12 reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

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Dreamwalker said:
I would like to meet the guy who thought those 12 reasons up. If he really means what he says,.... well..., I would not take his wellbeing as an important aspect of this meeting. But I suppose it is just a joke (I hope), alas, I know some people with very similar ideas. :mad:

You do reaize that each of the reasons was meant to be sarcastic, right? If you take the tone correctly each is poking fun at popular arguments against same sex marriage.

immane1 said:

It's nice to see the very acceptance and tolerance you seek for your fellow gays is not extended by you. Instead, anyone who disagrees with you is a "village idiot". Nice.

Oh come off it. I call you names because that's the tone you've set for discourse with you, now live with it. It's called personal accountability. We'll see how amicable you are toward me when I smugly joke about shooting your people. You aren't worth much more than an ad hominem attack anyhow.

Kill kill kill the white man!
immane1 is the typical conservative troll around here, he starts calling names, then cites what a real telling shame it is that others call him names back. We're just trying to be your pal's immane1, trying to play the game you seem to want to play. Don't you see, the people don't want you to hate, we want you to love! Use your self proclaimed powers of joking for good, not random tomfoolery.
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Hey Moosey and Mystech,

I actually like you guys. This place would be pretty fucking boring without people like you. ;)

As far as being a troll, I am no more or no less of a troll than either of you two. As far as being a conservative, I'm no registered Republican, actually I'm an independent. Probably more of a Libertarian. I just find it more enjoyable to mix it up with liberals. I HATE the religious right. Jesse Ventura was right, organized religion is a sham. I could go on...

Now back to the subject. I really don't care if gays want to marry. Eventually it's going to happen. Heterosexual people have already fucked up the institution of marriage. I'm pretty sure over 50% of marriages end in divorce. This is hardly something one can defend.
We have a winner! Every one here with the exception of Frisbee, knows damn well the statement about shooting gays was a joke.
One should at least note that EM&J does not exist wholly in a vacuum. People are aware of your posts elsewhere, and by them you have framed a context for judging your posts which brings results you most obviously do not appreciate.

You'll notice that whether in green or black, with or without my mod hat, I've now addressed two issues in this topic that have to do with people being flippant and empty regarding sensitive topics. That flippancy is considered disrespectful by some because this is their lives they're talking about here.

To me, the brand of "humor" that I'm dealing with is roughly equivalent to being an audience member on a talk show, listening to a young woman describe years of sexual abuse, and then you stand up and say, "Did you like it better in the ass or in your mouth, baby? 'Cuz I've got one for you, you shagadelic little vixen!!" Sure, it's a joke, and perhaps it's appropriate to you in the comfort of your living room, but when you tell people that their suffering or frustration is only worth your amusement, they tend to take umbrage.
Mod Hat - Deletion

This post has been deleted for the following reasons:

• Profanity
• Lack of point
• Lack of contribution to the topic

I figured at least this time I should tell you why, so you don't make the mistake of posting that post again.
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immane1, try expressing the 'truth' in a way so that it has no profanity, contributes to the topic, and has a point. Perhaps then tiassa wouldn't delete it.

If tiassa is genuinely abusing his mod powers to censor you, then talking to Porfiry would be an option. :)
immane1, try expressing the 'truth' in a way so that it has no profanity, contributes to the topic, and has a point. Perhaps then tiassa wouldn't delete it.

"Did you like it better in the ass or in your mouth, baby?"

If tiassa is genuinely abusing his mod powers to censor you, then talking to Porfiry would be an option.

Thanks for the tip, I will.
I would just like to state that the following post in no way represents the views on gay marriage of the 15ofthe19 corporation, or any wholly owned subsidiaries. Enjoy. :D

Modern Marriage:

A scene at City Hall in Portland, or San Francisco, or anytown USA


"Good morning. We want to apply for a marriage license."


"Tim and Jim Jones."

"Jones? Are you related? I see a resemblance."

"Yes,we're brothers."

"Brothers? You can't get married."

"Why not? Aren't you giving marriage licenses to same gender couples?"

"Yes, thousands. But we haven't had any siblings. That's incest!"

"Incest?" No, we are not gay."

"Not gay? Then why do you want to get married?"

"For the financial benefits, of course. And we do love each

"Besides, we don't have any other prospects."

"But we're issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who've been denied equal protection under the law. If you are not gay, you can get married to a woman."

"Wait a minute. A gay man has the same right to marry a woman as I have.
But just because I'm straight doesn't mean I want to marry a woman. I want to marry Jim."

"And I want to marry Tim, Are you going to discriminate against us just because we are not gay?"

"All right, all right. I'll give you your license. Next."

"Hi. We are here to get married."


"John Smith, Jane James, Robert Green, and June Johnson."

"Who wants to marry whom?"

"We all want to marry each other."

"But there are four of you!"

"That's right. You see, we're all bisexual. I love Jane and Robert, Jane loves me and June, June loves Robert and Jane, and Robert loves June and me. All of us getting married together is the only way that we can express our sexual preferences in a marital relationship."

"But we've only been granting licenses to gay and lesbian couples."

"So you're discriminating against bisexuals!"

"No, it's just that, well, the traditional idea of marriage is that it's just for couples."

"Since when are you standing on tradition?"

"Well, I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere."

"Who says? There's no logical reason to limit marriage to couples. The more the better. Besides, we demand our rights! The mayor says the constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Give us a marriage license!"

"All right, all right. Next."

"Hello, I'd like a marriage license."

"In what names?"

"David Deets."

"And the other man?"

"That's all. I want to marry myself."

"Marry yourself? What do you mean?"

"Well, my psychiatrist says I have a dual personality, so I want to marry the two together. Maybe I can file a joint income-tax return."

"That does it! I quit!! You people are making a mockery of marriage!"
Mod Hat - General Considerations

I acknowledge an error in giving no comment whatsoever the first time I deleted the post, so I understand a certain amount of anger on Immane1's part at that.

Additionally, I suppose I could have heavily edited the post to one or two sentences, but then I would have left myself an opportunity not only to set the content of his post, but to then respond in black type as a poster.

That is not, in my opinion, the appropriate option: since I went so far as to put on my Mod Hat to defuse a relatively minor situation in the early going, the option of actually responding to that post would constitute a harsh reversal of policy invested in self-satisfaction. Maybe if I moderated "Politics," but not in a forum concerned with "Ethics, Morality & Justice." It's out of character with the forum.

One of the things I appreciate about the EM&J forum is that it's been a fairly easy run. People seem to understand the paradox that comes with being unethical in arguing ethics. (Immoral/morals and unjust/justice are a little more vague, and not as influential dualisms.)

Immane1 is welcome to respond to my post; it's just that I don't feel the post was really a "response," such as I noted with the three reasons for deletion.

It's not a zero-tolerance rule (see "Forum Rules"), but combined with the other two factors noted for the post deletion, profanity only hurts the argument against moderation.

And yes, anybody is welcome to appeal above me. If there's something I'm missing, then Sciforums can only get better if I know what it is.

Lastly ... I am a fan of the new Hat. I wore a purple one before. But this color is generally easy on the eyes (I'll have to see how this post looks; most of my mod posts are supposed to be shorter.) It just makes it easier for me to spot them.

I like how, by the time you get down to "David Deets," the clerk is presuming a non-traditional marriage. Subtle. Nice.
Hey Mystech,
I did notice the sarcasm in it, but as I admitted I know people who would argue likewise, and those really mean what they say. That is something I find frightening.

By the way, 15ofthe19, funny post, I really liked it.
hey 15, what’s stopping brothers and sisters from marrying now? I mean, if suddenly every brother in the world is going to want to get married if gay marriage is legalized, why aren’t strait incestual couples rushing to elope? Your story seems to assume that there is a tidal wave of incest just waiting to spill out into the courtrooms to get hitched, so where is it?
That's pretty much the argument that I have made when discussing this with people who oppose gay marriage. I have a sister, but I don't have any interest in marrying her, even if it might help us make ends meet financially.

I just think this is a state issue, and should be left at that.
15ofthe19 said:
I just think this is a state issue, and should be left at that.

Well, the federal government is undeniably involved in the whole thing, so I think it's fair for them to have some sway in the matter. Not involved are the legions of right-wingers who think that it’s their place, or the place of the masses to decide.
Mystech said:
Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
*is so shocked that she spits out Solo she was drinking* pfft, gah, shit i really did... euch... anyway, can anyone else see how incredibly stupid that statement is? I don't think that every gay person in the world is adopted or stepped and I used to know a girl who had lesbian parents and she was the straightest girl I know, parents aren't exactly touchy/feely/sexy around their children are they? Heh heh... I can't believe that statement... oh and, let's say that every gay mother had a gay son... what's that got to do with marriage? For this discussion we have to first accept (just for the sake of argument in THIS CASE) that gayness is acceptable and does exist, now about marriage people:
if straight parents raise straight children, how do people become gay
if straight parents raise straight children, how do people become gay
They don't.

There are no gay people.

This is really just a conspiracy to get you to believe in anything immediately before the Jewish Martians take over the interstellar cheese industry; didn't you know that HIV makes fabulous cheese, according to Reticulan food critic Zmaldergov Mdorkmi?

Remember, it's all in the name of commerce.
alain said:
if straight parents raise straight children, how do people become gay

Reverse the statement:

Gay children are raised by gay parents (or at least one gay parent) so how can gay parents have children?

Conclusion - gay people trick good old-fashioned heterosexual people into marriage or other forms of relationships and accidentily make a baby at one point in time. Now it becomes a gay lottery. Will the baby be gay or not?

na, that's bullshit.
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