20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

Mosheh Thezion said:
(AND TODAY... men rape... i wonder how many raped then, under that law??)

I wonder indeed? Perhaps some of the wealthy men actually took advantage of this law, Mosheh. A man could have as many wives as he wished after all. And under this law he only needed a little money to marry anyone he chose to rape. Not much of a deterrent for a wealthy man with a little problem is it?

So a wealthy man could afford to force any women he desired to marry him simply by raping her and then paying off dear old dad. The rapist is rewarded with all of the prettiest girls in town. Does this still seem like a good law to you?
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I remember the words of one christian scholar - the only problem with christianity is that it hasn't been properly tried yet -

As for these 20 reasons - you could just as easily insert "republican" or "liberal" or "atheist" or any number of things that get you firmly established on the emmotional platform
SetiAlpha6 said:
Regarding Slavery…

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I’m gonna go out on a limb here but I dare say with “fear and trembling” that selling your daughter as a sex slave is wrong no matter what book it is written in. My own dog is treated better than this. But alas, anyone who believes that the Bible is without error must of necessity believe that this kind of behavior is upright, perfect, and holy. That little doctrine of inerrancy can be dashed to pieces a hundred different ways.

I once was a Christian until my sense of morality and simple reason and people on this forum convicted me of my (sin) error. I repent!

This was probably as near a "Bill of Rights" for the daughter as she was likely to get. You have to judge in the context of the practices that were common and accepted at the time, not in the context of what we consider acceptable. She would have gained some protection from these rules.

I think Jesus should have promoted vegetarianism, but maybe that would have been a step too far for the time!
Yea, that's the thing about being the chosen people. Many religions claim its people are the chosen ones. If they're really the chosen ones then why is it so disputed? LMAO
Christianity is based on fear


Christianity preys on the innocent

how do you mean?

Christianity is based on dishonesty

I wouldn't call it dishonesty, but it is hypocritical and there is this quick fix mentality where you can just confess something then forget about it.

Christianity is extremely egocentric

not sure how you mean that...

Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality


Christianity breeds authoritarianism

there's nothing wrong with respecting authority, but people should think for themselves, and Christianity does discourage that.

Christianity is cruel

No shit. I remember being taught as a kid how little things were sins like calling people names, and how I needed to confess them and be forgiven. Fucking backward Catholic rural Ireland...it's ok though I got antivirals for that :D:D:D

Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific

It does discourage reason and advocates accepting tings as 'mysteries' so yes, that is true,

Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex


Christianity produces sexual misery


Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality

the 'legalistic' part is not such a bad thing. most laws are there for a reason

Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils


Christianity depreciates the natural world

Not sure about that either, why does it?

Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization

see above on authoritarianism

Christianity sanctions slavery

not sure about that..

Christianity is misogynistic

Yes, it is.

Christianity is homophobic

No shit!

The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings


The Bible is riddled with contradictions


Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions

"Christianity is based on fear."
No, it is based on love. According to the Bible, the greatest commandments are to love your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Both subscribe love, and neither fear.

"Christianity preys on the innocent."
Not sure what is meant by that. Anyways, "the innocent" do not exist. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Everyone has made plenty of mistakes in their life, Christian or not.

"Christianity is based on dishonesty."
Dishonesty? Christianity is all about spreading truth. If you believed you knew something that could save humanity, wouldn't you tell everyone about it?

"Christianity is extremely egocentric."
"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion." Romans 12. Christianity is about sympathy, respect, and humility.

"Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality."
Christians are not chosen by God; humanity is chosen by God. Christians are merely the messengers of the gospel. "Go into all the world and preach the gospel. He who believes and is baptized will be saved."

"Christianity breeds authoritariansim."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." American Declaration of Independence. So it seems to me that Christianity breeds democracy.

"Christianity is cruel."
Which has already been refuted. Remember: "love your neighbor as yourself." And most people have the Bible verse: "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."

"Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific."
Louis Pasteur, Issac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, Francis Bacon, and Rene Descartes: a couple of examples of great Christian scientists.

"Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex."
Christianity holds that sex should only be practiced within marriage. That's all.

"Christianity prodices sexual misery."
What does that mean? Anyways, see above.

"Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality."
You don't think morality should be taken seriously? A Christian view of morality: Galatians 5:22 "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control."

"Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils."
Examples? :huh: I can't think of any evils promoted by Christianity.

"Christianity depreciates the natural world."
This statement makes no sense. If God created the natural world, it would be disrespectful of Him to depreciate it. In the words of Martin Luther: "For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver."

"Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization."
If all men are descended of Adam and Eve, none is superior to the other, and therefore, none deserves absolute dominion over others. Like I said, the teachings of the Reformation inspired the Declaration of Independence.

"Christianity sanctions slavery."
I've said before and I'll say it again: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Therefore, all men are equal before God, and so none should have the ability to enslave another.

"Christianity is misogynistic."
"Let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." Admittedly, several passages in the Bible are more than slightly misogynistic, but keep in mind that it was written by men 2,000 years ago, and that in those times there was an inherent belief that women were inferior to men.

"Christianity is homophobic."
Yes, Christianity disagrees with homosexuality. But Christianity also holds that one should "Hate the sin, love the sinner." Just because one disagrees with homosexuality does not mean they are homophobic.

"The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings."
Why not? The gospel books were written by men who were there and who witnessed Jesus' teachings.

"The Bible is riddled with contradictions."
I beg to differ. Examples?

"Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions."
No it didn't. No other deity is reported to have come to earth in human form, been persecuted for presching his religiong, and then risen from the dead after execution.

So there you have it. :)
Yea, that's the thing about being the chosen people. Many religions claim its people are the chosen ones. If they're really the chosen ones then why is it so disputed? LMAO

Because the real sin is humanity giving into it's ego which usually tends to favor such actions as dividing and separating and being confrontational with each other..giving into our internal prejudices. Hence the conflict between people who take religous idealogy as literal and will not accept another "version" of essentially the same God.
"Christianity is based on fear."
No, it is based on love. According to the Bible, the greatest commandments are to love your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Both subscribe love, and neither fear.

It is based on the carrot and the stick. Why all the talk of sinners and salvation if only we conform to some practice or another.

"Christianity preys on the innocent."
Not sure what is meant by that. Anyways, "the innocent" do not exist. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Everyone has made plenty of mistakes in their life, Christian or not.

And you know this because ...?

"Christianity is based on dishonesty."Dishonesty? Christianity is all about spreading truth. If you believed you knew something that could save humanity, wouldn't you tell everyone about it?

It is about spreading propoganda. Lokk at your statement above that "all have sinned". Utter rubbish which you would have others believe. You dignify it by calling it truth.

"Christianity is extremely egocentric."
"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion." Romans 12. Christianity is about sympathy, respect, and humility.

Fine words but let's have some deeds to back them up And why should we not set our minds on high things, whatever that means. You would make mental cripples of us all.

"Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality."Christians are not chosen by God; humanity is chosen by God. Christians are merely the messengers of the gospel. "Go into all the world and preach the gospel. He who believes and is baptized will be saved."

It is arrogant to assume you have answers denied to non-believers. How, for example, do you know that people are chosen by god. Make a start by demonstrating his existence before telling us what he does. Why should we need to be saved and from what ? HOw is this known ?

"Christianity breeds authoritariansim."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." American Declaration of Independence. So it seems to me that Christianity breeds democracy.

Not true. Every little cult has its leaders or elders who assume the task of telling others what they need to do to be saved. The bigger ones have hierarchies made up of people who wear pointy hats and other such ridiculous garb.

"Christianity is cruel."
Which has already been refuted. Remember: "love your neighbor as yourself." And most people have the Bible verse: "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."

Just words. Cut to the chase and you will see that they claim a god prepared a place called hell for those who refuse to do his bidding, as dictated by rhe cult leaders and their holy books, or who fail to accept that Jesus died for their sins. You have not refuted this; you merely expressed an opinion.

"Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific."
Louis Pasteur, Issac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, Francis Bacon, and Rene Descartes: a couple of examples of great Christian scientists.

We have moved on from then. We have had something called The Age of Reason, which appears to have passed many by and left them wallowing in superstition.

"Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex."
Christianity holds that sex should only be practiced within marriage. That's all.

You know it goes deeper than that. Ask anyone who has been exposed to Christian doctrine and you will find that there is an emphasis on making us feeled ashamed of our bodies and making them subservient to our putative souls.What was Paul ranting on about ? How about mortifying the flesh ?

"Christianity prodices sexual misery."What does that mean? Anyways, see above.[/COLOR

Try asking a few homosexuals to begin with. !

"Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality."
You don't think morality should be taken seriously? A Christian view of morality: Galatians 5:22 "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control."

Nobody said morality should not be taken seriously; you have invented that. Again look and what is done as opposed to all the pious nonsense which is quoted. You have failed to point out that all these wonderful things must be practised within a framework that conforms to Christian views, for the most part anyway.

"Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils."
Examples? :huh: I can't think of any evils promoted by Christianity.

I regard the Catholic church's view on condoms as producing evil results when you see small children dying of aids because their parents are discouraged from using condoms. Bigotry and hatred directed at homosexuls can be regarded as evil. I shall desist from writing a longer list.

"Christianity depreciates the natural world."
This statement makes no sense. If God created the natural world, it would be disrespectful of Him to depreciate it. In the words of Martin Luther: "For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver."

A tree is a tree. In what sense is it glorious just because it happens to be green ? Luther's words are poetic but empty.

"Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization."
If all men are descended of Adam and Eve, none is superior to the other, and therefore, none deserves absolute dominion over others. Like I said, the teachings of the Reformation inspired the Declaration of Independence.

I agree with your point of view but I have no evidence of seeing what you describe being practised.

Also, what grounds have you for believing there is a god in the first instance ?

"Christianity sanctions slavery."
I've said before and I'll say it again: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Therefore, all men are equal before God, and so none should have the ability to enslave another.

You are avoiding the issue. Slavery was practised. It's back to fine words but not such fine deeds again.

"Christianity is misogynistic."
"Let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." Admittedly, several passages in the Bible are more than slightly misogynistic, but keep in mind that it was written by men 2,000 years ago, and that in those times there was an inherent belief that women were inferior to men.
"Christianity is homophobic."

Never mind the Bible; just look at what is goiung on in the world when it comes to the ordination of women and the splits in the ranks it has caused
Yes, Christianity disagrees with homosexuality. But Christianity also holds that one should "Hate the sin, love the sinner." Just because one disagrees with homosexuality does not mean they are homophobic.

"The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings."
Why not? The gospel books were written by men who were there and who witnessed Jesus' teachings.

The gospels were not written by men who were there. They were handed down orally to begin with, and we all know about Chinese whispers

"The Bible is riddled with contradictions."
I beg to differ. Examples?

I'll mention just one . In Kings we read of a woman who was gang raped, who died as a result and whose body was later cut into pieces to be sent to the tribes of Israel. The woman was offered to the gang a a substitute for the man they originally wanted, The householder involved said to those who knocked on his door " do with her what you think best, but do no such vile thing unto this man ( his visitor ). I'm quoting from memory. You'll find it all in graphic detail in the KJ version.

God did not interfere so this contradicts the notion that he is a loving god. He is loving when he chooses. Why does a god of love create hell for sinners?

"Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions."
No it didn't. No other deity is reported to have come to earth in human form, been persecuted for presching his religiong, and then risen from the dead after execution.

You have said it. It is "reported". What evidence can you adduce to support the resurrection and that Jesus was god incarnate ?

So there you have it. :)

Now we both have it. It's make your mind up time.
"It is based on the carrot and the stick. Why all the talk of sinners and salvation if only we conform to some practice or another."

:scratchin: Sorry, I am not familiar with the expression "carrot and stick." Regardless, it's not about blind conformity, it's about believing in a God whose existence was recorded when Jesus came to earth.

"And you know this because ...?"
"It is about spreading propoganda. Lokk at your statement above that "all have sinned". Utter rubbish which you would have others believe. You dignify it by calling it truth."

Again, I'm not sure what is meant here. Are you claiming that a person exists who is perfect? Who has never done anything wrong?

"Fine words but let's have some deeds to back them up And why should we not set our minds on high things, whatever that means. You would make mental cripples of us all."

I do not seek to deny that many Christians are arrogant hypocrites; egocentrism is inherent in human nature. But the principles themselves, and not the professed practicers of said principles are Christianity. Also, the part about high things makes no sense to me either. I do not know what they are talking about.

"It is arrogant to assume you have answers denied to non-believers. How, for example, do you know that people are chosen by god. Make a start by demonstrating his existence before telling us what he does. Why should we need to be saved and from what ? HOw is this known?"

It is a belief, not an assumption, just as you believe God does not exist, and it is rooted in the Bible. Demonstration of existence can wait for another thread; for now we should operate on the assumption, true or not, that God does exist - otherwise any debate would be impossible.

"Not true. Every little cult has its leaders or elders who assume the task of telling others what they need to do to be saved. The bigger ones have hierarchies made up of people who wear pointy hats and other such ridiculous garb."

Of course, structure is necessary for the survival of human society. However, the United States government does not tell people wha they should believe.

"Just words. Cut to the chase and you will see that they claim a god prepared a place called hell for those who refuse to do his bidding, as dictated by rhe cult leaders and their holy books, or who fail to accept that Jesus died for their sins. You have not refuted this; you merely expressed an opinion.:

Yes, there is a Hell, but people at least have a chance to avoid damnation (save the predestination debate for another thread please).

"We have moved on from then. We have had something called The Age of Reason, which appears to have passed many by and left them wallowing in superstition."

You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that all Christians are intellectuals. What I said was that many intellectuals were Christians, which shows that the religion is not anti-scientific.

"You know it goes deeper than that. Ask anyone who has been exposed to Christian doctrine and you will find that there is an emphasis on making us feeled ashamed of our bodies and making them subservient to our putative souls.What was Paul ranting on about ? How about mortifying the flesh ?"

Catholicism does have comewhat of a morbid preoccupation with sex, agreed. But I am not a Catholic. Protestantism has no such preoccupation.

"Try asking a few homosexuals to begin with. !"

Lesbians can't have sex anyway, so their very orientation may produce sexual misery. As for gay men, they are more susceptible to STDs, so the same (to a far lesser extent) may be said of them. But no, sexually active gays I don't think would get into heaven.

"Nobody said morality should not be taken seriously; you have invented that. Again look and what is done as opposed to all the pious nonsense which is quoted. You have failed to point out that all these wonderful things must be practised within a framework that conforms to Christian views, for the most part anyway."

The verse quoted is most certainly not applicable only to Christian views. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness (to a significant other), and self-control are good qualities whether in a Christian or a non-Christian.

"I regard the Catholic church's view on condoms as producing evil results when you see small children dying of aids because their parents are discouraged from using condoms. Bigotry and hatred directed at homosexuls can be regarded as evil. I shall desist from writing a longer list."

Just because many Christians hate homosexuals does not mean this is condoned by Christianity. Homosexuality is wrong by the Bible, but that is no grounds on which to hate them. They are just normal people with a not-so-normal sexual orientation. I do not hate gays.

"A tree is a tree. In what sense is it glorious just because it happens to be green ? Luther's words are poetic but empty."

The point is, nature was designed by God, and to depreciate the value of God's beautiful creation would show disrespect for God himself. We should appreciate the beauty of nature.

"I agree with your point of view but I have no evidence of seeing what you describe being practised.
Also, what grounds have you for believing there is a god in the first instance ?"

Like I said, without first assuming that God exists, there can be no debate. Save that for another thread.

"You are avoiding the issue. Slavery was practised. It's back to fine words but not such fine deeds again."
"Never mind the Bible; just look at what is goiung on in the world when it comes to the ordination of women and the splits in the ranks it has caused."

Of course slavery was practiced. Just because something has been practiced doesn't mean it was right. The same goes for the other thing you said. (I'm not sure what it was referring to).

"The gospels were not written by men who were there. They were handed down orally to begin with, and we all know about Chinese whispers."

They were indeed written by people who were there. Each book of the gospel was written by the man whose name it bears. Three were direct witnesses (Matthew, Luke, and John); Mark was written by Mark, as it was recounted to him by Peter.

"I'll mention just one . In Kings we read of a woman who was gang raped, who died as a result and whose body was later cut into pieces to be sent to the tribes of Israel. The woman was offered to the gang a a substitute for the man they originally wanted, The householder involved said to those who knocked on his door " do with her what you think best, but do no such vile thing unto this man ( his visitor ). I'm quoting from memory. You'll find it all in graphic detail in the KJ version.
God did not interfere so this contradicts the notion that he is a loving god. He is loving when he chooses. Why does a god of love create hell for sinners?"

I don't know that God can necessarily be described as a loving God until he decided to send his son Jesus to humanity. When Jesus died on the cross, a new way to heaven was unveiled, and God became a God who forgave rather than punished. Before that, though, it would be far more accurate to describe him as a just God. The man who offered up the woman to the rapists probably went to Hell. :)shrug:)

"You have said it. It is "reported". What evidence can you adduce to support the resurrection and that Jesus was god incarnate ?"

Reported, as in, by the Bible. The evidence for Christ's resurrection is presented in Lee Strobel's "The Case for Easter." If Jesus truly did rise from the dead, he was most definitely God incarnate.
To be honest, I cannot be bothered to reply at length. Everything you say boils down to the fact that you believethe Bible to be the word of god, so there is no way you will see things from a different perspective.
heres a scenario that i like to use when defining religion
theres a little village out in the middle of nowhere. in this village there is a really old guy that everyone goes to for answers. he always has an answer wether he knows the right one or not. just to keep up the whole all knowing persona whenever he cant explain something he blames it on a force that cant be seen, cant be heard, and can do anything eventually the villagers start looking to this non-existant entity for answers and guidance truly believing that it has infinite powers asking it to help with tasks that are out of ones grasp in reality. and whenever a stroke of luck happens and someone gets what they ask for everyone starts asking and praying and worshipping, eventually this "idea" begins to be marketed by the ones who actually know better, this "idea" is used to control people (reference: the ten commandments) although it is for the greater good that people be controlled in a state of childish barbarism eventually it evolves into what the world is today. fucked in the ass by some old guy's white lie
oh yeah by the way the bible is just a bunch of stories about people that were either really lucky, smart, or politically savvy. and i can give evidence to support that
without using invisible (non-existant) forces to explain things