2012 - Mayan Phrophecy. End of the world or start of new era?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Some of you may have heard of this prophecy that has a lot of people in the mystical fringe buzzing with certain anticipation.

Briefly using sophisticated mathematics inspired by their equally sophisticated astronomy the Mayan sooth sayers of South America have made significant predictions for the time period of around the 21st of December 2012. As we reach the end of a 36000 year galactic cycle. In other words on this date as the sun reaches mid-day the earth, sun and galactic center line up in a way that occurs only once every 36000 years. [ or so I think I have understood this to be]

Their use of a galactic calenda instead of just an Earth based calenda is rather intriguing to say the least.

I find the whole thing facinating, and wonder if others share a similar enthusiasm. Sure like all prophecy it is easy to debunk and ridicule however I wonder if one can be impressed by the profound use of mathematics that this race of ancioent times has used and the apparent accuracy of it´s other predictions.

NB. Please if I have made incorrect statements on the detail let me know...

One of many links to find with google:
http://www.13moon.com/prophecy page.htm

Care to discuss?
I guess it is natural for people to immediately consider doomsday scenarios. I personally don´t hold to that view in any shape or form. However possibly an acceleration of transformation may occur that would be not unlike the run up to the elections in the USA....ha

Celestial gazing has always promoted significance for humans and as I read especially the Pleiades star cluster and nearby Orion nebula has inspiired many an imagination throughout the world in history and even today.

The thought of cosmic transformation due to cosmic events could be closely associated with our tendancy towards religious belief etc as we stand in awe I guess of the spectacle of the universe.

So it is understandable that a significant galactic scale alignment would inspire some significance and for those enclined to paranoid doomsday scenario fantasies.

Maybe it´s because we just like a little drama and sensationalism in our mundane lives....?

I guess it is possible that a major alignment could allow unusual events and I woud assume that is the mere possibility of such that fuels the imagination.

What if......?
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The New Age begins in 2012. Pyramid Power will mysteriously become real. Metal wristbands will actually resonate with sympathetic harmonics and increase your energy vibration so as to reinforce your aura and tune your sixth chakra to the color blue, which is of course more appropriate than red or yellow. And quantum physics will prove neopaganism right.
Death is a transition, all endings are beginnings. (as per the first law of thermodynamics...)
Mayan astrology doesn't say the world will end then. It will start the age of the Ether, the age of the 5th Sun. So basically nothing will happen. Just like how 1514 marked a new age (the time period when the Europeans took over the new world).
A little bit of research on another topic [ Omega point philosophy and Eschatology] revealed that the Mayan´s also believed that this is the universes 4 th incarnation, in other words they believe based on unknown reasons that the universe has been created 4 times and that this is the 5th.

The ancient and many modern Maya groups believe that the universe has been renewed four previous times. The first attempt at human life produced animals instead; the second produced a people made of clay who would eventually become certain insects (such as ants and bees); the third attempt produced monkeys; and the fourth attempt produced us: "true humans." Each prior attempt at the human creation was destroyed by a different catastrophe which ended the universe. These stories vary by Maya group: the animals were nearly destroyed by a flood, the people of clay were nearly destroyed by a flood and then a global firestorm, the monkey-people were attacked by their own belongings and their animals.

The astronomically-based Mayan calendar will be completing its first great cycle of approximately 5,200 years on the 21st December, 2012. Although there is no substantial evidence that the ancient Maya considered the date significant, many people have postulated that this is the "end of the Universe" from the Mayan perspective, and others believe that the Mayans meant this to symbolize the "coming of a great change."


Maybe that is why they refer to the age of the 5th sun, that is it is the 5th time the sun or probably more correctly that all stars have been created.

How they could know this is rather a mystery given that if the universe has had 5 creations there would be no knowledge of the prior ones...unless of course the creations were more re-creations.......[regenerations of a pre-existing universe as in big bang big crunch * 5 type scenarios. Facinating..... one hell of a thing to claim as true yes?
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Also I get the distinct impression that the Mayan Prophecy 2012 was left inconclusive simply because the outcome depends on the success of the transformation to that date.
In other words if the transformation to that date is not successful then doomsday is upon us however if it is successful then we enter a new era.

As they can´t foretell the success or not they are simply stating the date of reckoning....so to speak.

However it is intersting that the prophecy involves notions of sustainable success...
One must realize that the Mayans weren't exactly scientific geniuses. They were the equivalent of the Egyptians, perhaps, but nothing really beyond that.

That is to say, they weren't Gods.
One must realize that the Mayans weren't exactly scientific geniuses. They were the equivalent of the Egyptians, perhaps, but nothing really beyond that.

That is to say, they weren't Gods.
It is interesting that like the Egyptions the Mayan and Aztec races although very articuate in mathematics could not see the need to use that mathematics to generate a form of writing similar to English in use to day.

After all isn´t language in particular writing just the symbolic use of meaning and geometry? Algerbraic notation.
You would think that for a nation of persons capable of creating enough math to plot the course of a galaxy and other celestials would find developing a written language a simple matter.

Normally I would think the races vanity would drive it to establish libraries and other sources of collected recordings. But this appears not to be the case. Pictorial renditions on stone are more art forms than language forms I think, such as the hieroglyphs of Egypt.

Any way this is just a question buzzing around in my head when I see language dev, fall short of mathematic dev. May be there simply was no need for it, maybe they feared others getting hold of it so didn´t, maybe they did but time destroyed all records except those on stone..[ unlikely ] maybe the cd roms they used just simply vanished into someone elses private collection of artifacts....ha

Just thinking about how much logic visualisation is needed to create one of their calenders. I know I would be struggling......and I have the benefit of historical hindsight.....

Crom laughs at your assertion.

Quantum Quack:

It is interesting that like the Egyptions the Mayan and Aztec races although very articuate in mathematics could not see the need to use that mathematics to generate a form of writing similar to English in use to day.

Well pictographs are quite the valid means of writing - the Oriental scripts follow such. But yes, that the Mayans and Aztecs didn't even -consider- writing at ALL (they used knots for communication) is intriguing.
Briefly using sophisticated mathematics inspired by their equally sophisticated astronomy the Mayan sooth sayers of South America have made significant predictions for the time period of around the 21st of December 2012.
do you realize how many times the worlds end has been predicted according to some religion?
see ya on january 1, 2013.
In my defense, a quote from above

I guess it is natural for people to immediately consider doomsday scenarios. I personally don´t hold to that view in any shape or form. However possibly an acceleration of transformation may occur that would be not unlike the run up to the elections in the USA....ha
I just find it facinating that an ancent race could state that the universe and not the world has regenerated 4 times and that the advent of 2012 ushers in the 5th.

Too even consider the notion of universal regeneration in this way is I think quite intriguing.

They base a calender on galactic scales and then declare universal regeneration of 4 occassions.....wow...maybe they did know of big bang and big crunch type theories.
Also I would suggest that notions of floods and fire storms and clay people are more a cultural interpretation than science of the Mayan "illuminati". Possibly the local population simply could not comprehend what the Mayan illuminati were talking about and made their own florid interpretations. Or the Mayan illuminati used stories and analoguous fiction in an attempt to convey the understanding.
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wasn't the mayans also part of a culture that drew the nazca lines?
didn't they have a calender with a year of 250 days?
wasn't they also responsible for the hi-rise bridges made of rope and wood?
2012 is the beginning of something new, but it doesn't matter because everything is constantly changing. we're not gonna see anything special happen 2012.
wasn't the mayans also part of a culture that drew the nazca lines?
didn't they have a calender with a year of 250 days?
wasn't they also responsible for the hi-rise bridges made of rope and wood?

I think they had thee calanders of importance and one was of 250 days the other was [Habb] 360 days the other I am not sure about, but by combining all three they arrived at the dates in Earth years and time.
Apparently the 5 days missing from the Habb calender were accommodated for by some means
BY using teh galactic scale calenda in concjucntion withthe other two they are able to build a list of important future dates....[ My assumption based on loose reading only]

Hi rise rope bridges wouldn´t be surprising....but I don´t know