon to silicone(crystal)
from darkness to light
finity is infinty

the illusion of pi's irrationality
the illusion of confusion
the principal of least action
the line and the cube
the child of the infinite vibration

1 = all
1 = infinty
1 = nothing

WHAT HAVE I DONE! to be continued ? hahahahaha! now what is your relationship with the _ _ _ _ _?
Mayan astrology doesn't say the world will end then. It will start the age of the Ether, the age of the 5th Sun. So basically nothing will happen. Just like how 1514 marked a new age (the time period when the Europeans took over the new world).
Well, if anything nearly as significant as that happens, it will be a very big deal. Europeans coming to the new world basically meant the end of the world to them. Certainly the end of their way of life.
This is just speculation. You can compile a list like that for potentially ANY year. Again, The Mayans never state that it will be the end of the world.

Also, unlike other cultures, the Mayans had many calendars which they maintained at the sametime.

In Mayan mythology the Sun has the greatest influence on reality on Earth. The 13th baktun will mark the Age of the 5th Sun, the Age of the Ether, the 6th Age.

Here are the 13 Mayan baktuns-Cycles: - August 11, 3114 BCE - November 13, 2719 BCE - February 16, 2324 BCE - May 21, 1930 BCE - August 23, 1536 BCE - November 26, 1142 BCE - February 28, 747 BCE - June 3, 353 BCE - September 5, 41 CE - December 9, 435 CE - March 13, 830 CE - June 15, 1224 CE - September 18, 1618 CE - December 21, 2012 CE

This current cycle (12th baktun) is supposed to be a time of forgetting, material science, artificial things, people will forget about all the spiritual knowledge of the past. This is pretty accurate, as 1618 CE is around the samtime that modern physics and science actually began.

The actual end of this entire Great Cycle is on March 25th, 2407 (

Thankyou for this.

As in my other thread, we just experienced 3 alignments since May 2000, that had the numbers of 8, 5, and 3. This is the mirror of the Kaballah Gematria number of the Messiah(358).
Interesting is that they are also fabonnaci numbers.

The truth behind alignments is that they are exactly like our own Immune System's observation of internal harmony. Space is Immuno-Logical.

We are not in harmony due to chemical environment change due to global warming and the burn off of carbon fuels necessary for anthropic life.
As the chemical environment changes, so will our magnetic resonance change, and when the inter-change of matter and magetism occurs as the solar wind washes over the planet, this will cause our integrated living system known as our solar system to seek an answer to this imbalance of internal harmony(on Earth and outside of Earth).
The answer= Comet to restore balance of chemical and magnetic harmony.

Now if we can put this theory inside an equation, we may be able to convince others of this emergency. - September 18, 1618 CE

Does anyone know anything major happened around that time that affected a lot of people?
man...this is just bunch of .....oh....I dont wanna curse...but...this...this...all this "end of the world" is....

nothing would happen...no apocalypse will happen. If you make people believe that something will happen, and people will believe you...it will happen. But people believe in better future, better tomorrow, and better tomorrow it will be. Stop envisioning apocalypses!
Thankyou for this.

As in my other thread, we just experienced 3 alignments since May 2000, that had the numbers of 8, 5, and 3. This is the mirror of the Kaballah Gematria number of the Messiah(358).
Interesting is that they are also fabonnaci numbers.

The truth behind alignments is that they are exactly like our own Immune System's observation of internal harmony. Space is Immuno-Logical.

We are not in harmony due to chemical environment change due to global warming and the burn off of carbon fuels necessary for anthropic life.
As the chemical environment changes, so will our magnetic resonance change, and when the inter-change of matter and magetism occurs as the solar wind washes over the planet, this will cause our integrated living system known as our solar system to seek an answer to this imbalance of internal harmony(on Earth and outside of Earth).
The answer= Comet to restore balance of chemical and magnetic harmony.

Now if we can put this theory inside an equation, we may be able to convince others of this emergency.
Thats seriously some of the most wacked out shit ive ever read on here, no offense like, but...:bugeye: - September 18, 1618 CE

In the years 1315 to 1322 a catastrophic famine, known as the Great Famine, struck all of Northern Europe.

The Black Death, or Black Plague, was a devastating pandemic that began in south-western Asia and spread to Europe by the late 1340s, where it got the name Black Death. It killed between a third and two-thirds of Europe's population and, including Middle Eastern lands, India and China, killed at least 75 million people. The same disease is thought to have returned to Europe every generation with varying degrees of intensity and fatality until the 1700s. Notable later outbreaks include the Italian Plague of 1629-1631, the Great Plague of London (1665–1666), the Great Plague of Vienna (1679), the Great Plague of Marseilles in 1720–1722 and the 1771 plague in Moscow. There is some controversy over the identity of the disease, but in its virulent form seems to have disappeared from Europe in the 18th century.
...As the chemical environment changes, so will our magnetic resonance change....

How?Please explain the scientific basis...
one word: metal

Earth's magnetism comes from the core. Do you know how much Trillions of Tons that is? Humans are only scratching the surface....

Be scared...if not Avian Flu, then the collapse of Dollar (see thread elsewhere...) Trouble times are ahead. Ask any senator privately...they know, because they get the true reports...
I seen a TV show where astronomers said that in december of 2012 all of the planets in our solar system line up in a strait line. I never read of any predictions that point to the end of life or humans but just a major revolution or change in our minds, but I have read predictions of major earthquakes, some land sinking and other lands surfacing out of the ocean within the next 40 years.
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I had a cool dream last night. There was a huge global event(the sun let off a huge solar flare, i mean really huge) i was watching the blast expand out from the sun coming to earth, but i knew i was gonna be transformed and/or killed. I was pretty peacefull about it, i raised my hands in the air, closed my eyes and waited for it to happen. Then i woke up dangit...