20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity


"I'm a fan of being humble, but I understand what you're saying. You are suggesting a sort of confidence, and the benefits of that confidence. I agree that confidence is a good thing, but arrogance is blinding. Ceasar was killed because of his arrogance, and you have to take into account people like Hitler or Mussolini who were very arrogant, Mussolini believe he was the reincarnation of Ceasar. There is some point in the middle where our mindset should be. Perhaps this is encompassed in what some call enlightenment. "

I think it might well be said that we ought to fear only that we do not live up to our own perceptions of greatness, and in so doing, stumble along the path. That being said, even if we do not, it seems better to be confidant in ourselves rather than forever doubting, for at the very least, things are getting done in such a way, and we are not acting as hopeless slaves or worse.

But yes, there is wisdom in knowing how to act and when to act.


"Are you serious?"

I do not find anything wrong with egocentricism, arrogance and racial/societal pride, authoritarian systems of government, hierarchy, or slavery (at least in part).
I do not find anything wrong with egocentricism, arrogance and racial/societal pride, authoritarian systems of government, hierarchy, or slavery (at least in part).

What type of slavery do you condone? I certainly doubt you could condone what the Bible says about it.

And the problem with egocentricism, arrogance, racial pride, being the "chosen ones" (all based on religion), all leads to conflict with those of other religions where the same applies. See Middle East vs American Christians conflict.

"What type of slavery do you condone? I certainly doubt you could condone what the Bible says about it."

Actually, the form represented in the Bible has limitations and restrictions, does it not? I seem to remember 7 years and such. It does not seem to be me, then, to be fully warped, in that it recognizes limits on human bondage. Similarly, I have no problem with slavery as a punishment. It is debatable whether other types of slavery are necessarily justified, though.

"And the problem with egocentricism, arrogance, racial pride, being the "chosen ones" (all based on religion), all leads to conflict with those of other religions where the same applies. See Middle East vs American Christians conflict."

Certainly it can lead to conflict, but ought we have no pride in our heritage, be completely dismissive of themselves, to not view oneself as special, et cetera, et cetera?
Prince_James said:

"What type of slavery do you condone? I certainly doubt you could condone what the Bible says about it."

Actually, the form represented in the Bible has limitations and restrictions, does it not?

Oh of course there are limitations of slavery presented in the bible. For example: If a slave dies under the hand of his owner, the owner must then be punished... If the slave does not die despite being severely beaten, the owner doesn't need to fear punishment. How's that for restrictions? The message is that you can treat them like animals, beat them, deprive them... so long as they don't die as a result.

Certainly it can lead to conflict, but ought we have no pride in our heritage, be completely dismissive of themselves, to not view oneself as special, et cetera, et cetera?

I'm not saying that. But mixed with religious dogmatism, the above can be a dangerous mix, as you can see with the bible belt.
iam said:
Christianity is based on fear
Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom
Christianity preys on the innocent
who is innocent? jesus is truly innocent
Christianity is based on dishonesty
We are dishonest about our doctrines: there is no negotiating
Christianity is extremely egocentric
true, we are centered around God who dwells within us
Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality
We are the elect of God
Christianity breeds authoritarianism
the Church has true authority
Christianity is cruel
only when practiced without charity
Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific
we gave birth to science
Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex
dont we all?
Christianity produces sexual misery
misery in this life is nothing compared to the joys that will come.
Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality
We can do it that way too
Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils
There will always be evil
Christianity depreciates the natural world
yes, this world is passing
Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization
I know, I love it!
Christianity sanctions slavery
slavery to God
Christianity is misogynistic
i dont think the Mother of god would agree
Christianity is homophobic
phobic yes, We fear for their souls
The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings
Thats true, let the Church tell you
The Bible is riddled with contradictions
True, thats what makes it so good
Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions
and we thank them for their contributions
Lawdog said:
we gave birth to science
If anything, religion has a notorious history of hindering science and trying to silence new ideas. Do you really need a reminder Galileo's fate? Or Giordano Bruno, a monk burned at the stake for daring to suggest that there were planets orbiting stars other than our sun, with extraterrestrial life on them?
Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality
We are the elect of God
This is exactly the claim that justifies arrogance. Instead of attributing good fortune to coincidence, it's automatically because you're special and God is on your side. It's like the survivors of some natural disaster thanking God for saving them. Then what? To hell with all the victims who weren't so fortunate? God doesn't think they're special enough?
Thats true, let the Church tell you
Remember that this same Church was so sure the sun orbited the earth that they proclaimed it as unquestionable truth. They were clearly wrong then; why should anyone accept whatever they say now?
The Bible is riddled with contradictions
True, thats what makes it so good
Actually, that's what makes it self-justifying and pseudoscientific. It protects itself from falsifiability by permitting excuses for any discrepancies, or outright sweeping them under the carpet.
Yes, i agree. Let those who call themselves Christians but who are not read my works. and let the atheists suffer me even more.
Lawdog said:
Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom
Or the begiining of ignorance. Fear of "God" limits our perception of the world, and destroys the chance that we can develop our own moral values. Fear is weakness. Wisdom is to be aware of a threat, not to fear it. Of course, since God isn't a REAL threat, then aknowledging the threat he poses is pure stupidity, and an utter waste of time.
who is innocent? jesus is truly innocent
And didn't Jesus die a horrible death so that Christianity could exist? Hence preying on the innocent.

We are the elect of God
That statement..how many civilizations have made that claim only to be destroyed?
the Church has true authority
Funny..the church has no authority over me, and never will. Those who have the means to force authority have authority.

slavery to God
slavery regardless
iam said:
Christianity is based on fear
Christianity preys on the innocent
Christianity is based on dishonesty
Christianity is extremely egocentric
Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality
Christianity breeds authoritarianism
Christianity is cruel
Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific
Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex
Christianity produces sexual misery
Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality
Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils
Christianity depreciates the natural world
Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization
Christianity sanctions slavery
Christianity is misogynistic
Christianity is homophobic
The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings
The Bible is riddled with contradictions
Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions


I think iam's objections are against dogmatic beliefs of a certain kind, not specifically Christianity. You could substitute 'Nazism' or 'Stalinism' and it would read true. Christianity can be dogmatic, but is not necessarily - you have picked on one type of belief among many. Many versions of christianity (including mine) are none of the above!
Cause you are all weird! Specially Lawdog! Slavery acceptable? I don't think so.

If you want to defend Christianity, say: I agree with the following and only the following:

Colossians 3:14
14 Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.

1 Corinthians 16:14
14 Let all that you do be done in love.


And voiala! I'm right ther with you! But defend this:

Exodus 12:23
23 [ A Memorial of Redemption ] "For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to smite you.

And I think you are just weeeeird...
Many versions of christianity (including mine) are none of the above!

Thats an unrealistic contradiction and a fraudulent common claim. If you base "christianity" which is on the "bible" which is dogmatic, cruel, prejudicial and ethically immoral then your and many versions of christianity means squat. Divorce yourself from the old testament, form a new religion based on different principles and it would have more validity to what you claim. Many christians claim the old testament is no longer valid because jesus christ is the new gift of redemption. However, those same christians are dancing around the issue and that is the old testament is still valid to christianity. Even Jesus Christ and his apostles preached, condoned, and quoted from the old testament and its teachings according to scripture.
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I see weird people....


23 [ A Memorial of Redemption ] "For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to smite you.

I see a moron looking into the mirror :rolleyes:
Christianity gives people Hope and Courage to overcome fear of death.
It is not a bad choice to choose it as your life's guidance. But do not misinterpret its bible.
My main problem with Christianity is that the believers are self-destructive. It beats down the believers' self-esteem into unhealthy levels. It does not nourish one's sense of belonging in a community and is a source of illusionary isolation from the rest of the universe.
Saint said:
Christianity gives people Hope and Courage to overcome fear of death. It is not a bad choice to choose it as your life's guidance. But do not misinterpret its bible.

M*W: My dear Saint, christianity takes away all hope and discourages one to fear human lives and the god(s) they believe in. Truth and guidance cannot be found in christianity. No matter how the bible is interpreted, nor by whom, its interpretation focuses on the negative and implies the evil nature of humankind, so no honest spiritual growth can come out of this. Christianity is a farce, a play written by certain Roman citizens as a parody on the life and times of Julius Caesar. The parallels have been documented by religious scholars. Jesus never existed, although the followers of christianity fanatically believe he did. They are wrong. They have been deluded to believe this farce is real. My advice to you is, don't go there. It will leave you hopeless and devoid of joy. Seek the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: My dear Saint, christianity takes away all hope and discourages one to fear human lives and the god(s) they believe in. Truth and guidance cannot be found in christianity. No matter how the bible is interpreted, nor by whom, its interpretation focuses on the negative and implies the evil nature of humankind, so no honest spiritual growth can come out of this. Christianity is a farce, a play written by certain Roman citizens as a parody on the life and times of Julius Caesar. The parallels have been documented by religious scholars. Jesus never existed, although the followers of christianity fanatically believe he did. They are wrong. They have been deluded to believe this farce is real. My advice to you is, don't go there. It will leave you hopeless and devoid of joy. Seek the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Millions of books and thousands of arts are derived from Bible, do you think the authors are all stupid?
There are drug addicts changed their destructive lives after believing in Jesus, the testified that Jesus Love touched their hearts and changed their persons!