15 yr old girl, beat up by cop?


Doesn't Need to be Spoonfed.
Valued Senior Member
^^ Video is an important part of the post.

Apparently, she was being "lippy"... So he slams her into the walls and into the floor and then punches her twice while she's on the ground?? Wait, what?

And this police officer is on paid administrative leave. Watch the video, it's from the newscast.

After the incident, the girl asked for medical help, but they wouldn't take her to the hospital and made the paramedics come in and treat her in a seperate obscured office.
I'd bet it happens more often off camera. They always seem a little heavy handed, but they have power and therefore carte blanche to do "whatever it takes".
First, I want to know why she was put into jail to start with to understand what she did to lead up to her being arrested to begin with. There might have been trouble she had already started long before this happened. No, it isn't right for any police officer to do what he did to her but what did she do before we saw her get hit? I also noticed she was walking on her own when she was taken out of the cell. Let's find out more about her being arrested as well as looking into the mistreatment as well. What if she was a drunk driver that just killed 4 people in a wreck she caused? Or perhaps did some other terrible thing that made the cops very angry at her to cause this beating. Again, the cops were wrong for doing this but what about her, I would like to know allot more .
William Grigg and Station KOMO said:
Our Domestic Torture State: Hero Cop Beats Teenage Girl in Seattle
Posted by William Grigg at February 28, 2009 01:11 AM

Deputy Paul Schene of the King County Sheriff's Department, an eight-year law enforcement veteran, was videotaped beating a 15-year-old in a holding cell last November. The video was pried out of police hands just days ago by a Seattle television station that filed an official request under Washington's open records law.

After being arrested and booked on a charge of auto theft (the car belongs to her parents, and she was a passenger, not the driver), the teenager displayed a "lippy" disposition toward Schene and another officer. As the door to her cell was being closed, she was ordered to remove her shoes. She complied by kicking one of them in Schene's direction.

Perhaps Schene is well-versed in Arab culture and perceived this to be a grave insult to his masculinity, such as it is. In any case, he charged into the cell, kicked her in the stomach, slammed the girl's head against the wall, threw the girl (who weighed roughly half of what he did) face-first to the floor, and -- with the assistance of his fellow tax-feeder -- handcuffed her while striking her twice to the back to the head.

Once she was shackled, the girl was pulled to her feet and dragged out of the cell by her hair:

In his official report, Schene did what police almost always do in such circumstances: He lied, in the serene (albeit misplaced) confidence that nobody would review the video from the holding cell, or at least take it seriously.

Schene claimed that the girl "provided resistance and failure to comply with instructions"; in fact, it was her compliance with instructions that precipitated the beating. The deputy wrote that his response was merely to "place" her in handcuffs, while omitting mention of kicking her in the stomach, beating her head against the wall, hitting her twice while she was prone and pinned down by two men twice her size, and then dragging her out by her hair.

He also reported that the shoe hurled by the detainee injured him so severely that he -- fragile, delicate creature that he is -- had to be treated at a nearby hospital. If that injury occurred, it was entirely self-inflicted: The video shows him banging his shin against the toilet as he attacked the terrified girl.

The video record documents that after the assault the girl, who understandably had difficulty breathing, required medical treatment. Schene described the treatment as necessary to deal with a "panic attack," a dishonest way of describing the reaction of a traumatized teenage girl to being gang-beaten by two adult males.

The video was discovered weeks later by a detective assigned to investigate the auto theft. Schene has been charged with fourth-degree assault, a gross misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of one year in jail.

Several years ago, Schene shot and killed an unarmed, mentally disturbed man following a traffic stop that degenerated into a "knock-down, drag-out" fight. The shooting was ruled "justifiable." Shortly after that incident, he was stopped for driving under the influence (apparently of prescription medication). He was given a deferred sentence and placed on probation, so that he could continue to bless the people of King County with his singular professionalism.

Police officer is a real winner. I'm still looking at info on what she did to get there.
ummm first off (and i havent seen this im just making a GENERAL comment) paramedics ARE NOT strecher bearers. what i mean by this is its not there job to run in, throw a pt on a bed and go screaming back to a hospital. Its there job to acess the pt and start treatment on sceen BEFORE moving the pt anywhere. Transport lights and sirens is ONLY a last resort and a good percentage of pts are never taken to hospital, they are treated on sceen and if the pt (hopefully with the advice of the paramedics but in the end its up to the pt) doesnt want to be transported, they wont be. This can most often be seen after fights, car crashes and hypoglycemic events (low blood sugar for a diabetic but could be anyone really).

Now i dont mean this to sugest that this was the right course of action in this case or even that it was what happened but it is a possability
Huffington Post said:
SEATTLE — A King County sheriff's deputy kicks a 15-year-old girl, slams her to the floor of a jail cell, strikes her and pulls her hair in violence captured on videotape.

Prosecutors released the surveillance video in Friday in the assault case against Deputy Paul Schene, who is accused of using excessive force on the girl.

The footage shows the attack beginning after the girl enters the cell at suburban SeaTac City Hall and kicks off one of her shoes toward the deputy.

Schene, 31, pleaded not guilty to fourth-degree assault in Superior Court on Thursday.

The incident last November began after the girl was brought in for an auto theft investigation, according to court documents.

"We believe this case is beyond just police misconduct, it's criminal misconduct," King County Prosecutor Daniel Satterberg said. "This is clearly excessive force."

Satterberg added the case is uncommon because cameras captured the entire incident.

Schene was investigated previously for shooting two people _ killing one _ in the line of duty in 2002 and 2006. Both times his actions were found to be justified, said Ian Goodhew, prosecutor's deputy chief of staff.

Calls by The Associated Press to Schene's lawyer Anne Bremner were not immediately returned Friday. Bremner, however, released a statement to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in which she said the video does not tell the whole story. Bremner had asked Judge Catherine Shaffer to not release the video to the media.

"As we argued to the judge, it will inflame public opinion and will severely impact the deputy's right to a fair trial," Bremner said.

In the video, a deputy kicks the girl, pushing her back toward the wall. The deputy then strongly backs the girl against the wall, and slams her to the floor by grabbing her hair. A second deputy enters the holding cell, while the first deputy holds the girl face down to the floor. The first deputy appears to hit the girl with his hands. The girl is then lifted up and led out of the cell while the first deputy holds her hair.

The second officer shown in the video was a trainee at the time and is not under investigation, Goodhew said.

According to court documents, the girl complained of breathing problems after the incident and medics were called to check her. A short time later, she was taken to a youth detention center and booked for investigation of auto theft and third-degree assault, the latter accusation dealing with her conduct toward the deputy. The girl has pleaded not guilty to taking a motor vehicle without permission, Goodhew said Friday, adding she was never formally charged with assault.

Schene told investigators through an e-mail conversation with his lawyer that once he was assaulted by the girl kicking her shoe at him, he entered the cell to "prevent another assault," according to court documents. Schene also said that the girl failed to comply with instructions in the holding area.

Prosecutors said Schene did not explain why he struck the girl after he had her in a holding position on the floor.

Suspicion of auto theft activity in accordance with an ongoing investigation... She wasn't caught doing anything, just suspected of possibly being involved in stealing a car. Not a car jacking, not a crime, just suspicion of a crime...
It is never ok to beat the shit out of someone half your size then throw her around by her hair. I don't care what she did.
It is never ok to beat the shit out of someone half your size then throw her around by her hair. I don't care what she did.

This whole event is absurd... No way is there justification for the behavior shown by our "protectors". Just another example of Cops gone wild.
First, I want to know why she was put into jail to start with to understand what she did to lead up to her being arrested to begin with. There might have been trouble she had already started long before this happened. No, it isn't right for any police officer to do what he did to her but what did she do before we saw her get hit? I also noticed she was walking on her own when she was taken out of the cell. Let's find out more about her being arrested as well as looking into the mistreatment as well. What if she was a drunk driver that just killed 4 people in a wreck she caused? Or perhaps did some other terrible thing that made the cops very angry at her to cause this beating. Again, the cops were wrong for doing this but what about her, I would like to know allot more .

Being ANGRY doesn't give license to beat the crap out of a teen. Heck, if that was the case my teenagers would be constantly beat up, by me.
No, this cop got his "pride" hurt and went off! Not the kind of public servant I want out there to protect and serve with my taxpayers dollars. I hope he is off the force.
Police officers are trained to keep cool under that kind of pressure. I know, because I was one in the military, and spent some of my college years studying to be one.

She was clearly outnumbered, and a man twice her size who already has he subdued and on the ground should never ever punch a suspect when they are on the ground face down no matter what the circumstances. That is drilled in to your head repeately during academy. Doesn't matter what she did, the police are NOT there to dole out justice for perpetrators, they are there only to serve and protect. This girl was clearly not a danger to her or the officers, even if she was "lipping" off. You do not slam someone half your size who you clearly have the upper hand on face first into a wall, and then repeatedly sock them while you have them subdued and in custody. It's illegal to ever hit a suspect in custody. The police officer should have kept his ego in check and closed the door to let a CHILD calm down before going any further.

It is not okay, no matter what she did. Once you have them in custody, you are only allowed to use force IF you are in danger. Clearly, that was not the case here at all. Unless the poor little guy was someone ascared of this big bad teenage girl who didn't have her parents or lawyer with her.

Even if she murdered your best friend. Doesn't matter what she did, this cop was out of control, and out of his mind. And he broke the law, and abused a child. It's very clear in that video what was going on.

Please tell me that you don't believe she should have been beaten like that if she murdered someone. She was clearly already detained, outnumbered, had no weapon, and was on the ground subdued when he repeatedly punched her and then lifted her up off the floor BY HER HAIR.
What if she murdered your best friend?

An officer's job is to protect and serve the people - not fight for their own definition of justice. If she murdered my best friend then it should be me who beats the shit out of her (assuming justice wasn't done), not the police.
and if thats proven then he will lose his job AND be charged with agravated assult on top of that. The police are not immune from procution you know
Well, it seems that his department has covered for him several times including for a DUI while on duty, and shooting a guy who was unarmed and mentally ill, and they knew he was unarmed and mentally ill.

I wish cops were not immune from prosecution, but other cops do lie for them. It's been happening for ages. The good ole boy network is still alive and well even in progressive towns like Seattle. Hell, it's practically an American institution.

The reason why I am not a police officer now is because there is a very thin line you walk as a police officer between policeman and criminal, and all that power does corrupt a lot of officers. I saw it happen to people I had a lot of respect for, and I got disenfranchised very quickly. Even the good cops will lie for each other most of the time because if they don't, they are seen as an outsider and untrustworthy. That's why you hear so many stories after a police officer retires or passes on of all the stuff that went on that they aren't so proud of. There are some really great cops out there that are on the up and up, and are outstanding citizens and great protectors, but it's a 50/50 thing and this guy was clearly not in his right mind.
this is why australia has statitory bodies like the OPI (office of police integrity) and the DPP WILL procute police officers who are corupt. Even before the OPI existed this was the case, my parents were reasonably close friends with a police officer who was in the homicide squad and went on to be incharge of the major crash squad. However when he was in homicide he and 7 (i think) other officers were set up for a murder commited by members of the narcotics squad (i was quite young so i may not get the details right). He went on trial and was found not guilty in the end because he was innocent but the actual perpertrators were convicted. The state goverments, the DPP and the police brass themselves all have no tolerance for corupt officers
this is why australia has statitory bodies like the OPI (office of police integrity) and the DPP WILL procute police officers who are corupt. .....

We have the same thing in the USA, Asguard, but even in the wonderous land of Aussies, one has to catch the bad guys before they can be indicted and brought to trial. Or don't you believe in due process? Or do you believe in the process we have here at SciForums ...conviction by YouTube or simple accusation?

Baron Max