12 reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

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Yorda said:
...a symbolic thing, a hope, but everyone should have the right to do so.

Everyone??? Like a father and his daughter? A son and his mother? A sister and her brother? Two people UNDER eighteen?

See? We have laws! YOU might not feel that some of those laws are "right", but it seems that most people do. YOU want to change ONE of those laws, but seem unwilling to change the others. If homos can marry, then how can we not allow the others to marry?

And please understand, this isn't about EQUATING incest with homosexuality, it's about different sexaul deviants, that's all. Homos are one group of deviants, incestuous and underage people are another group.

But I can relax some now ....Texas won't allow gays and lesbians to marry ...a new law was signed just the other day.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
We have, I believe, a representative, republic government in this country and if it DOES NOT represent "The People", then who the fuck DOES it represent? If the great, ignorant, unbathed voters elect governmental representatives to REPRESENT them, then shouldn't those representatives actually represent the voters?
Heh!... That's beautiful Max. Really stunning.

Every 'representative, republic government' represents those who bankrolled and financed their campaign and their rise to power. The people mean diddly squat. You may have elected the little monkey in power, but the little monkey is not really representing you. That's an illusion. He represents those with the $ who financed him onto the highest branch in the tree.
Baron Max said:
Everyone??? Like a father and his daughter? A son and his mother? A sister and her brother? Two people UNDER eighteen?

Yeah, if they really want to do that, who THEY marry is none of MY concern... everyone have their own life, and they're free to do what they want with it. They don't do me any harm by marrying. I don't need to categorize people so much.

Maybe you think i sound crazy or something, but maybe i just don't understand.
Yorda said:
Maybe you think i sound crazy or something, but maybe i just don't understand.

No, I don't think you sound crazy at all. And your approach to the issue is fine with me. But as you must know, it's NOT fine with other people. So ...which group is "...free to do what they want..."?

Some people feel "threatened" by the gays marriages (incest, SM, and a whole bunch of other things) and, if so, shouldn't they also have some say on the issue? I mean, we can argue about it all day long, every day, but isn't that at the heart of the issue? ...should our society permit gays and lesbians to marry? Some say 'yes', some say 'no'. So why don't we invent "gay-arriages", then everyone would be happy, wouldn't they?

Baron Max
Mr Anonymous said:
No one should have to justify themselves in terms of either sexuality, race, colour or creed (paedophilia excluded, naturally).

So ....why exclude pedophilia? Ain't it just a crime because of a MAN-MADE, SOCIAL law? And if so, why can't we change THAT law in the same why the gays want to change the marriage laws????? What the fuck is the difference? Please explain that to me.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
But aren't all of us "...disinterested ignorant unwashed morons..." part of "We, The People"? Just because we don't bathe and we're ignorant and uninterested, aren't we permitted to vote for our representatives?

Yes, you are, and that's the problem. You've got your heads stuck too far up your asses to realize that you aren't qualified to make an intelligent decision about these sorts of issues, but you go ahead and do it anyway. This has more to do with passing specific state measures than electing representatives, as there can be many reasons you'd rather have one person in office than another, so things are a bit more complicated, but I suppose it can still hold true, especially when say most of Ohio votes for Bush who’s just going to ensure that everyone in Ohio looses their job anyhow. That’s a kind of poetic justice.

Baron Max said:
We have, I believe, a representative, republic government in this country and if it DOES NOT represent "The People", then who the fuck DOES it represent?

This question is so detrimental to your own argument that I'm having a hard time wondering why you wrote it. First off, yes, good point about the US being a republic and all. . . doesn't that kind of mean we try to get the people best suited for the job in their place? Also, if our government is meant to serve "the people" assuming that's all of the people, then why is specific legislation being written just to screw over some specific group of the people who are only looking for a right that wouldn't effect anyone else and help to put them at even with the rest of the citizenry?

Critical thinking is fun, you should probably do a bit of it yourself before tearing your own argument down around yourself. You might even come to rational conclusions rather than ones based upon the urge to crush your fellow man for his differences.

Baron Max said:
Oh, don't know if you know it, but Texas changed it's laws .....ain't gonna' be no stinkin' homo marriages in Texas no more!! Power to the people! ;=)

Well that's not much of a change, now is it? Same-sex marriage is already illegal in every state except for Massachusetts (and possibly soon California) for years and years. Texas is no different. All that these constitutional amendments are doing is making it even more illegal or denying even the possibility of giving some legal rights to same-sex couples. When it comes down to it not much is actually changing, moronic "values voters" are just setting up a precedent of oppression and abuse of the legislative system which could very well come back to bite them in the ass when the pendulum swings the other way.

Also, that's just assuming that Texas did recently amend it's constitution (which I haven't heard) and you're not just confusing the recent legislation in Texas which prohibits homosexuals from getting into the foster care system (rather likely as I doubt you pay much attention to actual current events, but instead just listen to sound bites and form a view of the world that Limbaugh Scarborough and the fox news pundits draw for ya).
Mr Anonymous said:
Unless you've had some dumb ass accuse you of posting a series of reasons why gays should be allowed to marry.

I'm not being one of them, okay? Good.

Right it's moot at this point, I got it at your second post.
Baron Max said:
Some people feel "threatened" by the gays marriages (incest, SM, and a whole bunch of other things) and, if so, shouldn't they also have some say on the issue?

More people don't seem to dislike or simply not care about NASCAR than are avid fans. Maybe we should put it to a vote and see if we can ban NASCAR because those trucker hats and fast cars going in circles makes a lot of people uncomfortable.

Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't necessarily mean that they have any business having any say in it at all. That's nothing but mob rule. I find it supremely arrogant that anyone should think that they've got the authority to push people around and fuck with very fundamental aspects of the lives and families of other people just because they feel self important and righteous.

Baron Max said:
So ....why exclude pedophilia? Ain't it just a crime because of a MAN-MADE, SOCIAL law?

Only if you discount the physical and psychological trauma and developmental issues which occur to the abused child. Unlike same-sex marriage or mutually consensual sodomy, with pedophilia there is a clear victim and perpetrator. The no harm, no fowl rule can’t apply to pedophilia.

Seriously, sometimes I think that you don’t think about what you’re going to say for even a moment before you write it down and hit submit.

Logic and reason should generaly play a role in law like this. "hey you're really screwing that kid up, he won't stop crying and come out of that darkend basement" is a better reason to pass a law then, "Hey you two are really happy together but me and cletus thing you're a buncha' amoral doody heads!"
Baron Max said:
Some people feel "threatened" by the gays marriages (incest, SM, and a whole bunch of other things) and, if so, shouldn't they also have some say on the issue?

Whaddya mean they feel "threatened"??

Some say 'yes', some say 'no'. So why don't we invent "gay-arriages", then everyone would be happy, wouldn't they?

When we're moving into a new age, people are always arguing... some people are trying to hold on to the old "laws", but the power is going from them, as the new generation comes. The new thoughts will replace the old ones and the new age begins, nothing can stop it.

gay marriages? for me there's no such things as gay people. they're all just people, and should be treated so.
Yorda said:
Whaddya mean they feel "threatened"??

They're a bunch of bleading hearts who want big government to step in and start banning things and getting right in people's faces just because something makes them "feel" bad. boo hooo!
:eek: I remember this thread.

Baron Max said:
Everyone??? Like a father and his daughter? A son and his mother? A sister and her brother? Two people UNDER eighteen?
Unlike you, I don't let something that makes me uncomfortable make me decide to be against it. A parent and their kid, or siblings, marrying might get to me, but really, I've been indoctrined to believe that sort of thing is wrong, just like you've probably been indoctrined to believe homosexuality is wrong.

If a parent and their (grown-up) child, siblings, or two of the same sex are consenting couples, then I don't see a reason why we should act on whatever insecurities we may have.

I've been trying to look at things with my own eyes lately. One thing you quickly realize while doing that is that everything we all may believe is usually just the consequence of growing up in an environment where those same beliefs are the status quo.

It's interesting, and to me odd, that you think people under eighteen shouldn't be able to marry each other.
it depends on the person and a person has got the right to decide on his own life...
yank said:
a person has got the right to decide on his own life...

Interesting theory you've got there. But whatever will we do without bureaucrats to dictate our lives to us? It'd be chaos. I don't think you've thought this through all the way!
Mystech said:
But whatever will we do without bureaucrats to dictate our lives to us? It'd be chaos.

i think it would be cool, even if it would be chaos... it would calm down later anyway.
john smith said:
Are you fucking insane, ...

You didn't actually READ my post did you? Go back and take your time, cool off a little, then read what the words actually say ....don't read into it more than is actually there. (Hint: it's about LAWS, nothing else!)

Baron Max
Yorda said:
i think it would be cool, even if it would be chaos... it would calm down later anyway.

Sure, but after how many people were killed, maimed and starved to death? Is that cool, too?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
So ....why exclude pedophilia? Ain't it just a crime because of a MAN-MADE, SOCIAL law? And if so, why can't we change THAT law in the same why the gays want to change the marriage laws????? What the fuck is the difference? Please explain that to me.

Baron Max
Because pedophilia is disasterous to kids, who are more easily exploited.
Baron Max said:
(Hint: it's about LAWS, nothing else!)

What part of it is about laws, exactly? All you did was say that you weren't comparing homosexuality to pedophilia and then proceeded to compare same sex marriage to pedophilia.
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