138 Signs Of The Day Of Judgement (list)


Registered Senior Member
this is a list of signs of doomsday in the Quran. almost ALL have come true. i have made some bold. IF YOU WANT MORE INFO ON EACH SPECIFIC ONE JUST REQUEST IT ON A REPLY AND I WILL GIVE YOU INFO.
i will later make another bunch of prophicies that have COME TRUE VERY RECENTLY and have loads of detail. SOME OF THEM HAVE COME TRUE THIS YEAR :eek:

1 The Splitting of the Moon
2 Iran-Iraq War
3 A Great Battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates
4 The Occupation of Afghanistan (1979-88 by Russia)
5 Afghanistans vast natural resources (discovered lately)5 Stopping the Flow of the Euphrates river
6 Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Ramadan
7 The Rise of a Comet from east AFTER the eclipse (1986 halleys comet)
8 Storming the Ka`ba and the Subsequent Bloodshed (1979 and 86)
9 Sighting a Flare in the East 10 A Sign Out of the Sun
11 The Solar Eclipse
12 Change of the Systems
13 A Tribulation of Dust and Smoke
14 The Emergence of Widespread Slaughter
15 The Killing of the Kings of Damascus and Egypt
16 The Killing of Abdullah, the FormerKing of Jordan
17 The Enslavement of the Egyptians
18 Destruction of Great Cities
19 The Rebuilding of Ruined Places
20 The Fourth Peace and Arab-Israel Peace Agreement
21 The Loss of an Army
22 No money will be left to the Iraqis
23 Flames Destroy Homes in Baghdad
24 Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks
25 An Embargo against Iraq and Damascus
26 The Restructuring of Iraq
27 The People of Iraq Flee to Damascus and the North
28 Tribulation (Fitnah) in Damascus
29 Chaos in Damascus, Iraq and Arabia
30 The Division of Iraq into Three Parts
31 War On Streets
32 War Between Muslims and Jews
33 The Killing of Innocent Children
34 Pervasive Corruption
35 A Fitnah (tribulation) Spreads Everywhere
36 Religious Prohibitions Gaining Acceptance
37 Openly Denying God
38 Taking other gods as Deities other than God
39 A Sign of the Spread of Materialism
40 Days of Anarchy and Chaos
41 Absence of Peace
42 Revolutions
43 People Flee From One Another in Confusion
44 Pervasion of Chaos and Conflicts All Around the World
45 The Occurrence of Great and Astonishing
46 The Situation of Some Muslims
47 The Current Situation of the Islamic World
48 Wars Between Muslims
49 The Violent Woes to Which Muslims are Subjected
50 The Killing of the Innocent
51 [/B]People Killed for No Reason
52 Corruption that Cause Conflicts Everywhere
53 Loss of Hope in the Mahdi
54 Poverty and Hunger
55 Drought
56 A Weakening Economy in Specific Years [/B]
57 The Cutting of Trade and Roads
58 Decreased Earnings
59The Division of National Wealth Amongst the Rich(big increase in 40 years)
60An Increase in the Number of Earthquakes (very big increase within 100 years)
61 Collapse of Earth
62Conversion of Homes into Graves
63 Winds and Tornadoes
64Violent Rain
65 An Increase in the Number of Lightnings
66 The Rejection of the True Religion and the Moral Values of the Qur'an
67 Not Pondering over the Qur'an in the way it should be pondered
68 Muslims' yearning for non-Muslims
69 Fitnahs (tribulation) Alienating People from the Qur'an
70 Propagandists Distancing People From the Morality of Islam
71 Hypocritical and Fraudulent Clergy
72 Degeneration amongst Politicians
73 Abandoning "Enjoining the Good and Forbidding Wrong" as an Act of Worship
74 Good Is Confused with Evil
75 Close People Will Encourage One Another to Evil
76 The Number of True Believers Being Very Few in Number
77 Use of Mosques and Masjids for Different Purposes
78 Appearance of People Who read the Qur'an for Personal Benefits
79 Faith in Horoscope and Refutation of Fate
80 Performing the Hajj (the Pilgrimage to Makkah) for Purposes Other than God's Good Pleasure
81 People's Proneness to the Desires of their Lower Selves
82 Social Deterioration
83 Adherence to traitors, Considering the Righteous as Treacherous 84 Diminishing of the Reliable People
85 Diminishing of the Trustworthy People
86 Abandonce of Giving Alms
87 Abandonment of Salah (Prayers)
88 Spread of False Testimony and Slanders
89 Giving Positions of Responsibility to Incompetent People
90 Considering the Superiority to be in Wealth Rather than the Fear of God

91 The Decay of Human Relations
92 People who value their pets more than people 93 The Decay of Family Relations
94 Diminishing of the Love and Respect Among People
95 Weakening of the Family Structure (i in 2 marrages end in divroce now)
96 Increase in Worldly Ambitions
97 Prevalence of Hypocrisy and Ostentation
98 Spread of Curse and Abuse
99 Spread of Forgery and Bribery
100 Increase of Gossip and Derision
101 Some Young People Turn Away from the Morality of Religion
102 The Collapse of Moral Values
103 Spread of Adultery
104 Acceptance of Homosexuality (california allows them to get maried)
105 Epidemics
106 Reports of Sudden Death Will Multiply
107 An Increase in Murders
108 Increase in Suicides
109 Civil Wars and Conflicts
110 An Increase in Literacy
111 Time Grows Short
112 Increase in Urbanization
113 The Construction of Tall Buildings
114 The Close Approach of the Markets
115 Speaking by Means of the Whip
116 The Speaking of One's Own Voice
117 A Hand from the Firmament
118 Increased Productivity
119 The Greening of the Deserts
120 Increased Life Expectancy

121 The appearance of false Messiahs foretells the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)


THESE are sign in the bible and torah. i have said this becasue these 2 books were revealed buy the same God but later altered by man, so the Quran was finally sent down. here they go.

122 The Emergence of False Messiahs
123 Some People Lose Hope in the Coming of the Messiah
124 A Rise in the Number of Earthquakes
125 Famine
126 Major Wars Break Out
127 Love is Diminished and Anger and Hatred Increase
128 People Move away from the Moral Values of Religion
129 Disasters Inflict Terrible Suffering
130 The Spread of Epidemics
131 Appearance of People Who Exploit the Religion For Their Personal Interests
132 The Appearance of Portents in the Sun and Moon
133 Extraordinary Events Take Place in the Sky
134 Moral Degeneration
135 The Oppression of True Believers
136 The Emergence of Corruption Which True Believers Should Avoid
137 Events Which Inflict Pain and Suffering
138 The Coming of AntiChrist
almost all of these events HAVE COME TRUE if anyone wants more info on a certain prophecy above just state it and i will give you info about it.
Ebony said:
very interesting

isn't it. like i said, ill post another article with events that are VERY SPECIFIC and have happened very recenbtly (some this year) and that are prophicised 1400 years ago in the Quran.
Why does this ridiculous list exposing religious propaganda and paranoia get posted once a week? :m: :m:
Interesting how some people would buy into these dumb prophecies. I would also like to make a prophecy:

1. Violent thunderstorm
2. Earthquake in Japan
3. Homes destroyed by water
4. Civil war in Saudi Arabia
5. Terrorist attack in U.K.
6. Famine in India
7. The talking gun
Preacher X,

Most of these things are just part of every day life and not unexpected world events. It does not take a prophet to predict that wars will occur, or there will be epidemics, etc.

These predictions are as useful as stating that we expect the sun to rise tomorrow.

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Katazia said:
Most of these things are just part of every day life and not unexpected world events. It does not take a prophet to predict that wars will occur, or there will be epidemics, etc.

These predictions are as useful as stating that we expect the sun to rise tomorrow.


What if there is no tomorrow? Repetitiveness + Time = Complacency eh?

THESE are sign in the bible and torah. i have said this becasue these 2 books were revealed buy the same God but later altered by man, so the Quran was finally sent down. here they go.

God does not need repeat Himself (He won't send down His word and then later decide to send another one).

You are showing some shocking ignorance there. What you are stupidly saying is that God ALMIGHTY, KING OF ALL THE HEAVENS IN ALL HIS WISDOM, "revealed" 2 books to man, but the books were just not good enough, aka imperfect, and because of that He had to send a third book.

Do you see just how inconsistent your statement is with the true God? He CANNOT have "revealed" THREE books, not even two. Unless you are saying God is not perfect, or that God did not foresee your so called altering by man, so that He had to "reveal" a third book because man had made His PERFECT, UNERRANT Word fallible, I suggest you take your head out of the sand.
§outh§tar said:
You are showing some shocking ignorance there. What you are stupidly saying is that God ALMIGHTY, KING OF ALL THE HEAVENS IN ALL HIS WISDOM, "revealed" 2 books to man, but the books were just not good enough, aka imperfect, and because of that He had to send a third book.

And by that islamic logic expect the third book to get corrupted as well. And this "god" would have to send another "last prophet". I wonder if Allah was somewhat related to Forest Gump. :D
DoctorNO said:
And by that islamic logic expect the third book to get corrupted as well. And this "god" would have to send another "last prophet". I wonder if Allah was somewhat related to Forest Gump. :D


And I'm sure this time, it will REALLY REALLY REALLY be the last prophet, no jokes this time. :rolleyes:
DoctorNO said:
Interesting how some people would buy into these dumb prophecies. I would also like to make a prophecy:

1. Violent thunderstorm
2. Earthquake in Japan
3. Homes destroyed by water
4. Civil war in Saudi Arabia
5. Terrorist attack in U.K.
6. Famine in India
7. The talking gun

that is stupid becasue you are looking at the situation now but these prophicies were made 1400 years ago.

who on earth would think 1400 years ago that "iraq will have a war with Iran" and would they know "neither side will be victorous"(no side claimed victory). well?

also another prophecy was that there will be two lunar eclipses in RAMADAN spaced out by 14-15 DAYS, they will REPAEAT 2 time JUST LIKE THIS HAPPENED IN 2002!!!! :D it was immpossible to calculate this 1400 years ago!!!

How did the Quran state that Iraq has a "HIDDEN mountain of gold" (oil) and oneday an enemy will attack it for the mountain of gold (america)

also it predidcted Afhanistan's VAST natural resources!!

how did it predict Israeli-arab peace talks, zionist occuptaion, arab-jew war? how?

how did it prophiscize the BREAKING UP OF IRAQ IN THREE PARTS (like the one done in the GULF WAR's development of 32nd and 36th parrallel
Of course if there had ever been an inteligent god he would have sent a differnt book already translated into every language so that man wouldn't have introduced all the, somewhat large re-interpretations, during repeated translations.

But then the Islamic/Judeo/Christian gods are beyond logic and reason and we have no right to expect common sense solutions from these myths.

Preacher_X said:
that is stupid becasue you are looking at the situation now but these prophicies were made 1400 years ago.

who on earth would think 1400 years ago that "iraq will have a war with Iran" and would they know "neither side will be victorous"(no side claimed victory). well?

also another prophecy was that there will be two lunar eclipses in RAMADAN spaced out by 14-15 DAYS, they will REPAEAT 2 time JUST LIKE THIS HAPPENED IN 2002!!!! :D it was immpossible to calculate this 1400 years ago!!!

How did the Quran state that Iraq has a "HIDDEN mountain of gold" (oil) and oneday an enemy will attack it for the mountain of gold (america)

also it predidcted Afhanistan's VAST natural resources!!

how did it predict Israeli-arab peace talks, zionist occuptaion, arab-jew war? how?

how did it prophiscize the BREAKING UP OF IRAQ IN THREE PARTS (like the one done in the GULF WAR's development of 32nd and 36th parrallel

The same way supporters of Nastradamus do:

Wait till the event happens, and then say "Oh yes! He must have certainly been alluding to this or that when he said this!"

Gee.. if you are so sure, why don't you tell me something that is going to happen and let me actually see it happen? Is that grumbling I hear?

So let's see the actual texts from 1400 years ago that says these things - at the moment we only have your assertions, which so far are baseless.

Preacher_X said:
that is stupid becasue you are looking at the situation now but these prophicies were made 1400 years ago.

My friend there already was an "iran-iraq war" 2400 years ago.

"vast natural resources" are found almost everywhere if you look deeply enough.

"Lunar and solar eclipses" are bound to happen everywhere given enough time.

"Widespread slaughter" had been happening since man discovered how to use a club.

There are many numbers of arab-israel agreement. #4 is nothing special.

Iraq has been restructured so many times even before the birth of mohammad

I can go on and on and on.

Admit it, buddy. Your list was quite stupid. :D
DoctorNO said:
My friend there already was an "iran-iraq war" 2400 years ago.

The prophecy stated that tulmult in 10th Islamic month, talks of war in the 11th and actual war in 12th and these ALL happened in this order. also "both sides will be deprieved of victory" and as you know, no side clamied vicotory in the war. also it was stated that after this the iraqi people will be peniless and without food. this is refferring to the 12 years of sanctions.

DoctorNO said:
"vast natural resources" are found almost everywhere if you look deeply enough.
notice the word VAST. their aren't vasy resources just anywhere dumbo. the Quran describes that their is a big treasure in Afghanistan worth loads of money but it is not convdentioal treasure like gold or silver. this is a perfect example of Afgahnistans natural resources.
DoctorNO said:
"Lunar and solar eclipses" are bound to happen everywhere given enough time.
Yes they are bound to happen but the Quran stated that TWO LUNAR eclipses will happen in the month of RAMADAN and will be 15 days apart just as the eclipse was in 2002!!!!
DoctorNO said:
"Widespread slaughter" had been happening since man discovered how to use a club.
true. but look at how the rates of murder increase in this century alone. and with the invention of guns,bombs and nukes widespread slaughter has skyrocketed. in this century alone well over 120,000,000 have been killed!!
DoctorNO said:
There are many numbers of arab-israel agreement. #4 is nothing special.
Abu Naim narrated from Abu Umame’: , Our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) commanded: There will be four (periods of) peace with you and people (in one copy, this is referred as the Greeks), the fourth peace, which lasts for seven years, will be through a person from the people of the Heraclius They said: “The Prophet, who is the imam (leader) of people on that day?” He (may God bless him and grant him peace) said: “Mahdi, a man of fory from my descent.”
(The Signs of the Last Day, Osman Catakli, 299/8)

In the hadith, one of the signs of Mahdi who will remain on Earth with the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), is given. According to this sign, a forth peace aggrement will be signed between those who are Muslims and those who are not and this aggrement will last for seven years. At the end of this period, Mahdi will appear. According to general conviction, “the forth peace-aggrement” mentioned in the hadith is the Camp David aggrement signed between USA-Israel and Egypt in 1979.
DoctorNO said:
Iraq has been restructured so many times even before the birth of mohammad

it means after the war where people seek refuge in Shaam (like Iran-Iraq war!!!!) :D
DoctorNO said:
My friend there already was an "iran-iraq war" 2400 years ago.

The prophecy stated that tulmult in 10th Islamic month, talks of war in the 11th and actual war in 12th and these ALL happened in this order. also "both sides will be deprieved of victory" and as you know, no side clamied vicotory in the war. also it was stated that after this the iraqi people will be peniless and without food. this is refferring to the 12 years of sanctions.
DoctorNO said:
"vast natural resources" are found almost everywhere if you look deeply enough.
DoctorNO said:
Interesting how some people would buy into these dumb prophecies. I would also like to make a prophecy:

1. Violent thunderstorm
2. Earthquake in Japan
3. Homes destroyed by water
4. Civil war in Saudi Arabia
5. Terrorist attack in U.K.
6. Famine in India
7. The talking gun

1. Not specific enough, where in the world? what type? what date?
2. That is very likely to happen anyway but the Prophecy in the Quran of a comet coming from the east, after the eclipse is unpredictable but it DID HAPPEN to Halleys comety in 1986.
3. Again not specific at all. (like is said if you want more info on each prophecy the Quran made then just ask me)
4. Not specific but the Quran was VERY specific on the Iran-Iraq war, it said that talmut will rise in 10th islamic month, 11th month will be talks of war and 12th month will be war - EXACTLY how it happened!! also it said "neither side will gain victory" and as you know, in the war neither side claimed victory in the long battle!!!
5. not specifc once again,
6. That is likely anyway, but the prophecy of an embargo against Iraq and Damscaus isn't but that was prophisiced and came true.
7. ok then :eek: