12 reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

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GuessWho said:
Men are not created to be with men and neither women to be with women for any purpose including sexual pleasures.

It's a good thing that people like you are born with a flat out unquestionable monopoly on the truth. It makes it a lot easier for you to take positions that take ridiculously intrusive and irrational liberties with the extent that it is fair to dictate the lives of others.

If I may be allowed to spin your comment here (I really should go into advertising) what I just heard was that Homosexuality is the only 100% effective form of birth control. I should see about printing up some bumper stickers with that phrase or something.
"Men are created to be with women and vice versa for the main purpose of creating new generations."
humans only need to survive as a species, it doesnt matter if half of the population are gay, as long as the others have enough kids

"unfortunately, by mixing with gay familys ,and gay people,or even having a sexual fetish,and chosing to go after the same sex. after all people,have the strangest tastes."
lol, how did the first person become gay then??? :p
It's a good thing that people like you are born with a flat out unquestionable monopoly on the truth. It makes it a lot easier for you to take positions that take ridiculously intrusive and irrational liberties with the extent that it is fair to dictate the lives of others.
Just because you do not like it and call it "ridiculously intrusive and irrational...", it is still the undeniable truth!

lol, how did the first person become gay then??? :p
You have to find out from that first person. But seriously, there are people who biologically are born with the tendency of being gay so this was how it started. However, many gay people are not really born with this tendency but still become gay anyway just for the purpose of sexual pleasure.

By the way, this thread was about allowing gay people to be married. I do not support homosexuality but I still accept the fact that they have their rights to choose their lifestyles. Gay couples may legally call their living together as union partnership or whatever but marriage is already defined as a union between a man and a woman. If something like union partnership is not good enough for them, why do the gay people not just come up with another the word for their union? How about "garriage"?
Guess ... lemme see if I got this right? Some people become gay 'cause they enjoy the sex? Well, if they enjoy the gay sex, wouldn't that suggest that they have a biological predispositiuon towards it?

Oh, and you declaring something doesn't make it the undeniable truth anymore than all the pundits' predicitions make the Lakers the champs.
GuessWho said:
many gay people are not really born with this tendency but still become gay anyway just for the purpose of sexual pleasure.

Ok hold on, so some people just "Turn" gay for the sexual pleasure of it? But if these are people who were otherwise straight, then why the fuck would they just up and decide to "turn" gay? Wouldn't the be just as repulsed as anyone else by the idea of sleeping with someone of the same sex? You haven't thought this through very well, have you? Maybe they just naturally desire to have relations with members of the same sex just as straight people desire to have relations with members of the same sex. . . oh wait that would be a qualitative difference and they certainly didn't just will those desires into existence, now did they? Time to go back to school and pay attention during psy101 I guess.
I just looked at your website....you look like some dude that got hitched at a gay wedding on tv last week, although you were dressed as a bride then. Same sunglasses though...
StarOfEight and Mystech,

Oops! You guys got me on my "...for the purpose of sexual pleasure" comment :eek: . I think it is true that if it is for "sexual pleasure" then it should mean that these people already have a gay tendency. What I should have typed was "...for the purpose of satisfying their sexual curiosity."

Can any of you at least admit that the behind of a man is not there for the purpose of being penetrated by another man, and/or a woman is not created for the purpose of enjoying sex with another woman?

Anyway, back to the main topic, a man is not created for the purpose of marrying another man and a woman is not created for the purpose of marrying another woman. This is still the undeniable truth. It is not the same as saying that "the Lakers will win the finals" but that "the Lakers will play basketball."
Crackity Jones said:
I just looked at your website....you look like some dude that got hitched at a gay wedding on tv last week, although you were dressed as a bride then. Same sunglasses though...

Well don't worry, because that wasn't me. I assure you I'm still single. . . and those aren't even real sun-glasses, they're magnetic clip-ons for my perscription glasses. It's all a fabrication and misrepresentation! Also, I wouldn't dress like a bride if I were getting married, how tasteless!
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GuessWho said:
Can any of you at least admit that the behind of a man is not there for the purpose of being penetrated by another man, and/or a woman is not created for the purpose of enjoying sex with another woman?

I don't know, Guess, it seems to work pretty well, so I'm not sure where you're comming from with this. Saying that humans were created for any purpose is kind of wishy washy isn't it? Created for who's purpose? Were trees created for the purpose of letting us sit in they're shade, or do they just happen to have convenient shadows? This kind of after the fact rationalization is kind of subjective isn't it? There aren't many objective absolutes in the arena of human interactin and socialization.
Well, guesswho, if you are trying to force an intelligent design position, and imply that we weren’t "supposed" to be gay, then why is the prostate gland positioned where it is? Don't know what I'm talking about? Feel around in your rear, you can do it on the pretence of inspecting for colon cancer or whatever, when you find where your prostate is the discovery will probably be noted by a rapid ejaculation.

Though I must say your premise is comical. Like Mystech said, trees weren’t made to cast shadows, but they sure do, and we like to sit under them. My hands weren’t made to click a mouse, but I'll be damned if t hey aren’t good for it.
SPYMOOSE your the scientist here.
do men ejaulate, when there bowels are full, or not....

If not, why not.
I would be interested to know.

let me make it clear, I'm not picking fault with you, just asking a question.
I hope, you dont take it that way.
I don't know why a bowel movement does not stimulate in the same way, but I have suggested an experiment that can prove to you that anal penetration is extremely pleasurable for men. Should you conduct this experiment, and manually stimulate your prostate, you would surely loose the argument that men are not 'designed' to be pleasured in this homosexual way.
Guess - who's to say we were created for any purpose? If you want to believe that, go ahead, but don't pretend that's an adequate reason for denying people rights because what they do makes you uncomfortable.
StarOfEight said:
Guess - who's to say we were created for any purpose? If you want to believe that, go ahead, but don't pretend that's an adequate reason for denying people rights because what they do makes you uncomfortable.

I second that.
StarOfEight said:
Guess - who's to say we were created for any purpose? If you want to believe that, go ahead, but don't pretend that's an adequate reason for denying people rights because what they do makes you uncomfortable.

That’s the thing though, they believe it, so they aren’t pretending. They actually are that strange and dangerous! They really do think that a white guy with a beard sitting on a cloud is made deeply unhappy because some of us are in love with each other, so they want to do whatever they can to stop it. And for some reason this bearded guy on a cloud’s unhappiness is justification to piss off untold numbers of us. Hurray for the all loving, all creating god who apparently created something he doesn’t love so his other creations have to try to harass it. It makes a lot of sense.
StarOfEight said:
Guess ... lemme see if I got this right? Some people become gay 'cause they enjoy the sex? Well, if they enjoy the gay sex, wouldn't that suggest that they have a biological predispositiuon towards it?

Oh, and you declaring something doesn't make it the undeniable truth anymore than all the pundits' predicitions make the Lakers the champs.

I do believe Detroit took it home. :p
I am just kidding. It seems like every one is so certain that they know what choices other people should be making and that aggravates me to no end.
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