12yo pregnancy


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
12yo pregnancy: 'DoCS should have done more'

By Simon Santow for AM
ABC News
Posted Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:46am AEST
Updated Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:30pm AEST

A political row has erupted in New South Wales over the case of a 12-year-old girl who has become pregnant to her 15-year-old boyfriend.

The girl's father had his pleas for intervention ignored by welfare agencies after learning the two adolescents were sleeping in the same bed at the home of the girl's mother.

From a broken home in the western New South Wales town of Dubbo, the 12-year-old was already living among mental illness and violence and is now pregnant to her teenage boyfriend.

The Department of Community Services (DoCS) stands accused of sitting back and not taking seriously pleas made by the father of the girl to intervene in a situation where pre-teenage pregnancy was a distinct possibility.

In desperation, the father went to police and his local MP to try and prevent what he could see happening.

Police hands were tied, no charges could be laid as both adolescents were under the age of consent and they both argued it was consensual anyway.

New South Wales Community Services Minister Linda Burney admits her department should have done more for the family.

"I am of the view, as is the department, that there should have been more strident intervention than what happened," she said.

"The father did contact Community Services in early March. There was some investigation but clearly not enough was done and I want to acknowledge that.

"This is a very difficult family dynamic and at the time I am advised that the father made the call to Community Services expressing his concern."

Ms Burney says at the time of the complaint the department was dealing with some more serious cases.

"In terms of competing priorities, it was determined that there were other cases more urgent and my advice is that there was some very severe neglect and abuse cases being dealt with at the time," she said.

"But even given that, I acknowledge that DoCS could have done a lot more than what they have done in terms of this young woman."

'Over-stretched system'

Ms Burney says funding in today's State Budget will help to improve what she says is an 'over-stretched' system.

"What I am saying is that one of the reasons that the budget today will deliver $520 million additionally to child protection in New South Wales is because the system is over-stretched," she said.

"I have acknowledged that on a number of occasions."

But the Opposition's community services spokeswoman, Pru Goward, says this is not the only case of its kind.

"I don't think it is an isolated case. I think DoCS often when it gets reports from parents like this, ignores the advice of the family, ignores the advice of the foster carer and prefers to let the child have its head," she said.

"We all know how difficult teenage girls can be but that is not an excuse.

"If the family had been assisted in looking after this girl, if there had been intervention early in the piece, we might not be now facing what is a terrible tragedy for her and her unborn child."

Ms Goward says having enough resources is one thing, but it is entirely another to have confidence that they are being directed to the right people in a timely way.

"The key to this is that the family had a problem and asked DoCS to help them and DoCS' answer was, 'we know best what to do for this child'," she said.

"There is no one agency or person that knows what is best for a teenage girl in these circumstances and the department should have been working with that family instead of against it."

Now this is a stupid incident and DOCS SHOULD have been able to to help (at least by requiring that she be injected with the long acting version of the pill) but thats not what this thread is about.

The girl is oviously 12 and the boy is 15

I was lissioning to an artical on ABC local (adelaide) about this story and Mat Abraham was interviewing a women from a child abuse advocasy group. Though she was quite willing to say this is a case of NEGLECT (wether criminal or not) on the part of the mother and DOCS, even when prompted by Mat she REFUSED to catigorically state it wasnt a case of sexual abuse concidering the ages of both parties and the concentual nature of the relationship. I was left wondering what she wanted, did she want them both charged with sexual abuse of a minor? just the boy? and what right does the state or the parents actually have to do more than guide in cases like this anyway. Sexuality is SOLY the provence of the people involved. No one can give consent for you and there for no one should be able to REFUSE consent on your behalf either. Oviously these children were not well informed about the risks associated with sex and that is where the failure is in my mind at least NOT in the fact they were doing it
Sad case only because the girl and boy are not mature enough to raise a child, but them having sex I have no problem with. I guess the mother will have to help raise the baby which often happens with teen pregnancy as the price the parents pay for them not taking appropriate steps to safe guard against such an outcome.

I wonder why the father didn’t do more like talk with the boy’s parents or keep the boy away from his daughter after all it’s his daughter too.

Yes I agree 5 years old is a little too young for sex education, not to mention the condoms are way too big for five year olds to practice with.
(that’s a joke if you didn’t get it)

if you say that they shouldnt have been stopped from having sex what difference would talking to the boys parents have made? He was living with the girl (maybe he didnt have parents, i dont know, alot of infomation in child cases is kept secret to protect them)

if you say that they shouldnt have been stopped from having sex what difference would talking to the boys parents have made? He was living with the girl (maybe he didnt have parents, i dont know, alot of infomation in child cases is kept secret to protect them)

Just because I don’t have a problem with them having sex this isn’t my child in this situation and therefore this is different than what this father clearly wants for his child. The father if he was that concerned should have tried talking to the boy’s parents and even the boy or both the kids together, again we don’t have all the facts.

All this article said was they were sleeping in the same bed at the mother house, this didn’t say he was living there or that the mother approved. Does “sleeping” in this case refer to sex or actual sleeping as living there? It wasn’t clear to me.

When I was a teen I was sleeping in my GF’s bed at her mother’s house but I wasn’t living there or sleeping in the real sense of the word. I did spend so much time there that I guess it could be considered practically living there. And the sleeping we did was when her mother was at work and we were alone after school. Thank god I didn’t get her pregnant because we didn’t last but man the sex we had was hot and passionate.
um as far as im aware he was living there based on the radio reports but you could be right
Why couldn't the father file for custody? Then he could have parented and protected his daughter from this. It sounds as if the mother let parenting go right out the window.
That’s what I mean by we don’t have all the facts, and the media only prints juicy stories for the attention they get regardless of the facts.
in cases like these they are also restricted from reporting alot of the detailes however as i said at the start it wasnt the story i was interested in, it was the stupid comments made by the avocasy groups spokes person.

As i said the interviewer actually gave her a very pointed and specific opotunity to rule out this being sexual abuse and she refused
Why would there be any suspicion of abuse if both admitted to being together and they've been sleeping in the same bed?
We should lower the age of consent to 14, and that would force parents to educate them at a younger age.

what a stupid idea!!

sensible perants do educate they're kids about sex, however lower the age of consent would be a stupid thing to do,
How many kids under 16 are having sex ?, Is the number not increasing everyday ?

If you lower the age, the amount of kids having sex below it will probably not decrease.
And you might be forgetting that sex can result in babies. We don't want an increase in 14 year old moms, do we ?
If you lower the age, the amount of kids having sex below it will probably not decrease.
And you might be forgetting that sex can result in babies. We don't want an increase in 14 year old moms, do we ?
But aren't we getting one regardless?
that doesnt mean we should make it legal for them does it?

Perhaps we should make it legal for them to have sex with kids their own age.
bottom line, you are not going to stop kids from having sex as soon as they hit puberty.
Sad case only because the girl and boy are not mature enough to raise a child, but them having sex I have no problem with. I guess the mother will have to help raise the baby which often happens with teen pregnancy as the price the parents pay for them not taking appropriate steps to safe guard against such an outcome.

How can you be all right with a twelve year old having sex? She's super prone to STD's and STI's, and is more likely to suffer pregnancy/birth complications. I'm one of the most sexually liberated people I know, but this is totally unacceptable. It's an issue of health. My twelve year old daughter will be educated to know these risks, and when she's old enough, her mother will get her birth control.